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Worlds best halloween poem! :DDD Coolte12
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Worlds best halloween poem! :DDD Coolte12
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 Worlds best halloween poem! :DDD

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Worlds best halloween poem! :DDD Empty
PostSubject: Worlds best halloween poem! :DDD   Worlds best halloween poem! :DDD I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 10, 2010 3:30 pm

I look out on a midnight clear

The owl hoots somewhere near

I hear the rustling of leaves

As someone gives a loud sneeze (sorry XD rhyming poem)

"Who could it possibly be" I think

Is it Santa with a ring a dink dink?

No no silly its Halloween!

So what could all this rustling mean

The full moon shones so bright

The grass tinted in the moonlight

A wolf howls with a big grunt

I jump so high, I land with thump!

I peer in the darkness, wondering, wondering

My brains is fidgeting, fidgeting

So many dangers, so many frights!

And still a long walk home tonight!

I pull my scarf around me

I give out a shiver

I hear something in the bushes, give a quiver

My brain is close to bursting!

The possibilties! Of what it could be!

Oh I wish I was home, sipping my tea

I pass by the graveyard, fearing the worse

A black cat jumps at me, I fend with my purse.

The cat hisses off, and I'm safe for now

But the ghosts are coming, oh wait thats a lost cow.

The cow walks off, I'm almost there!

I put my hands together, and say a short prayer.

I walk down the path that leads to my home.

I see light, and I give a happy groan

Let the owl hoot, let wolf howl!

Its time for trick-or-treating, try to stop me now!
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overstuffed bear

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Worlds best halloween poem! :DDD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worlds best halloween poem! :DDD   Worlds best halloween poem! :DDD I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 10, 2010 3:34 pm

Wow that is pawsome! Worlds best halloween poem! :DDD 941268 funnybunny!
I really enjoyed the suspense of it!
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Worlds best halloween poem! :DDD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worlds best halloween poem! :DDD   Worlds best halloween poem! :DDD I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 16, 2010 10:28 pm

Wow that is pawsome! I love it!
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pawsome poster
pawsome poster

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Worlds best halloween poem! :DDD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Worlds best halloween poem! :DDD   Worlds best halloween poem! :DDD I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 18, 2010 10:56 am

Good job Funny thanks for posting =)
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fluffy member
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PostSubject: Re: Worlds best halloween poem! :DDD   Worlds best halloween poem! :DDD I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 19, 2010 10:55 am

wow awesome i hope you can make more
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PostSubject: Re: Worlds best halloween poem! :DDD   Worlds best halloween poem! :DDD I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 19, 2010 1:57 pm

ya are you going to make more?? Can you make one about Christmas?
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PostSubject: Re: Worlds best halloween poem! :DDD   Worlds best halloween poem! :DDD I_icon_minitime

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Worlds best halloween poem! :DDD
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