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Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old Coolte12
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 Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old

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Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old Empty
PostSubject: Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old   Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 18, 2010 11:57 am

Growing up with Bears
Chapter 1
“Mommy! I wanna go now! Please, you promised we’d go to build a bear for my birthday!” I begged.
“Get your stuff ready, little Missy!” My Mom said, brushing my hair.
“OK! But we have to go!” I begged more.
“Anna Millow! We will go, just be patient! Whether it is your 6th birthday or not, you have to get ready. Now get your stuff!” Mommy almost yelled.
My name is Anna Millow, I just turned 6 years old today, and I’m going to get my first ever build a bear, I am so excited! I grab my stuff, and run to my Mom.
“Now Mommy?” I beg.
“Yes, we can go now…” My Mom says, sighing.
Mommy drives us to the mall, I am very excited. As of the 18th of July, 2010, I am 6 years old, getting my first build a bear. I almost go crazy, and want to get there quickly, I just have to go!
“Anna! You need to be careful in the car, if something happens to it, you’ll never get a build a bear!’ Mommy warns.
I sit patiently, but inside I’m about to explode. We finally get to the mall, and I pull my Mom to the store. I run into the store, and look at every bear. They are all so beautiful! My eyes glitter. I want them all! But then I see a great bear, the mint chip bear!
“Mommy! I want that one!” I beg.
“OK! And that one is cute!” My mom says, smiling.
We walk up to a big machine full o’ fluffiness (LOL). Other kids are hitting buttons. Everyone is taking out hearts and hugging it, kissing it, rubbing it, doing stuff with it. It seems sort of weird. There are Zany Bands by the hearts, which seems weird, most of them aren’t hearts. Finally, my turn comes.
“Hello! My name is Carol! I’ll help you stuff your bear today!” The lady said very nicely.
“Um…. My name is Anna,” I felt weird talking to her.
“Hi Anna! You got a cute little bear there! What are you going to name him or her?” She asks very nicely.
“I don’t know…” I say, you can tell I’m being shy.
“Well! I’m sure you’ll come up with a beautiful name! Now want to fluff your bear?” Carol asks, smiling, a big smile.
“Yeah!” I say, more excited than ever, I heard this was fun.
I hit colorful buttons and push a paw print with my foot. My heart pounds, I feel ready! Before I know it, my bear is fluffed. But then Carol begins to frown.
“Oh, this one’s leg is messed up, you can get a new one…” The smile fades from her face.
“No! I want this one!” I say.
“OK honey, you can have it.” Mommy says, looking a bit tense.
I push a button and hearts fly everywhere, but I grab a golden heart. But it isn’t golden, golden, but red with a little gold heart on it. I rub it, hug it, kiss it, and love it! Then I gently place in the heart, and Carol begins to sew it up.
“Wow! The leg looks normal now!” Carol says, shocked and excited.
“Thank you!” I say, holding my bear.
“Have fun!” Carol says.
Mommy and I walk over to the bathing spot, and I clean off my bears fur.
“He looks so cute!” Mommy says.
“She!” I say.
I look at all the clothes, then get a ice cream shirt, jeans bottoms, and Skechers.
“Stylish!” Mommy jokes.
I run over to the computer. Mommy types it all, as I’m not good at typing. Then comes the hard part.
“What should we name her?” Mommy asks.
I think long, hard, and shout out names, until I remember the word.
“Miracle! Because of her leg!” I say.
“Miracle, then!” She types it in, and then we go to the check out.
“Yay!” I say as we leave, I’m so happy.
“And we can use that coupon for ice cream after birthday dinner!” Mommy says, “Now to go see Daddy!”
After birthday dinner and yummy ice cream (she had to share it with her Daddy, it was a big cone! XD), they drove home.
“I’m glad being 6 is fun for you!” Daddy says.
Later, I head to my bed, change into my jammies, and start to go to sleep.

Then I remember, Miracle was still in her box! I take her out of the box.
“Thanks for letting me out! It was getting hot in there!” She says.
I gasped, Miracle had just talked, which meant, she was alive!

Chapter 2
“Just a bad dream….” I whispered, closing my eyes.
Suddenly, I felt something furry moving over my arm.
“I am alive! Believe me!” A little voice said, and I opened my eyes.
“So, you are alive?” I whispered.
“Yes! I’ll explain tomorrow morning, now go to sleep! Parents can’t know we’re alive!” She whispered back.
I jumped in my bed, making sure the monster didn’t get us, and I lay down. I closed my eyes, holding Miracle, I wanted to ask her so many questions….
“Good morning!” Mommy says.
I open my eyes a little, “I want pancakes…”
“Well, I’ll go make some. Now you make your bed. Oh, and how is Miracle doing?” Mommy asks.
“Great!” I say.
“Good, and I’m going to add chocolate chips…..” Mommy whispers, but I can hear her, so I smile widely. I turn to Miracle as Mommy left.
“I’m going to explain now,” Miracle said.
Miracle explained that for years the magic of children had made bears come to life, but they couldn’t tell parents, as they didn’t have that kind of magic. You couldn’t even talk to your friends about it, because, if they didn’t believe, your bears wouldn’t be alive anymore. But you could, if both of your friends bear’s move in front of you, its code that you could.
“I’m scared to tell anyone!” I said.
“Don’t worry!” Miracle said, smiling.
I smiled back.
“Breakfast!” Mommy yelled.
I ran downstairs with Miracle, ready to eat the delicious pancakes. I sat in my chair, put Miracle in my old high chair (I’m an only child), and waited for my pancakes. Mommy sat them in front of me, and I ate them, but saved some for Miracle.
“Thank you Mommy!” I said.
“Bye my little angel!” Daddy says, and I give him a hug before he goes to work.
“I want to show you something.” Mommy says.
She walks me over to the computer, types in something, and shows me a site called buildabearville . She types in an account information, and smiles.
“I made you an account last night. I also adopted Miracle on there.” Mommy said.
I gasped, would Miracle be stuck on the computer.
“I have to go to the bathroom….” I lied.
Inside the bathroom, I held Miracle close to me.
“Are you going to be trapped in the computer?” I asked, hoping she wasn’t already stuck in it.
“No! It just means you can play the online game buildabearville! I’ll always be here for you, unless you tell….” Miracle whispered.
I hugged her, and went to the computer, I played for awhile, but it was hard, and I was on the mint chip team.
“I’m going to play with Miracle now!” I said.
“OK, I’ll just play for a few more minutes….” Mommy says, clearly she likes it.
I walk outside, we live near a forest, so I run to the forest and let Miracle down. We begin to play hide and seek, tag, and other stuff. But then I go in for lunch.
“Want to go to Emily Rose’s house today to play? She called, asking if you could. Want to? You can bring Miracle, since she has build a bears.” Mommy asked as I finished my grilled cheese.
“Yeah!” I said, excited.
Mommy drove me over, and I saw Emily holding one of her bears. She was 6 like me, and we were best friends.
“I got you a birthday present!” She said, handing me some build a bear clothes.
“Thanks!” I said.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, Miracle waved to Nelly (her chick). I knew it was over, I wanted to cry, but Nelly waved back.
“Your bear is alive like all mine?!” Emily said excited.
“Yes, Miracle is!” I said, and I began to smile, I wasn’t scared anymore.
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Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old Empty
PostSubject: Re: Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old   Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 18, 2010 12:51 pm

what a great story Katherine!
It's very longs but it's worth reading it because it's an awesome story!
I like the name Miracle for the bear! Pawsome Story Can't wait to hear more! Very Happy
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pawsome poster
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PostSubject: Re: Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old   Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 18, 2010 12:51 pm

Great Story can you post more! Thanks fur posting Very Happy
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building bunny
building bunny

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Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old Empty
PostSubject: Re: Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old   Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 24, 2010 12:12 pm

Chapter 3:
“We get to have a sleepover!” I said excitedly.
“Yes, you girls can have a sleepover tonight.” Mommy said.
Suddenly, Emily’s older sister Kelly ran downstairs, she was panting.
“If they get a sleepover, I deserve one!” Kelly almost yelled.
“Well, if Miranda can come over….” Kelly’s Mommy said.
“I think I should go now…..” Mommy said, I gave her a hug.
“So, now what?” Emily asked.
Kelly was on the phone, asking her friend if she could come over, and we were walking upstairs to get away from the loud chattering.
“We could play with our bears, maybe?” I asked.
“Sure!” Emily said.
We ran to her room, and closed the door so nobody could see or hear us. I didn’t want the bears to be gone forever!
“Hey, why do I have to be the princess trapped in the tower?!” Magic Emily’s pink unicorn asked.
“Cause you’re a princess!” Emily said.
Magic smiled.
“I wanna be the evil giant!” I said.
“Yeah!” Emily said.
We changed outfits, so that they’d look authentic, and put up the cardboard cut outs to look great.
“Help! An evil lobster!” Magic said.
“I am evil! And will, um, I will, eat your cookies!” Sebastian, Emily’s lobster said.
“I will defeat you!” Emily said.
She ran up to Sebastian and tapped him with a light saber toy.
“No! I’m melting!” Sebastian joked.
“Giant!” The other bears pretending to be villagers said.
“I will eat you with my bread and pie!” I said to Miracle and Cinnamon Swirly the Pawlette bunny.
“Oh no!” They said.
“I will defeat you!” Emily said, waving her blue light saber in the air.
“Never!” I said, holding up a red toy light saber.
“Attack!” All the bears said.
We ran up to each other, hitting each other’s light sabers.
“Die!” I yelled.
“Rah!” Emily yelled back.
We ran around her room, being really random, but then we heard footsteps outside the door. We all stood still, and the door began to open.
“Hey, brats! Time for pizza! Get down there!” Kelly yelled.
Kelly looked angry, it, meant she had her Monster energy drink again. We RAN downstairs, you do not want to be near her when she had a Monster.
“Hey, we get this much pizza, you guys get this much!” Miranda said.
We just ate and did as they said.
“Movie time!” I yelled.
We ran upstairs to Emily’s room, turning on the DVD player. We clicked play, and we began to watch the movie.
“I’m scared!” Emily said.
We didn’t get the movie, Adventures through Dinasour Time, we had gotten the horror movie Murderer at Midnight!
“Who took our DVD?!” Miranda yelled.
Suddenly, we heard footsteps, heavy ones, and we almost died of fright. The door opened, and we screamed.
“The movies, accidentally got switched….” Emily’s Mommy said, “And it’s time to go to sleep.”
I held Miracle the whole night, and had a nightmare, I wasn’t murdered, Miracle was torn to shreds.
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pawsome poster
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PostSubject: Re: Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old   Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 25, 2010 2:36 am

Oh No Sad I don't like the bit where Micrale was torn to shreads. :] But I think it's all awsome. Hope to see more soon!
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building bunny
building bunny

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PostSubject: Re: Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old   Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 25, 2010 8:12 pm

Chapter 4:
“I have to take these 2 brats to the mall so they can celebrate Christmas In July?!” Kelly screamed. She had way too much Monster.
“You switched those DVD’s on purpose!” Emily’s Mom said.
“Well, maybe they weren’t so scared!” Kelly complained.
“They woke up screaming in the middle of the night.”
“Well, I’m not going to the mall!”
“You’re taking them! And they each get to spend $50 dollars each, of your money, no exception!”
Kelly began to say some bad words, and yelled, “We’re going to the mall! Get in my car brats!”
We got in her car, I clutched Miracle, I was scared. Kelly got in, turned on heavy metal (I think my ears died), and drove really fast.
“I’m scared!” Emily whispered.
But we got to the mall, and we just about ran out, of course NEVER underestimate Kelly, she runs fast. She grabbed us by our shirt collars, then by our hands, and pulled us into the mall.
“Since there’s the big Christmas in July junk, go visit Santa, build a bear, or something. I’m going to Goth Topic, and then get coffee.” Kelly said.
She ran off, as she saw some of her friends, and we were left alone in the mall.
“My Mommy would be mad.” I said.
“Well, we can do whatever we want, we have $50 dollars each, which in all is…..” Emily said.
She had brought up math, which is VERY confusing.
“Let’s just go to build a bear now!” I said.
We ran to build a bear, very excited. I was excited. We ran in, seeing so many bears.
“Wow!” Emily said.
We looked at all the bears, there were too many. Of course, I wasn’t good at counting them all.
“I want this one!” Emily said, picking up a bear with a peace sign on it in the American flag colors. I thought it was cute.
“This one is cute!” I said. I saw a cute pony, it was white and gold.
“A magical pony!” Emily said.
We went to the stuffing machine, and waited for our turns.
“Welcome to build a bear workshop!” The lady said.
“Hi Carol!” I said.
“Glad you recognize me!” Carol said.
She stuffed our bears, now it was time for the heart. I pushed the button, hearts flew everywhere, and I felt the right one. I knew it was the right one.
“I’ll name her Sky!” I said.
“What a beautiful name!” Carol said.
Emily finished hers, and we went to the clothes. I chose a yellow dress, while Emily chose a pink bikini. Then was the hardest part, typing.
“I know how to! I have my own computer!” Emily said.
She did it right, and we went to pay for it.
“Thanks for purchasing!” The lady said as we left.
We walked through the mall, looking for Kelly. We didn’t go to the Christmas in July exhibit, we immediately went to find Kelly. She was having caffeinated coffee, and ranting.
“Can, we go now?” I asked, clutching Miracle, I was afraid. Kelly was scary.
“Whatever, later guys I, need to send these kids back home.”
We got in Kelly’s car and as quiet, so we didn’t anger her.
“I want it!” Kelly yelled, singing to the music, my ears were almost bleeding.
I covered my ears, and we got back, I ran inside Emil’s house.
“That was torture!” I yelled.
We ran to Emily’s room and closed the door. I opened the box, and Brielle walked out, and said, “Hi!”
“Hi! I’m Anna!” I said, smiling.
We all began to run around, playing. We were quiet, but having so much fun!
“Time to go!” Emily’s Mommy yelled.
“Bye!” I said, getting my stuff.
I hugged my bears on the way home, and I ran to my room at home to play.
“Anna! We need to talk!” Daddy yelled, now home for lunch.
I ran downstairs, scared.
“Anna, school is starting in a week, on August 2th.” Daddy said.
I gasped, not school!
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overstuffed bear

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Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old Empty
PostSubject: Re: Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old   Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 25, 2010 9:09 pm

That is a really great story and I enjoyed reading it very much.
I can't wait to see what happens next with all the wonderful builda bears! Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old 941268
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building bunny
building bunny

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Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old Empty
PostSubject: Re: Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old   Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 26, 2010 11:47 am

Chapter 5:
We were at Walmart looking at school supplies.
“Which backpack do you like better?” Mommy asked, holding up 2 backpacks, a Disney Princess, or a plain pink one. I just looked at the different ones.
“I like this one!” I said. I showed her a white backpack that came with special markers.
“Oh, so you can draw on it!” Mommy said, but then she looked at the price tag, “It’s $30!”
“Oh, I’ll just get this one….” I said. I picked up just a plain backpack, that was just a plain, blank, light blue.
“We’ll get that then.” Mommy said, it was only about $6 dollars.
We looked at notebooks, pencils, pencil sharpeners (Mommy showed me how to sharpen them so much they could poke your eyes out), erasers, everything.
“But school is boring.” I complained.
“You’re going to school!” Mommy said angrily.
I got Miracle out of the front of the shopping cart. I held onto her and played with her, whispering to her every once in a while. School wasn’t going to be fun.
“We have all the school supplies, time for school clothes!” Mommy said.
I sighed.
“It’s OK.” Miracle whispered in my ear very quietly, I could barely even hear her.
Mommy picked me out a bunch of clothes (I liked them), and I started to try them on.
“Good, they all fit.” Mommy said, it was time to go.
We bought the stuff, and went to the car.
“Since you were such a good girl, I got you a present.” Mommy said, handing me bear sized backpack.
“Thank you!” I said.
Miracle smiled even bigger as I put the backpack on her, maybe school would be OK.
“But if you go to school, we won’t see you as much!” Brielle said, sadly. I was back home in my room.
“But, I’ll get to see my friends!” I said.
“You don’t understand! You’ll have to work more, you’re going into the first grade!” Brielle said, almost crying.
I began to frown, she was right. I pondered around my room, thinking of what to do.
“I could take you with me to school in my backpack, and play with you during recess!” I said, happily.
“Well, what if someone finds out we’re alive?” Miracle said, afraid.
“I don’t know,” I said, almost in tears.
I was confused, would school be that bad?!
“I’m going on buildabearville.” I said, holding Brielle’s certificate, and I typed in the info right, maybe I’d do well in computer class.
“Wow, how did you get so good?” Mommy asked.
“Emily!” I said.
I played around for awhile, and then got Miracle and Brielle, and I took them outside. There’s a big forest outside our house, and we ran around, because nobody could see us. No one.
“This is fun!” Brielle yelled.
“Yeah!” Miracle shouted back.
I chased them, and they chased me. It was fun, and I wasn’t focused on school. School, uh, why worry about that.
“So, I say we go on an adventure!” Miracle said.
“Yeah!” Brielle and I said in unison.
“I’ll be the leader! And you can be my sidekicks!” I said, “We can be in a deep, dark jungle, exploring what might be very haunted, by ghosts!”
“But that’s scary!” Miracle said.
“OK, we can go to the jungle full of bananas!” I said.
“Yeah!” Miracle and Brielle said in unison.
We began to go deep into the forest.
“Watch out!” Miracle warned.
“A banana’s going to fall on your head!” Brielle yelled.
“Oh no!” I said, running and ducking.
We ran away from the falling bananas. It was hard work, but we survived.
“Yay! We survived the forest of bananas!” I said excitedly, just as we were getting close to the house.
I picked up Brielle and Miracle and walked inside, Mommy was on the phone.
“Oh, well, really? I just can’t think of that…” Mommy said, then paused for a moment, “How safe would it really be?”
I went upstairs, Mommy seemed stressed.
“So, now what?” I asked.
“Anna! I need to talk to you.” Mommy called.
I went downstairs, and I saw Mommy looking stressed, really badly.
“Due to money, your Father and I have to go to work earlier, we won’t have time to take you to school. So we’re getting you a new bike, you’ll have to get ready by yourself, and ride to school alone.” Mommy said.
“I can do that!” I said.
“It just seems so, new…” Mommy said. She handed me some keys, “Those are your house keys, we had them made especially for you as a necklace so you won’t lose it, so please don’t…”
“Thanks!” I said.
“Time to go get a new bike.” Mommy said, and we began to leave.
We drove by school, which was very close to home.
“I will be home in time to see you, though.” Mommy said.
We got to the bike shop. I saw a purple one with cats on it.
“I want this one!” I said.
“It is your size, but we should look at the others.” Mommy replied.
“But I want this one!” I pleaded.
“OK, but you still need a helmet.” Mommy said.
We walked in, and I didn’t see any good bikes, but I found a matching helmet.
“Well, that was quick.” Mommy said, as we left.
When we got home she lectured me about making breakfast, brushing my teeth, picking out my clothes, and riding my bike to school. I could easily do it.
“I can do it!” I said.
“You can’t do this!” Miracle and Brielle said in unison.
“I can!” I said, “I’ll prove it! I have a basket big enough for one of you, and one of you can go in my backpack, we’ll ride to school!”
I put Brielle in my basket, and Miracle in my backpack.
“Be careful!” Mommy said.
I rode through the sunshiney day, and I smiled.
“This is fine!” I said.
We rode until we were at school.
“I guess it looks fine….” Miracle said.
“No!” Brielle said, “Please don’t! Other bears told me school would keep you from playing with us!”
“I will! I love you guys!” I said, and the hugged them.
I rode home, I was sure everything would be just fine. Or maybe, it wouldn’t…..
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building bunny
building bunny

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Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old Empty
PostSubject: Re: Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old   Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 27, 2010 11:45 pm

Chapter 6:
“It’s the last day of summer!” Emily said, sadly.
“But, school means new friends!” I said, hopeful.
“Well, I will do better than you! I won’t have to ride a bike to school!” Emily teased.
“Yeah, even if you get to ride in a car, I’ll…..” I sputtered out.
Emily smirked, “Yeah. So what should we do now?”
“Let’s ride our bikes!” I said.
“OK, let’s go!” Emily said.
We rode our bikes to school. It was a warm day, the day before school.
“The playground sure is big!” Emily said.
We laughed.
“Should we go get our build a bears?” I asked.
“Yeah!” Emily said.
We rode back, getting a good exercise. We rode back with 2 of our bears (all of mine since I only have 2).
“School doesn’t look so bad!” I said to Brielle.
“Yeah, it looks.” Brielle whispered angrily.
We ran around the empty playground, rode on the swings, and dug in the sandbox.
“I’m gonna miss you….” Brielle whispered.
“C’mon, we can still play!” Miracle whispered back.
Brielle smiled a very tiny bit, “OK.”
“Tag!” I said, tagging Emily.
I ran to base.
“Tag!” Emily said to Miracle.
Miracle ran after Brielle.
“No! I won’t get tagged!” Brielle said, running faster.
They ran around for awhile, but Brielle looked tired, so I got off the base.
“Chase me!” I yelled.
Emily ran after me, and our bears relaxed.
“I can’t catch you!” Emily yelled, looking tired, “But I can get Swirly!”
We were running wildly, almost miles.
“Maybe we should go!” I said after awhile.
We rode home.
“I have to go….” I said.
I got Brielle and Miracle, and we rode home. I went up to my room, and knew school would be starting the next day. I thought for awhile about what might happen, I might meet a mean girl, who might be mean because I love build a bears!
“No!” I shouted.
Emily would be in my class! I wouldn’t be alone. I didn’t want to be alone.
“You understand, now?” Brielle asked.
I wanted to cry, Brielle was right! I was going to suffer not being with my furry friends.
“I’m going to the bathroom.” I said.
I walked into the bathroom, and began to wash my face, it would be ok. I walked back in my room. I hugged Miracle and Brielle. Mommy and Daddy weren’t home yet, so I just sat thinking.
“I don’t think I can take any more surprises….” I whispered.
I lay on my bed, afraid. The horror movie was nothing compared to how I felt.
“Wanna play?” Miracle asked.
“Yeah, let’s go in the forest.” I said.
We walked into the forest, the sun slowly becoming shrouded by clouds. I kicked a stick with my foot.
“Don’t feel so down about school.” Miracle said.
“Well, then let’s explore the land of candy!” I said.
We ran around the forest of lollipops (the trees), jumped over the river of juice (puddles), and had so much fun! My troubles seemed gone, until I got hungry for dinner. I picked up Brielle and Miracle and walked inside.
“I made you dinner while you were gone!” Mommy said.
I ate my macaroni, and went upstairs, changed into my pajamas, brushed my teeth, and went to sleep. I was ready for the next day.
“I’m so scared. I don’t want her to leave us.” Brielle whispered.
“She’ll get older.” Miracle whispered.
“No! I won’t let her!” Brielle whispered fiercely.
“She will grow up, we can never stop it.” Miracle whispered.
Brielle frowned, but I hadn’t even heard them, I was asleep. I was going to start school, and meet a new *cough, cough* friend.
A friend who just loved build a bears.

Chapter 7:
It was cloudy as I rode to my first day of school. Both of my bears were in my backpack, but I was afraid. It seemed that Brielle would trust school if I brought her to school directly. I locked my bike on the bike lock and walked inside the school building.
It was huge! How would I ever find my way through? My mind was fluttered with questions, but I was about to take Brielle out of my backpack.
“No!” Brielle whispered so quiet, I barely heard it. Nobody else seemed to notice it.
I took Miracle out of my backpack. I held her on my way to class, I was in Mrs. Pearl’s class.
“Welcome to class! My name is Mrs. Pearl!” A woman said as I walked in the classroom.
“Hi! I’m Anna!” I said.
“Welcome to class, Anna! You can put your things in that mini locker!” Mrs. Pearl said.
I put my bears, helmet, and backpack up. Brielle still hid in my backpack. Miracle looked through the little holes in the locker.
“Mrs. Pearl? Where’s Emily?” I asked.
“Oh, Emily is in another class…” Mrs. Pearl said.
I frowned.
“Thank you.” I said politely.
I sat at my desk, drawing on a piece of paper, but then a girl in a red dress, pale skin, and long black hair walked up to my desk.
“You like build a bears, too?” She asked.
“Yes! I love them!” I said.
“They’re awesome! My name is Anna!”
“My name is Lilly!”
“She made a new friend!” Miracle whispered to Brielle.
“Oh, but we’re her friends…” Brielle whispered.
“It’s OK.”
The day flew by; it was a rather average day at school. But it meant Brielle wouldn’t be so afraid.
“Wanna come play at my house?” Lilly asked.
“Yeah! Let me go tell my Mommmy at home, though. Can I bring my build a bears?” I asked.
“Of course!” Lilly said, telling me her address, which I could easily ride my bike too (we live in a town with barely any traffic)
I rode home on my bike, told Mommy, and then began to ride to Lilly’s house.
*Meanwhile at Lilly’s mansion*
“And if you tell anyone, you are in trouble!” Lilly warned Sammy the shaggy puppy.
“Yes, mistress!” Sammy said, afraid.
“Now go tell the others! And tell the nicest looking to come here!” Lilly commanded.
“Yes, mistress!” Sammy said, saluting, then stuttering away.
Lilly had a secret, she knew bears were alive, and her bears were her slaves. She liked to steal other kids bears that were alive, so she had more labor. She didn’t have to work.
Her endless hugs teddy, Sparkle, ran up to her.
“Now play along, then steal one of her bears! And don’t do it here, do it at her house!” Lilly commanded, pointing at Sparkle.
“Yes mistress! By the way, would you like a snack?” Sparkle asked, shivering in fear.
“Make it 2, and make it quick!” Lilly commanded, now angrier.
“Yes! I’ll do it quickly!” Sparkle said, saluting, and running to the kitchen.
Lilly smiled, Daddy would give her money soon for cleaning the bathroom ‘all by herself’, then she could get a new build a slave. She had learned about it last year, when she found out bears were alive, and she was very powering. Her parents had amazingly paying jobs. She got a lot of money from ‘working’.
“Here are some chips!” Sparkle said, handing 2 mini bags of chips.
“Thank you, now look like you aren’t alive!” Lilly said, hearing someone at the front gate, “And don’t tell! Or else!”
*At the front gate of Lilly’s mansion, and we’re back to the main character Anna*
I waited at the front gate of her huge house? But had I been tricked.
“Hello?” I called, in which nobody answered. I began to leave, until I saw Lilly pushing a button to open the gate.
“Welcome!” Lilly said.
“Thanks!” I said.
I walked inside, one big house…..
“Wow!” I said.
Her pink bear walked up to me.
“Hi!” She said.
I almost gasped, but instead said, “Your bears are alive, too!?”
“Yep! Did you bring yours?” Lilly asked.
“Of course!” I said, “But only Miracle, Brielle wanted to stay at home. She’s my magical pony!”
“OK. Want some chips? They’re onion and sour cream!” Lilly asked.
“Yes!” I said, she handed me some chips, and I began to eat them.
“Yummy!” I said.
“Yeah…” Lilly said, seeing Sam, “My bear’s name is Sparkle, I have to go to the bathroom.”
I turned my head around with Miracle, as I thought I saw a squirrel out the window. While I wasn’t looking, Lilly shot a ‘if looks could kill’ look to Sparkle.
“So, I’m Sparkle!” Sparkle said, trying to sound nice.
“I’m Miracle!” Miracle said, smiling.
“And I’m Anna! Lilly is really nice, huh?” I asked.
“Yeah the nicest!” Sparkle lied, sounding cheery. Falsely cheery.
*In the bathroom*
“Get back to work, don’t spy on us! And I’ll show you to her later!” Lilly ordered.
“Yes!” Sam whispered, getting back to work.
“Good.” Lilly whispered.
Lilly walked back out, then back to me.
“Sorry I took so long!” Lilly falsely apologized.
“It’s OK!” I said happily.
“I’m going to eat dinner soon! Sorry!” Lilly lied.
“Oh! I have to leave, too!” I said, grabbing Miracle, “See ya tomorrow!”
“Yeah, see ya tomorrow…..” Lilly said.
I rode my bike home, Miracle and I both happy.
“What a great day!” Miracle said.
“Yeah, poor Brielle missed a lot of fun!” I said.
But in the bushes, Sparkle and Sam were following us.
“Now, to get Brielle!” Sam whispered, as they approached our house.
“She’s in the kitchen talking, thankfully!” Sparkle said.
They climbed up a pipe to a window (not in the pipe, on the pipe.)
“Who are you?” Brielle asked.
“Your friends!” Sam said. They tied Brielle up and carried her back to Lilly’s mansion.
“Lilly’s Rule 1# Obey, and forget about your old owner.” Sparkle said.
Brielle screamed, school and a new friend was bad!
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pawsome poster
pawsome poster

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Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old Empty
PostSubject: Re: Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old   Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 28, 2010 2:56 am

Wow! This is a beary good story (: I love it! Hope to hear more :3
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building bunny
building bunny

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Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old Empty
PostSubject: Re: Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old   Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 04, 2010 5:41 pm

Chapter 8:
“It’s been 2 weeks since I lost Brielle!” I said, crying. She had just disappeared, most likely because of school! I was so selfish.
“She, she’ll” Miracle said trying to encourage me, but she couldn’t.
“I will find her! I must or, I’ll die!” I yelled (I was the only person home.)
“That might be a bit too dramatic.” Miracle said, calmly.
“You don’t understand!” I cried out.
I ran out of my room, grabbed Miracle, shoved her in my backpack, and began to ride my bike to nowhere!
“You have no idea what you’re doing!” Miracle whispered fiercely.
“We’ll find her!” I said.
I rode until I was at Lilly’s house, I bet she could help!
“Well, I don’t know where Brielle is.” Lilly lied.
“Well, I guess I should go.” I said.
“Bye!” Lilly said.
I rode my bike with Miracle around the whole town; my parents were too busy to be at home. They were at a lot of business meetings, anyway. It seemed like the world was boring and small, but big enough for Brielle to be gone.
“It’s ok.” Miracle whispered.
*Back at Lilly’s mansion*
“And you are never to see her again!” Lilly ordered Brielle.
Brielle frowned, “Yes mistress.”
“Now go clean my room!” Lilly yelled.
Her room was s o big, but Brielle went to do as she was told. She was used to being a slave. She was tougher now, school now meant nothing. Food, sleep, breaks, escape. It mattered more. Brielle closed her eyes for one second, missing her young friend Anna. She could barely remember Anna’s name. She missed Anna’s smile.
I want to escape. Brielle thought. I will escape, somehow, someday. She closed her eyes one last time, and began to work. Her fur began to get covered in sweat. I will escape.
“Mistress, I worked all day, and made your room extremely clean.” Brielle said.
“Good. You can have some dinner now.” Lilly said, handing her some chips. About 5.he hadn’t eaten in days.
“Thank you mistress!” Brielle said, taking the chips. She ate them super quick, as if she ate too long, she’d have her food taken away.
“Now, go clean out the kitchen cabinets!” Lilly demanded.
Brielle began to go back to work.
*back to Anna riding her bike*
“I even checked build a bear, she’s nowhere! She ran away!” I said as we rode up to my house.
Miracle sighed, I can’t blame her.
“Well, I’m going to go…” I said, “I don’t know what I’ll do…”
I lay on my bed, feeling alone. I missed Brielle so much.
“Turn that frown upside down!” Miracle said happily.
“Grrr!” I replied.
Miracle frowned, “OK, let’s search more! You need to do something!”
I put Miracle in my bike basket, and we rode away.
“See, just getting outside will make you feel better!” Miracle said, smiling.
*back at Lilly’s mansion*
There they are. Brielle thought as they rode by Lilly’s mansion, alas they didn’t see her. I must escape! Without thinking, Brielle jumped through a window, and ran as fast as she could. She went through a little opening in the gate, and then saw Sparkle. Then she was back at Lilly’s.
“You’ll have a bad punishment for this, so , I’ll have to make you not eat or sleep for a week.” Lilly said, a smug smile on her face.
“Yes, mistress.” Brielle said, she looked sad on the outside, but the inside she was excited, she could escape at night. She would be free!
But that night, she wasn’t the only one guarding, but when they left, she ran to the gate, she was about to escape! Suddenly, a figure leaped out of the shadow, Lilly!
“I knew you’d do this!” She said, her hair glowing in the moonlight.
“I, uh….” Brielle stuttered.
“I’ll let you go!” Lilly said, suspiciously.
“What!?” Sparkle said.
“You can be free, but you must still be my slave!” Lilly said.
“Huh?” Brielle said, shaking.
“You be my spy, and you must bring me more bears! You can go back to your owner!”, Lilly said getting closer to Brielle, “But if you tell Anna, you will be killed!”
Brielle gulped, “Yes, mistress.”
“Now go and bring me more slaves!” Lilly said opening the gate, “Before I close the gate and put you back to your old job!”
Brielle ran out, as fast as she could! Lilly’s evil laughter slowly disappeared, but it couldn’t leave Brielle’s mind.
“I’ll have to lie to Anna!” Brielle whispered, “I’ll tell her I was lost in the forest! And I was really lost, that was why I was gone for 2 weeks!”
Anna’s house was getting into Brielle’s view, and she finally felt safe.
“Anna!” Brielle whispered to Anna on top of the roof, looking down at the window.
“Brielle!” Anna whispered as she opened the window, “Where were you?”
“I was lost in the forest, very lost!” Brielle whispered.
“Well, get in!” Anna said, grabbing Brielle.
Suddenly Anna fell, and she looked horrible! Brielle screamed.
“Brielle, are you ok?” Anna asked.
“You’re ok?” Brielle asked, her eyes barely open. Anna was perfectly healthy, in her room.
“I got you off of the room, you closed your eyes for a few seconds, and woke up screaming.”
“Oh, just a bad dream.”
“I’m just glad you’re back!”
Brielle, Anna, and Miracle went back to sleep.
Brielle didn’t sleep well that night, Lilly’s evil laughing haunting her. It was a real live nightmare.
“I’m staying here.” Brielle said.
“I am, too.” Miracle said, “Anna is having a spelling test today!”
“Bye Anna!” They both said unison.
“Love you guys!” Ann said, kissing each of them on the head. She walked out her room, her backpack bouncing on her bed.
“Glad you’re back!” Miracle said, hugging Brielle.
“Yeah…” Brielle said, looking out the window as Anna rode to school, “Yeah, really glad to see you, too.”

Chapter 9:
Brielle sighed, staring out the window. She wanted to get to work immediately, but she didn’t know how.
“What’s wrong?” Miracle asked.
“Just thinking, I want to make, uh, new friends.” Brielle lied.
“I guess we should go visit Emily’s then. There’s a big meeting of all the build a bears today.” Miracle said.
“What?” Brielle asked.
“Since so many build a bears live in such a small town, which has a build a bear workshop, which gets so many customers, and so many kid’s build a bears are alive, we all have a meeting at someone’s house! We go through a secret door, until we’re at the owner’s room!
Then we all meet together, talk, and play!” Miracle said, “And we’re masters at hiding, and barely anyone is riding a bike, driving a car, or walking around, so we easily can get there!”
“Awesome!” Brielle said.
“But the best part, we get to choose the next place to play at after this!” Miracle said excitedly.
“Does Anna know about this?” Brielle asked, afraid.
“Yes, but it’s a sworn secret.” Miracle whispered.
Brielle smiled, “Good.”
We snuck our way to Emily’s house.
“Welcome!” We all said, loudly (no humans were at Emily’s house).
We shook paws, and played. We discussed our lives, all of our owners very different. I felt sort of bad having to bearnap build a bears, they had hearts. But then a blossom bunny named Flo said she had found money on the ground, and was going to give some to each of us. I then realized who had dropped it:
She gave some to each of us, but I on purpose grabbed extra, though not a single furry friend noticed.
“I have to go.” I lied.
“Bye!” I said.
I walked to a garage sale, but most of the stuff was marked as free, and there was a whole bin of old build a bears. The humans were all at work or school, as another sign said:
Free, to busy working, but items marked for cash MUST be payed for.
The build a bears were all free. I looked inside, they were all crying.
“Who are you?” A black cat asked, her face covered in tears. She wore a dirty witch costume.
“What do you want?” An old 2005 lamb asked, her face also stained with tears.
All 35 of the bears asked me questions (they said there was 35 of them.)
“I came to give you a new owner!” I said, faking cheerfully.
“You did?!” The black cat said, looking extremely happy.
“Yes, follow me!” I said. We carefully made our way to Lilly’s house, they jumped for joy.
“You’re welcome!” I said as they went inside, when all of them were completely gone, I ran back to Anna’s, and I never looked back. I had done a huge achievement! Lilly might not bother me for awhile
“Yes!” I whispered happily.
“Hey Miracle!” I said as I ran into the room , “I’m giving this money to Anna!”
“That’s really nice of you!” Miracle said.
“Yep!” I replied.
I lay on Anna’s bed, and closed my eyes. It was a perfect day.
“I got an A on my spelling test!” Anna said to her Mommy as she walked into the house.
Brielle opened her eyes, she had had a wonderful dream!
“Hi Anna!” Miracle and Brielle said in unison.
“We had a great time the meeting!” Miracle said.
“Plus we got you money!” Brielle said, handing Anna the money.
“Thanks!” I said, “I have enough to buy a new bear with just this money, not considering the rest I have saved up! We can ride to build a bear now!”
I didn’t know that Brielle’s heart had just skipped a beat.
“Yeah, sure sounds exciting, but what about school tomorrow, what about homework?” Brielle asked, looking calm.
“It’s Friday! No homework, and no school for 2 days!” I replied.
Brielle smiled a little more, “Oh! I was just making sure, but shouldn’t you tell your Mommy?”
“Oh, she just left to see her friend! She’ll be back in 2 hours!” I replied.
“Hey, wanna go to build a bear?” A voice asked from the window, I didn’t notice Brielle jump for a second!
“Yeah!” I said walking up to the window, “Of course we will Emily!”
Brielle bit her lip.
“Yeah! And Kelly won’t be coming!” Emily said, sounding really excited now.
“We’re coming!” I said, grabbing my bears, backpack, money, and bike helmet.
We rode through the warm August air.
“I’m so excited!” I said.
Brielle hid in Anna’s backpack, she knew they were about to pass Lilly’s. She could feel the sadness of all the bears, and it was all her fault.

Chapter 10:
Brielle looked out of the backpack, and saw a bear just by her, it smiled at her, which meant the bear was alive, and it was a Bearemy bear. She grabbed it when nobody was looking, and hid it behind stuff and herself in the backpack.
“Be quiet!” Brielle whispered fiercely, and the poor Bearemy was afraid.
“I want this hugs and peace bear!” I said.
“He’s so cute!” Emily said, “I’ll get this Husky.”
“He’s cute, too!” I said, I smiled at each bear.
We walked to the fluffing machine.
“Hey Carol!” I said cheerfully.
“My most memorable customer!” Carol said, smiling, “Glad to see you chose the peace and hugs bear!”
I fluffed my bear full of love, and added an extra heart. I saw the bear smile at me bigger.
“I love him!” I said, “I’ll name him Dove! My first ever boy bear!”
I proudly picked out jeans and a dark blue jacket for him. I then typed the exactly right way for Dove, all the info was perfectly correctly put in.
“Mommy would be so proud!” I said.
Miracle, Dove, and I walked to the counter. I bought the stuff, and carried my bears (except Brielle) to the cookie shop.
“2 chocolate chips!” I said proudly. I handed the lady the money.
She gave me the cookies, then I found Emily.
“Thanks for the cookie!” Emily said.
We both munched on our cookies, and walked to our bikes. I put Dove and Miracle in the same basket (it’s rather big) and we rode home. I didn’t notice Miracle jump out of my backpack with a stolen and stuffed display Bearemy. She had jumped in front of Lilly’s house.
“I’m almost there!” Brielle said, and Lilly walked out.
“Brought another, that makes 36.” Lilly said, Brielle showed great pride, “Do me a favor and take a break.”
*Back with Anna in her room*
“No! Brielle is gone again!” She said, crying. She tried to rip her hair out.
“I’m here!” Brielle called from the window.
Anna ran to the window, “What happened?”
“I fell out of your backpack!” Brielle lied.
Emily and the other bears hadn’t noticed it at all.
“I’m OK.” Brielle said.
“Hey, wanna have a sleepover?” Emily asked.
“Yeah!” Anna said, “I’ll go tell Mommy!”
The 2 girls and their bears rode to Emily’s house.
“Alaska (the husky) is so excited!” Emily said.
“Mine are too!”
They sat down in Emily’s room.
“I’m sorry, Kelly’s gonna have to babysit us.” Emily said, sighing.
Just then, Kelly walked in, “Hey! I’m gonna go on a date with this awesome guy! Here’s pizza money! And don’t do anything bad, or else! I prepared you a movie in the DVD player!”
Kelly placed the money down and left.
“Or maybe not, let’s just hope that date lasts awhile, since my parents are working way overtime tonight.” Emily said. They heard Kelly leave.
“Now we can play!” I yelled.
We began to play with our bears.
“Dove, I made you wings!” I said, showing him an angel costume.
“Yay!” Dove said.
He moved the wings (he actually looked like a dove!) and flew away…. Then landed on a pillow! We all laughed.
“I love having sleepovers!” I said.
“Hey, want some pizza?” Emily asked, “The pizza guy’s here!”
Emily gave him the money and took the pizza. We munched on it and talked.
“Meetings sound cool!” Dove and Alaska said. All the bears talked about the meeting, while Emily and I talked about school.
“I still miss summer, but school is OK.” Emily said.
“Yeah, but it’s OK at least.” I replied.
“So wanna watch the movie?” Emily asked.
“Yeah, and we’ll let our furry friends play!”
We began to watch the movie, and it looked like a mushy romance movie. The boyfriend and girlfriend were busy on a date, and they began to hug each other, but then we heard creepy music. It meant we had been tricked into watching a horror movie- again!
“Don’t you hear that music! Run, before the people stop playing it and it’s too late!” Emily yelled at the TV.
“They don’t hear you!” I told Emily, “I think they have hearing problems, cause I would most definitely hear that music run!”
Then the bad guy came as they were walking home really late, and he had a knife! Not to go into detail about what happened next, they somehow killed him! Then came the twist ending, the bad guy was back! The young couple didn’t notice, and they were followed home, all that happened left was he hid in a bush, and then one of them came out!
“That was creepy!” Emily said.
“They didn’t even hear the music!” I replied.
“Horror movies are weird.” Emily said.
“Most definitely.” I said, we both agreed on that.
“Wait, the, oh no…” Emily said, quivering.
“What?” I asked.
“He might have gotten Kelly and her boyfriend!” Emily said, “Grab your bears and we’ll hide in my closet!”
We grabbed all our bears, and smushed ourselves in the closet, and in a whisper explained everything.
“Hello?” Someone from the hall asked after awhile.
Emily, the bears, and I all shook, afraid.
“You’re in the closet again.” The voice said, much closer to the closet door now.
We held back our screams. Then we heard someone open the door, and it slowly opened, we screamed.
It was Kelly, she was really laughing, “You actually fell for it!”
“What?!” I asked, enraged., and she
“I set it up, I didn’t go on a date, I was at the mall, plus I only had the last 30 .minutes of the movie on it. It’s not even 8:00 o clock yet! You were so scared! It was all set up!” Kelly laughed, and pointed at us, “Now I’m going to the movies, so don’t bother me!”
Kelly left and didn’t leave us anymore horror movies. All of our bears were relieved.
“Let’s go to the playground at school!” I said, “We can bring 2 of our bears!”
“Yeah!” Emily replied.
Brielle volunteered for Dove and Miracle to go, so they rode with me, as well as Sebastian and Alaska went with Emily.
“I’m not afraid!” I said, even though the sun was setting and it was getting dark as we rode our bikes to the playground.
“Yeah, but Kelly sure was smart! We were scared!” Emily replied.
We began to run around the playground, the air feeling cool against our skin, I felt happy inside.
“I guess I’ve been doing well.” I said.
“Yeah, and so have our bears!” Emily said.
*At Lilly’s with Brielle*
“I was just walking when I found a bear sitting on the ground In front of a house, nobody was home. I didn’t expect it to happen, though.” Brielle said.
“You work hard, I’m glad you’ve gotten me so many workers, I feel great that you’re my best worker!”
Brielle smiled, it was OK. It was all just fine. Just fine…..
*Back with Anna, Emily, and the bears*
“The sky is so clear and calm tonight.” I said, laying on my back, staring at the stars, “It makes me remember summer.”
“Yeah, it’s so peaceful. No creepy music, no evil guys with weapons, just safe happiness. I feel so calm.” Emily replied.
Our bears were asleep.
“Guess that’s our call to leave.” I said, picking up my bears and getting on my bike.
“Yeah, though I wish we could stay longer.” Emily said.
I didn’t hear scary music, giving me the feeling to rush home, we rode through the night, the cool air, it felt magical. I guess this is how you feel with the magic of bears.
I lay down that night and didn’t dream a single bad dream, all of our bears were safe and sound.

Chapter 11:
I was at home sitting in my room, Mommy had picked me up earlier. She was downstairs talking to Daddy.
“Well, I need to go get Anna….” Mommy said.
Mommy came upstairs and then took me downstairs to see Daddy, “Your Father is leaving for a business trip in a few hours, we were just 2 scared to tell you. We’re sorry.”
I hugged Daddy, “I love you!”
“I love you too!” Daddy said, “I’ll be gone for 2 months…”
Mommy looked very sad, “Anna, go play outside with your build a bears.”
I ran upstairs, grabbed my bears, and then went to the forest.
“I’m sorry!” Brielle said.
“He’ll have fun!” Miracle said.
“It’ll be OK.” Dove said.
We ran around but I felt sad inside, I wouldn’t see Daddy until nearly Halloween! I felt sad inside, but I acted like it was nothing, I looked cheerful.
“So, let’s explore the forest!” I said excitedly.
We ran around, but I watched Daddy leave, I cried one tiny tear, then I stopped. The Saturday afternoon sun seemed to weigh down on me, even under the shade of so many trees. I sat down and closed my eyes a little.
“You look tired.” Dove said.
“No, the sun was in my eyes.” I lied.
I walked over to my bike and sat down.
“I’m going for a ride!” I told Mommy, my bears in the basket, Brielle in my backpack.
“OK, have fun!” Mommy replied.
I rode my bike all over town, there was nowhere to go.
“I’m bored!” I complained.
I rode around a little more. I began to get hot, and stopped at a water fountain. I rode around more, and finally stopped at a little bench.
“I think I’ll just go home.” I said.
I rode home, none of my bears were gone. We were all safe. Mommy left a note:
I’ll be gone for a few hours, bye.
She had left me money.
“I’m gonna go get some ice cream.” I said to my bears.
I rode my bike to Baskin Robbins, it wasn’t as hot.
“I’ll take a mint chip cone.” I said.
I knew Daddy wasn’t here, so I was going to eat it all by myself.
“Here you go!” A lady working there said.
“Thank you!” I said taking the cone, and I walked to a table, and began to eat it. I thought about Daddy, he’d be across the country, one side of the U.S.A. to the other! I relaxed a little, he wasn’t going to like Asia, and ate more of my ice cream. I somehow finished it all.
Guess I was hungry, I thought. I stared at a completely empty ice cream cone, I threw it away and got on my bike. I didn’t know where to ride to, Mommy was at work. She works hard. I went home and got on buildabearville and adopted Dove. After playing for awhile, I went upstairs to see my bears.
I talked to them, played with them, and just stared out my window. Not a normal day, but not the weirdest.
“So that’s my day!” I said.
“Wow!” All my bears said.
“Yeah, now I’m going to get a snack.” I said. I walked downstairs, got some chips, and brought them upstairs, we all snacked on chips.
“Yum.” Brielle said.
I heard a knock on the door, but I made sure not to answer like Mommy said. Then I saw Emily from my window. I went downstairs and opened the door.
“Hey! Guess what?!” Emily said, I noticed she was holding a weird board game.
“That?” I asked pointing at it.
“Yep! It’s called an Ouija (wee- jee) board. You can talk to ghosts with it! The sun is setting! I got it at a yard sale for only 50 cents!” Emily said, super excited.
“Are you sure we should use that? We might actually get scared.” I warned.
“We’ve watched 2 horror movies!” Emily replied, fiercely.
“Yeah, but these are real.” I said.
“Who says ghosts are real?” Emily asked, her eyebrow now showing how right she seemed.
“But my house isn’t haunted!” I said.
“Mine isn’t either!” Emily said, “That’s why I came to yours!”
“Then we won’t use it!” I said.
“No, we will! We’re going to a graveyard!” Emily said.
“What!?” I yelled.
“Go write a note to tell your Mommy, you chicken!” Emily teased.
I left Mommy a note telling her I was out playing with Emily. It was already dark. We rode to the graveyard on our bikes, each with our first build a bear, Emily had her old style brown sugar puppy named Spot, and I had Miracle. We walked through the gates.
“Scared yet?” Emily teased.
“No!” I said.
“Let’s sit down here!” Emily said, pointing her flashlight at the ground.
I sat down on the ground next to a grave, and then Emily pointed her flashlight on the ground to where it completely shown on the Ouija board.
“Now, let’s do this!” She said.
We said some magical words, our hands on the board (or paws) and the little thing we held onto moved around, pulling our hands, it went over letters and the number one.
“What did it say?” I asked.
“1 w o r l d o f b u i l d a b e a r s .” Emily said.
“1 world of only build a bears!” I said.
“That means you have been summoned!” Miracle yelled.
“Get all your bears in 30 minutes or less, quick!” Spot yelled.
We grabbed our bears and the Ouija board and went to our houses and got all our bears. Suddenly the ground disappeared from our feet, and we fell into endless darkness!
Suddenly we were surrounded by build a bears, only the world was different, very different.
“Hello!” A Downtown Disney bear said.
“What?!” I asked.
Suddenly a Bearemy bear which had a huge crown on his head (huge) walked up to his head.
“Hi, my name is Bearemy, I am the king of this world. We need your help to save the magic of build a bears!” He said, you could tell he was desperate.
A Pawlette bunny walked up to us, “Let me explain. Long ago, we weren’t build a bears, just happy magic. We needed true forms, but evil magic would be if we killed humans and took their bodies, but we wouldn’t do that! So for years we waited for something truly loved, and Maxine Clark made build a bear workshop. The bears were loved dearly, but not alive, so we took their furry forms. We have been happy ever since! Maxine knows about it, and is extremely happy!”
I gasped, “Then why do you need our help?”
“Humans are starting to rebel, and use our magic for evil purposes! Or they stop believing! You must help us!” The Pawlette bunny begged.
“I’ll do it!” Emily said.
I thought for awhile, “I’ll do it, too!” I said.
“Good!” Bearemy said, he gave us each a pretty necklace with a bear on it.
“If you see anyone else with these necklaces, you can easily trust them! Some who don’t you can trust, others you must never trust!” Pawlette said.
“We will!” We said in unison.
“Time for your first mission, you need to free and adopt a bunch of bears, or give them to trusted friends. They are located at the address….” Bearemy said.
I gasped, “That’s Lilly’s mansion!”
“I know.” Brielle said, sadly.
“What?!” I asked Brielle.
“I wasn’t lost in the forest; I was kidnapped by Lilly and was her slave. She kidnaps bears and turns them into her slaves. I became her spy, and I brought her new slaves, 37 of them. Now to sacrifice for my sins, I will help you save not 37 of them, but them all! I’ll do it!” Brielle said courageously.
“I’ll do it, too!” Miracle said.
“Don’t forget me!” Spot replied.
Soon all our bears had said they would, “Then I will!” Emily and I said in unison, then we shook hands.
“There will be more missions, so try to keep living a normal life! Good luck!” Bearemy said.
We began to fall into the darkness again, but I was not afraid. I was ready, I had the good magic. Suddenly we were back on the floor of Emily’s house.
“We need to go to break into Lilly’s house somehow.” Emily said, “We can dress all in black and use these masks.”
She handed me a Halloween masquerade mask, she had a matching one.
“Yeah, but how?” I asked.
“I can help you with that!” Brielle said. She explained what we’d do.
The plan:
We break into Lilly’s huse using the secret entrance Brielle got into every night. Lilly had never met Dove, so Dove would pretend to be a helpless bear, and we’d hide in the shadows, put all the bears in a huge bag, hide in the shadows, then Brielle would leave as we secretly hid Dove in the bag. Then we’d escape home.
“But what would we do with all the bears?” Dove asked.
“We could donate them to an orphanage! And let the magic spread!” A voice said.
We turned around, a deathly pale girl stood there.
“Who are you?” I asked.
“The girl you were supposed to talk to with the Ouija board, it used to be mine.” She said.
“You’re, d-dead?!” Emily almost yelled, which wouldn’t have mattered, nobody was home but us.
“No, I just have a skin problem. I have the necklace. This is Spooky, my ghost. I’m a part of the high ranking Ghost part of the build a bear association. I guess you can say I’m a ghost. But I’m not technically dead, I just have ghost abilities. I helped choose you to. And in case anything happens on your first mission, I’ll scare Lilly off.” She said, “I’m Alexandra.”
“OK, here’s a mask. You can keep it, I have a bunch.” Emily said, handing her a mask.
She put it on, and that was the darkest part of her body, there were even enough bears to put on!
“Good night Mommy!” I said.
“Good night Anna!” Mommy said.
“Ready?” Alexandra asked Anna at 3 A.M.
Anna changed, and then saw Emily out the window, and her bears followed her as she snuck outside.
“Then let’s go!” Anna whispered, her life was about to get a lot of bear magic in it, and she was only 6.

Chapter 12:
I climbed through a hidden door and hid in the shadows. It seemed so dark and creepy, but I wasn’t afraid of the horror movies. I waited as Brielle lied about Dove.
“Wow, you’re at the top!” I heard Lilly say.
“You nasty lil…” I whispered.
“Let’s go now!” Emily said.
We got into the room full of bears, Brielle behind us. Some of the bears looked angrily at her.
“We’re going to give everyone of you good owners, now. I’m sorry. Please get in the bag!” Brielle said, the bears slowly got in.
“I’ll get Dove.” Brielle said.
Brielle and Dove arrived, and we left, and then ran home. We let the bears out in the forest.
“Don’t leave; you’re going to get new owners tomorrow!” I said.
That night I slept well, and dreamed happy dreams. The next day I talked to Mommy.
“I’m going to donate toys to the orphanage today.” I said.
“Where did you get them?” Mommy asked.
“Lilly donated them, but she can’t go, sadly…..” I lied, looking sad.
“That’s sad.” Mommy said, “But that is a really nice idea! I’ll be at work anyway, don’t get lost! And here’s bus and food money!”
Emily and I brought all the bears to the orphanage, giving one to every kid. They all smiled, and as I left, a few had necklaces already. Dove, Miracle, Brielle, and I smiled. I felt good.
“So, we did well.” I said to Emily. We rode to my house, and was shocked to see Lilly!
“You, you!” Lilly said before shouting bad words at us, “You think that was right?! You will pay someday, and you’ll never know when!” Lilly then ran off.
“We better go back to, you know where.” I said.
In my room we waited for the floor with all our bears, and finally we began to fall into the darkness, I was prepared to see the other bears.
“You did it!” Bearemy said as we arrived, “Thanks to you, there are so many new believers! The whole orphanage! The bears are free of Lilly!”
We all jumped for joy, Brielle going higher than anyone.
“We did it!” I said.
“But it’s not over, yet.” Bearemy said.
I fell with a heavy thud on the ground, “What!?” I yelled.
“There are others you need to stop.” Bearemy stuttered, “But not yet, go on with your lives, and save any bears that come in Lilly’s grasp.”
I felt better, “We will!”
We arrived back home, feeling the good magic in me.
“We should go to build a bear, make sure Lilly isn’t there.” Emily suggested.
“Definitely!” I said.
We rode our bikes to build a bear, and Carol said she hadn’t seen Lilly (we lied saying she was our friend).
“Thanks for helping!” I said.
We even spied in Lilly’s mansion, and she didn’t have a single bear, she was watching TV.
“I have to go…” I said.
“Me too.” Emily replied.
I sat in my room, thinking about getting a normal life. Nobody would bother me. I clutched my necklace, I knew I had to save the bears.
“This is going to be hard…” I said, “But I will do it!”
I was a warrior, and I would always fight! I went downstairs and turned on the TV. I saw a build a bear commercial, and I smiled. I could do it. I watched a few minutes of different shows, there was nothing on that was very good. I went on ebay and typed in build a bear, then I saw something that said “real live build a bears!” and the person who was selling them was in our area! Then I noticed the bears, they were frowning (of course!)! I knew what my next mission was, to gwt the bears before the bidding time ran out!
There was a few days left, and the school week was going to start the next day! Why did she have to find out about this on Sunday?
“Know, there’s a few days left!” I said, and then noticed a bidder, Lilly! “No!”
Why was she bidding on it? Was she that evil? And she was the only bidder!
“I must do something!” I yelled.
That night I didn’t sleep well, I was worried! I guess that’s why I had nightmares.

Chapter 13:
“I don’t know what to do.” Emily said.
“Me neither!” I replied.
We both pondered about what to do.
“We can’t just steal them, we don’t know the person, and we’ll have to save their magic! We’ll have to steal them from the mail!” I said.
“We’ll get caught!” Emily replied.
“But, it’s the only way, do you want to save them?!” I almost yelled.
“Then we’ll get Alexandra.” Emily said.
“Alexandra is there?! The all year haunted house? That’s supposed to be really scary?” I asked Bearemy.
“Yeah, but you know, ghost. It’ll be OK.” He said.
“We wanna go to the all year haunted house!” I begged to Kelly.
“You sure?” Kelly asked.
“Yeah! We’ve watched 2 horror movies!” Emily said, begging.
“Well, I guess, only because you want to, but I think it’s boring. I’ve been there a lot!” Kelly said.
We got in Kelly’s car and watched the world go by. We were soon in front of an old building.
“Let’s go in!” Kelly said.
After walking around through the place, I realized how big it was, then I saw a white figure. Kelly was in a different room, and I knew it was Alexandra.
“You need help? I knew you’d come.”
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Emily and KI yelled at Kelly’s laptop, Lilly had used the “Buy Now” button, and she was going to f=get the bears the very next day!
“We, need Alex!” Emily said.
We began to run to find something that would Alex come around, so I grabbed the Ouija board.
“Do you think I’m a genie or something? I was already here.” Alex said, now appearing.
“Em, ok….. What do we do?” I asked.
“The box is already at Lilly’s house, she ordered extra fast service. The bears are alive, I know how to spy.” Alexandra said, sounded very annoyed.
“We have to go!” I said to Emily.
We ran to our bikes and rode to Lilly’s and saw Lilly, she was about to open the box! I mindlessly ran up and grabbed he knife from her hand. I grabbed the box, and tried to take it away.
“No! Not this time!” Lilly said, grabbing the knife from the ground, and as I was running, she began to send her arm straight, the knife towards my back!
“No.” A voice said.
“What?!” Lilly said, the knife was just floating there, held by something invisible.
We pulled the box, and Lilly chased us, until it fell and opened.
“Hey look!” A teenager said, walking out from the alley, grabbing the bears, “This’ll be fun!”
He lit the bears on fire with a lighter in the alley. We all gasped, and ran to our houses!
“We better get away, quick!” I said.
Back at home with all my bears, I felt terrible, we had an EPIC FAIL! We had almost saved them from Lilly, but some teenager, no!
“So close….” I said, my hands in fists.
“It’s OK. They’ll be reborn into new good magic.” Dove said, “That’s what happens to all good bears.”
I smiled bigger, we had beaten Lilly!
“So, we should celebrate!” I said.
Emily and I were at Baskin Robbins, all smiles.
“We did it!” She said.
But Lilly (who was at her house) was even more excited! *At Lilly’s mansion*
“How easy do you think it is? That they’d become good magic? Really?” She said, she was staring at evil magic, what were the bears. She brought out some build a bears that weren’t stuffed or alive, the evil magic became pure, dark purple hearts. She put a few dark purple hearts in each bears tiny bag. Then she put one in each bear.
“Now, go get some marionettes.” Lilly said, very few knew what she meant by marionettes.
“The orphans will love these!” The lady working there said.
“Of course they will!” Lilly said.
Lilly walked out until near a darker side of town.
“Lilly…” A voice said, Lilly turned around, seeing only a shadow, “You will be defeated.” Then there was evil laughter.
“Huh?” Lilly asked, confused, but walked home.
“You will be stopped….” The voice said again.
By now Lilly was running home, for her life!
“Go away!” Lilly yelled.
“Defeat!” The voice said, in her ear, she turned around, nobody was there, “You can’t run!”
This wasn’t the Alexandra, though….. Lilly was running faster, so fast she could’ve been flying.
“Almost home!” Lilly said triumphantly, and noticed some mud, she could get footprints, she jumped over all the mud and ran to the gates of her mansion, she turned, expecting to see footprints, but not even the mud seemed to be touched.
“Defeat…” The voice said again, right behind her.
Lilly felt scared, but reculantly turned around, but no one was there…..
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pawsome poster
pawsome poster

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Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old Empty
PostSubject: Re: Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old   Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 05, 2010 2:25 am

Great story! I thought It was awesome!
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building bunny
building bunny

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Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old Empty
PostSubject: Re: Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old   Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 14, 2010 7:43 pm

your story is amazing katherine
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building bunny
building bunny

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Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old Empty
PostSubject: Re: Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old   Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 22, 2010 1:45 pm

Your amazing at writing storys you should write more like this
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rockin' officer
rockin' officer

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PostSubject: Re: Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old   Growing Up With Bears, Book 1, 6 years old I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 22, 2010 1:56 pm

Please write more! I need to see what happens to me LOL Very Happy
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