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Photos of the "Use Your Energy" Walk Coolte12
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Photos of the "Use Your Energy" Walk Coolte12
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 Photos of the "Use Your Energy" Walk

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PostSubject: Photos of the "Use Your Energy" Walk   Photos of the "Use Your Energy" Walk I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 24, 2010 12:57 pm

Well since nobody that said they would come came, me and Lizzy got people from Build-a-Bearville to walk with us! Here are some pictures!

Photos of the "Use Your Energy" Walk Glitterfy-flpbk013272381623034

Photos of the "Use Your Energy" Walk Babv2710

Photos of the "Use Your Energy" Walk Babv2610

Photos of the "Use Your Energy" Walk Babv3911

Photos of the "Use Your Energy" Walk Babv2811

Photos of the "Use Your Energy" Walk Babv4110

Photos of the "Use Your Energy" Walk Babv4611

Photos of the "Use Your Energy" Walk Babv4711

The WINNER of the raffle is...

Lizzy please PM me what item you want or tell me at school Monday but I don't think you want to wait till then...
(100 Bear Bills or a Year of the Ox shirt. If you want to see what the shirt looks like then go to Use your Energy and click the first spoiler)

Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday
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rockin' officer
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PostSubject: Re: Photos of the "Use Your Energy" Walk   Photos of the "Use Your Energy" Walk I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 24, 2010 1:56 pm

hehhe lol!!! ill make the ummmm thing from gliterfy too with my pics ill make another topic!
umm i like the shirt!
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PostSubject: Yay Lizzy!   Photos of the "Use Your Energy" Walk I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 24, 2010 2:34 pm

hehhe lol!!! ill make the ummmm thing from gliterfy too with my pics ill make another topic!
umm i like the shirt!

Okay Lizzy! you can have the shirt... Photos of the "Use Your Energy" Walk 941268 thumbsup party fun funny
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PostSubject: Re: Photos of the "Use Your Energy" Walk   Photos of the "Use Your Energy" Walk I_icon_minitime

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Photos of the "Use Your Energy" Walk
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