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 Furry freind story! JOIN

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rockin' officer
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PostSubject: Furry freind story! JOIN   Furry freind story! JOIN I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 10, 2010 8:00 pm

Winner is Priscillaballerina31
if a can them can have it on the week of June 10-14 please

write a story of a furry friend you have or you want you can add pictures if you want!(adding pictures will not give you a better chance of winning, just saying)
* doesn't have to be "once upon a time"
* could be what clothes you picked on her/him name etc.( when you made it or want to make it)
winner will get
leopard dress with brown sporty shorts under and
polka dot shirt

OK guys sorry for not posting it up yesterday but the winner of the contest is


Pricillaballerina31 woo she is the winner of the leopard dress and polka dot shirt ya go Priscilla!!!

Last edited by LIZZYXROX on Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:57 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Furry freind story! JOIN   Furry freind story! JOIN I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 12:06 pm

Days and days past by as it goes by. My furry friend named Demi, Selena,and Ashley are great bears for me. Today was a wonderful to watch the starts at night with my Furry friends as we looked we saw a shooting star and all of us made a wish in our heads. The next day we walking in a side walk and we think what should we do Today? and I think and think and i had a idea. It was dancing with my Furry friends. And so we had fun together The End Smile
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overstuffed bear

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PostSubject: My Flamingo Story   Furry freind story! JOIN I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 12, 2010 3:57 pm

I like once upon a time stories Furry freind story! JOIN Lol

Once upon a time, in a land far far away lived a lonely flamingo.
No one wanted to be friends with the poor flamingo because the flamingo was looked quite different than any other flamingos.

This poor Flamingo was blue. And I do not mean blue as in fealing sad!
But quite literally this poor flamingo was blue!!
Furry freind story! JOIN Oneflamingo-1

Well it turns out an evil spell was cast upon this Flamingo to be blue by the wicked
frog prince. The wicked frog prince was angry cause no one could see past his ugly warts to see the beauty within him. So he cast a spell to the poor Flamingo to remain blue until someone could see his inner beauty.

The flamingo was an outcast and everyone made fun of him so he ran away and hid in the dark forest of bearville. One day a little girl named Ballerina was picking berries in the dark forest and heard crying.

"Oh my", said Ballerina , "why do you cry little fellow?" The Flamingo explained to Ballerina he cried because he was so ugly and no one liked him or would adopt him or even be his friend!

"I will be your friend and you are not ugly you are beautiful to me both on the inside and the outside!" I am all alone without a furry friend would you like for me to adopt you?, says ballerina

"Yes please!",Cried the flamingo. If you take care of me I will cook, clean and do anything you say. "I just want to love you", says ballerina "A true friend does not expect things to be done to be their friend so come and give me a hug!"

The Flamingo runs to ballerina and gives her a hug. All of a sudden a big cloud of smoke appears arround the flamingo and his blue color starts to fade.
Suddenly the Blue flamingo turns into the most beautiful Pink shade of color there ever was!
Furry freind story! JOIN Oneflamingo

The magical spell had been broken because Ballerina truly loved the Flamingo and could see the true beauty on the inside of the Flamingo! The flamingo and Ballerina became the best of friends and when it was time to adopt the Flamingo Ballerina named him Pinky Sparkles!
~The End~
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rockin' officer
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PostSubject: Re: Furry freind story! JOIN   Furry freind story! JOIN I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 12, 2010 4:24 pm

aww thats so cute ! Sad Very Happy
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overstuffed bear

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PostSubject: Re: Furry freind story! JOIN   Furry freind story! JOIN I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 18, 2010 8:57 am

This contest is over so I will close this thread now
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