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need suggestions for the Shimmer Kitty contest Coolte12
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need suggestions for the Shimmer Kitty contest Coolte12
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 need suggestions for the Shimmer Kitty contest

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overstuffed bear

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need suggestions for the Shimmer Kitty contest Empty
PostSubject: need suggestions for the Shimmer Kitty contest   need suggestions for the Shimmer Kitty contest I_icon_minitimeMon May 09, 2011 4:36 pm

Hi everyone ! I need suggestions for a shimmer kitty contest for the award of the birth certifiicate I purchased for the go for the gold contest since drake won and it was too girly of a prize.
So please post suggestions here for any kind of contest that follows forum rules
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Join date : 2010-03-28

need suggestions for the Shimmer Kitty contest Empty
PostSubject: Re: need suggestions for the Shimmer Kitty contest   need suggestions for the Shimmer Kitty contest I_icon_minitimeTue May 10, 2011 3:12 pm

i pome contest or a random contest or idk.
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need suggestions for the Shimmer Kitty contest
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