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PostSubject: Directory of Characters Please do not delete this STaff   Directory of Characters Please do not delete this STaff I_icon_minitimeSun May 16, 2010 7:43 pm

Priscillaballerina31~Staff please do not delete this one! Ashley says she spent lots of time making this one on her own. so please check to see if any photos on here are copyrighted-thanks
Here is a directory of the main characters of Buildabearville. Enjoy!

The Big Names of Buildabearville

Main Clark and Maxine Clark CEB- Maxine Clark is the founder of buildabearville. She is one of the most known stuffed animal creators. She has two buildabearville accounts. MaxineClarkCEB and MaxineLuckyBear. MaxineClarkCEB is a bear and MaxineLuckyBear is a regular avatar that looks like maxine. When you see MaxineClarkCEB in buildabearville, make sure to say hi. She will give you a prize when you enter the room. Prizes change monthly. MaxineClarkCEB cannot accept trade requests, friend requests, and you cannot check her inventory. When you click her, a message appears saying that she is friends with all citizens of bearville. Maxine is great and a wonderful person. Directory of Characters Please do not delete this STaff Maxine

Bearemy- Bearemy is the main character of Buildabearville. He stands in Town Square and welcomes you. If you click him, it you can do the Bear Head quest or you can take a tour of Buildabearville. On special holidays, he even gives out free stuff!
Directory of Characters Please do not delete this STaff 1567bl0

ChloeRocks- Chloe is another main icon. When you create an account, she helps you create your character, choose a username, etc. She also gives you a tour through Buildabearville when you first log on. Chloe has her own show in BNN called the "Chloe Show". Chloe can sometimes even be seen around Buildabearville, so if you see her be sure to say hi. If you do see her, she will give you a special prize. Chloe comes out with a new prize every month. Chloe cannot accept trade requests, friend requests, and you cannot check her inventory. When you click her, a message appears saying that she is friends with all citizens of bearville.
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Pawlette Coufur- Pawlette is another big icon in Buildabearville. She stands outside of her very own store "Pawlette Coufur Boutique" on the Furbulous Fashion District. If you click her, she will ask you if you want to take the fashion test to choose the right clothing. If you win, you get a pawsome shirt. Sometimes on special days she gives out prizes. Next to her is the safety cone and if you click it, you can rake the Cyberbullying Quiz. In the quiz, pledge to saty safe and then if you answer correctly, you will earn a safety cone hat and a safety patrol sash.
Directory of Characters Please do not delete this STaff 29ut838

MiguelSunshine- Miguel is the head of the enviromental quests, challenges, and anything else that has to do with the enviroment he's there. Miguel helped out with 2009 Camp Happy Heart. If you see Miguel, be sure to say hi. When you enter the room he's in, he gives you a prize. Prizes change monthly. Miguel cannot accept trade requests, friend requests, and you cannot check his inventory. When you click him, a message appears saying that he is friends with all citizens of bearville. Miguel is in partnership with Green Tracks.
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Green Tracks- Green Tracks is partners with MiguelSunshine. He is apart ofthe enviromental acts in buildabearville. If you see him in buildabearville, be sure to say hi. When you enter the room he is in, you will get a prize. Prizes change monthly. Green Tracks cannot accept trade requests, friend requests, and you cannot check his inventory. When you click him, a message appears saying that he is friends with all citizens of bearville.
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Characters You Can Find Around Buildabearville

Brown Sugar Puppy- Brown Sugar Puppy can be found at the Skate Park. If you click him, he will ask you if you want to take the sports challenge. If you win, you win a huge trophy!
Directory of Characters Please do not delete this STaff Sugarpuppy

Sportsplex Panda- When you click the panda bear at the Sportsplex, you take the Fitness and Nutrition test. If you check them, you can get up to 100 bear bills!
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Ted the Tailor- Click on him in the "Pawletts Coufur Boutique" and he'll give you pawsome fashion advice! Directory of Characters Please do not delete this STaff Th_tailor

Champ- Champ works in Buildabear Workshop at the front desk. Click on him to redeem a prize, furry friend, or credits.
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AbbieBright- AbbieBright can be found throught Buildabearville every so often. She doesn't come around a lot so when she does, be sure to stop by. She doesnt announce when she comes usually. Click her to buy tickets so that you can open uo drawers and win pawsome and even exlusive prizes!
Directory of Characters Please do not delete this STaff Abbiebright

Library Cheetah- Click on him and you can go on animal adventure quests!
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I hope you found the guide helpful and useful! I'll post more if I find some (:
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PostSubject: Re: Directory of Characters Please do not delete this STaff   Directory of Characters Please do not delete this STaff I_icon_minitimeSun May 16, 2010 7:48 pm

Wow! Ashley Your very Helpful!
Thanks for the informations!
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