Due to arguing this contest will no longer be a contest in the future!This is what someondude looks like: We Will play a game of hide and seek at the Fall Festival Party
Clues will be given on chat box where to find him
Prize: Travel Teddy Birth Certificate (psi is the brown suitcase) =♥ Schedule of Events central timeSee party section for a time chart for your time)
this is a rough idea of how the schedule will be:
1:00 -1:10 pm meet and greet wait for people to show up
1:10-1:25 fashion show I will donate a 5 credit card to winner
1:25-1:40 we can do a photo session of a group photo
1:40-1:45 Play hide and seek look for
someone dude (will post picture later in contest section of what he looks like and will give clues on chat box of where he hides) for a prize of a travel teddy birth certificate the psi is the retired brown suitcase