Maxinebearylucky-This is a username of maxine in a human form.She has the ability to ask you to trade with her,she can ask you to be friends with her.You can also click on her and ask her to be trade and to be friends.She has a lot of rare stuff.
MaxineClarkCEB-Maxine in a bear form.When you enter the place that she's in you will get a monthly gift (must be in the exact place and den as her) .She does not have the ability to trade and be friends with you
ChloeRocks-She's a worker from babw, she comes in a girly form with a orange ponytail.When you join a den & place that she's in you will receive a monthly gift.She CANNOT ask you to trade with her or be friends with her.You CANNOT ask her to be friends with her or trade with her.
cyberguides-They are there to help answer questions.Guides do not trade!! But you can add them as friend.
MiguelSunshine-He first appeared during the 2009 green tracks quest He wears a Black-Long Sleeved T-Shirt With a Green Tie. He gives out Monthly Gifts if you see him.
Shea Megale-She's a 13 years old girl who has Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Type 2 and must ride in a wheelchair.She's always accompanied by her Canine Companion for Independence, a black labrador called Mercer.As character in babv she's in a motorized wheelchair and Mercer in the sidecar.She made 3 visits to babv in April 2009. If you were in the area where Shea was you would received a special Mercer emoticon.
Green Tracks He is a very cute little animal who cares about the enviroment. He was Introduced not long after Miguel Sunshine. Most of the time you can see him outside of the Pawsitively Green Center and now He Gives out monthly prizes also when he is in dens you will see his Picture. He can not talk yet only miguel understands his language. He loves to dance and ride the cars at the new Mall