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A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! Coolte12
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A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! Coolte12
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 A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!!

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A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! Empty
PostSubject: A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!!   A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 27, 2010 8:48 pm

Hi and today I went to Build-A-Bear Workshop!

Me and my little sister got a bear!

She got a Panda (POOFY) and I got a Monkey (Ruby)!!!

Here is what I got for being a Stuff for Stuff member:
A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! Pawsom11

Please A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! 328280 Ruby to this world:

A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! Monkey14

A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! Monkey15

A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! Monkey13

A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! Monkey16

A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! Monkey17

Now Please A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! 328280 POOFY to this world:

A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! Panda110

I didn't get this picture sorry!!! A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! 114629

A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! Panda310

A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! Panda211

A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! Panda_10

And those are my Furry Friends!!!
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fluffy member
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A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!!   A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 27, 2010 9:19 pm

you entered both doesnt your sister have a account but your ruby is so cute and poofy too
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A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!!   A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 28, 2010 12:10 am

Nope! My little sister is still in Pre-School!!!

She made her Panda (POOFY) a Sleeping Beauty Princess with a dress, crown, purse, and glasses!!

I made my Monkey (Ruby) a sleepover bear with Hello Kitty PJs and Hello Kitty Slippers!
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rockin' officer
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PostSubject: Re: A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!!   A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 28, 2010 7:50 pm

yayaya hehhe im there here are my pictures

A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! Sorry10

A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! Sorry510

A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! Sorry512
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junior helper
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A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!!   A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 29, 2010 4:46 am

Aww Ruby and Poofy are really cute names :]
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PostSubject: Re: A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!!   A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 29, 2010 9:59 pm

i was going to make Ruby a boy and name it Max, but at the babw i got to, there is hardly any boy bear clothes
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rockin' officer
rockin' officer

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PostSubject: Re: A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!!   A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 29, 2010 10:51 pm

ya it is hard to get boys clothes there is rarely any somethimes
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pawsome poster
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PostSubject: Re: A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!!   A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 30, 2011 10:07 pm

Yeah I wonder if I was a boy and I got a buildabear what clothes I would get . . . Tee hee was just thinking about that when you mention that And those bears are so cute! ! I love the names too just the cutest little animals and names. Tee hee.

A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! Garten Spring is something no one can change and make it more better than it already is, nothing is really prefect but spring is really close to it.
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PostSubject: Re: A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!!   A trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop!!! I_icon_minitime

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