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Go on sign up & HAVE FUN WITH US Very Happy
Hullo,im bak [x Coolte12
Hello guests,
If you haven't already, sign up and have fun with us!!
Unfortunately you won't be able to write any comments or take part in our contests until you have singed up.
Go on sign up & HAVE FUN WITH US Very Happy
Hullo,im bak [x Coolte12
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 Hullo,im bak [x

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fluffy member
fluffy member

Posts : 215
Join date : 2011-01-16
Location : Im back babyyy! [[[[[[[[[x

Hullo,im bak [x Empty
PostSubject: Hullo,im bak [x   Hullo,im bak [x I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 11, 2011 4:54 pm

Eh,im swrry ive been gone for sooooooooooo long.Its jsut i luv dis other website
NOTE:I still play Bearville. x) Soooooooo,im swrry,and kewl new emoc!
Im soo Glad im bak Lyff! Hullo,im bak [x 12265
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http://BABV,Fantage,PetPetPark,Moshi Monsters.Thx! :)
pawsome poster
pawsome poster

Posts : 980
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Location : Italy

Hullo,im bak [x Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hullo,im bak [x   Hullo,im bak [x I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 21, 2011 8:59 pm

Welcome back Remember go on Bearville Globe to the new Babv lovers Smile This is not in USE ANYMORE!
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Hullo,im bak [x
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