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Does anyone have the new Pink Skate Ride and the new Valentines Day house?I do!Find out here! Coolte12
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Does anyone have the new Pink Skate Ride and the new Valentines Day house?I do!Find out here! Coolte12
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 Does anyone have the new Pink Skate Ride and the new Valentines Day house?I do!Find out here!

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Does anyone have the new Pink Skate Ride and the new Valentines Day house?I do!Find out here! Empty
PostSubject: Does anyone have the new Pink Skate Ride and the new Valentines Day house?I do!Find out here!   Does anyone have the new Pink Skate Ride and the new Valentines Day house?I do!Find out here! I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 02, 2011 4:39 pm

Hey guys!Do you have the NEW Pink Skate ride?I do!It's soooooo cool!If yuo want to see it,go to the Bearville Outfiters Store,click rides and you'll see it.The reason why I have it because my mom bought a V.I.B. Membership card with surprising me(I said this on a Topic),I typed the code in,it didn't work,so my mom and I sent an email to Build-a-Bear-WorkShop.It took a long time to respond.But today tey did,they might as well cause its Groundhog Day.Then,I typed it in,the code WORKED!I was sooo happy!I got 5(five)credits,I spent it and I got the ride!I know,that wasn't really a good idea but I thought it was. Smile I got 5,000(five thousand) bearbills too!I spent it on the new Valentines Day house!It looked good. lol! Did you get those?Tell me here Smile peace
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Does anyone have the new Pink Skate Ride and the new Valentines Day house?I do!Find out here! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does anyone have the new Pink Skate Ride and the new Valentines Day house?I do!Find out here!   Does anyone have the new Pink Skate Ride and the new Valentines Day house?I do!Find out here! I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 02, 2011 5:37 pm

nope lol i have 1 credit but 3 or 2 rides i think
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Does anyone have the new Pink Skate Ride and the new Valentines Day house?I do!Find out here! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does anyone have the new Pink Skate Ride and the new Valentines Day house?I do!Find out here!   Does anyone have the new Pink Skate Ride and the new Valentines Day house?I do!Find out here! I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 02, 2011 7:44 pm

ahhhhh i remember being a V.I.B. lol You get to make your own backpacks too! Pawsome! You get them every month! I didn't do much with the BB, but i used the credits to buy 2 rides ( I have 5 [panda bouncy ball, monkey pogo stick, Hoverboard, Wings, and a Broomstick] ) and clothes for me and me bear!
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Does anyone have the new Pink Skate Ride and the new Valentines Day house?I do!Find out here! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does anyone have the new Pink Skate Ride and the new Valentines Day house?I do!Find out here!   Does anyone have the new Pink Skate Ride and the new Valentines Day house?I do!Find out here! I_icon_minitime

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Does anyone have the new Pink Skate Ride and the new Valentines Day house?I do!Find out here!
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