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PostSubject: Friendship story chapter one..   Friendship story chapter one.. I_icon_minitimeSun May 15, 2011 10:09 am

Chapter One

I walked through the pink door of room 199, "Boarding school, here I come," I whispered to myself. When I got inside a girl with red hair was playing music on her ipod, "Um, hey," I said. The girl looked at me and raised her eyebrows and then went back to her music. Another girl came through the door behind me, she waved her long brown hair and came skipping in wearing, bright, green shoes, "Hi! My name's Kayla! My first year here, your's?" she said happily.
"Yeah, it is," I had put my spotty blue bag down and rested my arms. Kayla skipped over to a single bed and threw her bag down. She bounced up and down on the bed like she was about four, "Quit it!" the girl with red hair shouted.
"Narky! What's your name?" Kayla asked the girl.
"Kerry!" she shouted.
"Kerry rhymes with cherry and that's the color of your hair!" Kayla sang, "And you, what's your name?" she asked pointing to me with her blue fingernails (they were painted).
"Katrina, but call me Kat," I said.
"Three K's!" Kayla laughed.
I walked over to the spare bed and put my bags down. I started unpacking my things but Kayla stopped me, "Hey! What you unpacking for?! We need to explore the boarding school site!" Kayla linked my arm, "Coming Kerry?" she asked.
"I'll pass," Kerry sighed rolling her eyes. And then me and Kayla walked out the door about to step into a whole new life!
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PostSubject: Re: Friendship story chapter one..   Friendship story chapter one.. I_icon_minitimeSun May 15, 2011 12:36 pm

Chapter Two:

Kayla pulled my arm.Where are we going,Kayla?'',I asked,curious.''I don't know!'',she said,crazily.''I'm just pulling you around.Don't you want to look to see NEWW things?''
''I don't know about that....'',I said,worried.''Maybe there are bears''.Don't be such a scaredy-cat,Kat!''Kayla laughed.L-O-L!Kat,cat.Just don't worry about it.''''Oh fine!!'',I giggled a little.We both skipped around.First there was the Lunch RoomCamp.''That's a weird name for a Lunch Room'',I laughed so loud that the whole buildaing almost fell down.
Then we got to different places.Last we went back.When they got to there room,they were sweating like crazy.''Phew!'',they both cried,wipeing there sweat off.''But,nooo,why??'',something we heard.''Because the building fell down.Somebody screamed so loud.'',the teacher argued.''Oops'',Kat laughed.''Ughhhhh!!!!'',screeched a person.Is that Kerry?''Kayla asked confused.''Probably'',Kat said.Then she walked in.''Bad news.'',she cried.''We are all sharing rooms...........''
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PostSubject: Re: Friendship story chapter one..   Friendship story chapter one.. I_icon_minitimeSun May 15, 2011 12:56 pm

Thanks for replying

Last edited by EvieSummer on Sun May 15, 2011 12:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Friendship story chapter one..   Friendship story chapter one.. I_icon_minitimeSun May 15, 2011 12:57 pm

Chapet 3

After we all heard about we all had to share a room we all got scared but not me and Kayla we were good friends. But the only problem was Kerry because we called her the Cherry of blue fingers. for some odd reason. Maybe because of her blue fingers that haunted me when I sleep even when I see her I just see a scary ghost with long blue fingers and of her red bed head. Kayla said "Oh well this will be so much fun! we could sing alot of songs together! and we can jump on our beds and talk! it will be so much fun she cried!" "Well not for me because I have way better things to do than play dolls with some babies" Kerry said. "We are so not babies and what other things do you have to do better than see new things here! it will be so much fun" I said. "I have a whole day planned out for us three girls, you should really come Kerry you will love to hang out with us!" Happliy Kayla said. "Nope, it is so nice of you to inculted me in it but you little girls are way to weider and well I need to have a day with my Ipod on that day so ta ta to you little girls" Kerry laughed. "Suit your self, come on we need to eat your lunch at the lunch room, are you with me?" Kayla asked me. "Sure of course I have nothing else better to do, after we should just go to the gift store and buy little miss know it all a little gift" I said. "It will be a book for she want to come with us and learn how much fun this place is" I whispered to Kayla, she just gave me her little pretty smiles and we both giggled away and went off to lunchroom we went.
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PostSubject: Re: Friendship story chapter one..   Friendship story chapter one.. I_icon_minitimeSun May 15, 2011 1:11 pm

Chapter 4:
We both skipped off to lunch. Kerry had stayed in our room, she said she would catch us later. I ran along the edge of the fountain and then jumped off. Kayla screamed, "What?!" I said startled.
"I need to make a wish!" Kayla shouted. She threw some money in and closed her eyes. I waited. Then Kayla skipped along happily while people stared at her. When we got to the lunch hall Kayla looked at what we could have, "Yay! My favourite!" she laughed. I looked to what she was pointing at, a rainbow coloured snow cone, "That's for dessert," I told her.
"I know, I just love snow cones!" she laughed. Suddenly we heard everyone gasped and made a little line through the middle of the hall. I saw Kerry walk through, she looked like a bad girl, like she was someone who doesn't care about anything. I sighed, "Look who's here," I said. Kerry pushed in front of us, "Hey! Learn some manners!" I said to her, it was meant to sound tough but it came out as a mouse squeak.
"Yeah, or you won't be jumping up and down on the new trampoline mattress I made!" Kayla said.
"No, I can do what I want!" Kerry shouted.
"So can we!" Kayla raised removed violent action~ballerina. I don't even no if it had something to do with what she wished for.

Last edited by priscillaballerina31 on Sun May 15, 2011 4:38 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : please read forum rules not talk about hitting or violence~ballerina)
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PostSubject: Re: Friendship story chapter one..   Friendship story chapter one.. I_icon_minitimeSun May 15, 2011 1:38 pm

Chapter 5

I knew it had to do with me or Kerry of what Kayla wished for, Kerry yelled and screamed her head off but what was i going to do was I going to run for it like Kayla did? or was I going to call the hopistal? I had no clue of what I should do, so I ran to the phone and called I really didn't care if Kerry was mean It is what I had to do. I called 9-1-1 I was so scared. I said "Hello someone come here quick I saw this girl hit another girl in the month and now she is all red around the mouth I think her jaw is not there anymore I don't know just someone come here quick!" The lady said "don't worry a team is coming as fast as they can we will try anything to help out your friend just stay calm, tell me where are you at?" I was going to say "she is not my friend" but that would be rude. So I just said "I am at London bridge mall 25 Trinity Street". I put the phone down and went over to Kalya and asked her what on earth was she thinking she said "I can't stand her I just needed to like hit someone and well it was one of the things I wished for was to make Kerry say sorry to you and me for being rude and well I guess we will just have to wait and see if she will and I hope she will be more nicer to us because she is scared of us." Kayla said. I said "Are you out of your mind! she is a big bully! no matter what you can't change a bully if you even put hands on a bully they will wipe you out like on that show Wipe Out, the big red round things wipe the people out when they put even a foot on it they fall of." I cried. But when I said all these things to Kayla I relized that Kerry was not there anymore. I wonderd where she went because I was so busy talking I didn't even see the people take her away to the hopistal. Did she fack it? or did they really come? Oh goodness! I feel like this will be along night.

Last edited by ItalianPrincess on Sun May 15, 2011 1:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Friendship story chapter one..   Friendship story chapter one.. I_icon_minitimeSun May 15, 2011 1:41 pm

Chapter 6:''KAYLA!'',the teacher screamed.''HOW DARE U HIT A CHILD!''''Noooooooo!!''cried Kat.''She did it because mean Kerry skipped her.''''Well she should tell a teacher,not punch someone!,
the teacher argued.''Well.........'',I said ,worried.When the teacher was holding Kayla at the back,she put her hands in front of her neck,and moved it sideways.''I HAVE TOO!,Kat screeched.''Huh?'',the teacher looked confused adn turned around,then she made a mean eyes too her.Suddenly,Kat just realized everybody was skipping her.''HEY!,she yelled.The teacher turned aroundand laughed.Kerry quietly tippytoed to her,oh I mean 'our' room,while bringing her lunch.When she got there,she was jumping on the trampline bed.
So them,Kayla ogt her lunch and went to the office while Kat got her lunch and ate it at the Lunch Room and sighed.''I wished she hadn't punched Kerry'',Kat cried.So then she ate her lunch,and went to our room.And she saw Kerry jumping on the trampline bed!''WHAT!'',she screamed.''Umm,srry?'',she said,nicely for ONCE.''UR NOT SUPPOSED TO JUMP ON THERE,REMEBER KERRY!,she screeched,yelled,hollered,screamed.''Well,srry'',she siad rudely,while getting off,and Kat jumping on it.Two hours later,Kat was reading her favorite book:The Wonders of Patkine and Bootskun,Two brothers,and Kerry playing her IPOd,the game was:Up we goooo!Kayla opened the door sighing.''KAYLA!'',hugged Kat,being worried about her.''Ughh,lovebirds'',she said.Kayla made mean eyes to Kerry.Kerry rolled her eyes.
''What did the princabil say?'',Kat asked.''He said they'll call my parents if I do that again,and they said i'll have detention for two days tomorrow'',confessed Kayla,sighing.''Detention?,she said,confusenly.
''We have no school yet.''''Tomorrow,umm,yeah,ha,umm,we are starting school,and there will be alot of bullies there.''Kerry dropped her IPod on the bed,and looked amazed and worried,with there mouths down,even Kat,too!''Yeahh,umm,i'm not joking............'' Friendship story chapter one.. 941268
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PostSubject: Re: Friendship story chapter one..   Friendship story chapter one.. I_icon_minitimeSun May 15, 2011 2:44 pm

Great chapters, keep them coming Wink
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PostSubject: Re: Friendship story chapter one..   Friendship story chapter one.. I_icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 10:03 am

Chapter 6:
I heard Kayla crying all night "Kayla," I whispered.
"What, Kat?" she cried.
"Your making me feel bad because I didn't do anything!" I told her. I heard Kerry yawn,
"Shut up, and ow my face hurts," Kerry whispered into the darkness. I ignored Kerry, Cherry and got up on my bed and bounced, "Can I join in?" Kayla asked.
"Sure!" I said bouncing high in the air.
"Yay!" Kayla laughed.
"Stop!" Kerry sighed turning on the light. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Kayla looked through he peep hole, "It's some boy?" Kayla whispered. Kerry came rushing towards the door and opened it, "He sis," the boy said. I felt like laughing my head off,
"What are yo doing here!?" Kerry raised her voice.
"I just wanted to give you this, you put it in my case, now I gotta go before the night guards catch me, and good ob faking the hurt," the boy closed the door and walked out,
"That was your brother!!?? And by the way you faked the blood! ow your good!" I laughed.
"Be quiet Kat!" Kerry turned out the light and we all fell asleep.
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PostSubject: Re: Friendship story chapter one..   Friendship story chapter one.. I_icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 11:42 am

Chapter 7:
I woke up early and decided to put some makeup on but as I was putting my makeup on the eye shadow fell and went all over the floor.I let out a scream and I heard Kat say,
"Why did you have to drop that"
"Please be quiet" I said
I walked out of the room in anger and I bumped into the Boarding School Bully.I ran away but then..
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PostSubject: Re: Friendship story chapter one..   Friendship story chapter one.. I_icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 11:58 am

Chapter 8:
I walked quickly to school, Kayla soon caught up, "Hey Kat!" she said happily
"Hey," I replied. I saw Kerry walk past us quickly, "Cherry of blue fingers," I whispered to Kayla, she laughed, "Yeahh! So the first day of boarding school, school" Kayla sighed.
"I've got art next," I sighed.
"Me too," Kayla said. Kerry had dropped one of her books and was picking it up, "If she was a bit kinder I would help her," Kayla sighed. When we got into the art room, Kayla looked over to the corner, "Oh no! Kerry the cherry is here!" Kayla laughed.
"Don't say that! She might here!" I laughed. When we got given art pads and pencils, we were told to find a partner, Kayla and me wen together of course, "Now you all have to draw someone that is important to you," Mrs, Moorcroft our teacher said.
"Why are we working in pairs then miss?" Ally a girl from the front said.
"Well, I want you to draw the two people together and then tell me when your done," Mrs Moorcroft replied.
Suddenly Mrs Johnson came through the door, I saw her earlier she was telling Kayla off for jumping on beds, "Hello, Sorry to disturb but Miss Beeley and Mr, King are getting married I need you to come and see them!" Mrs Johnson said. "Mr Amin doesn't seem happy,"
Mrs Moorcroft told us to get on with our work while she went away for ten minutes, it was at that moment when Kerry wrote the title she had tears i her eyes, I knew she was hiding something, But what?
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PostSubject: Re: Friendship story chapter one..   Friendship story chapter one.. I_icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 12:07 pm

Chapter 9:
"Did you hear that Kat"?
Kerry started crying and it was like a whole waterful of rain poured on her art book.Was she jealous that they were getting married?.I asked Kat what she thought of Kerry the Cherry crying for attention?.Miss Moorcroft heard us discuss about her and we got sent out the room.I rolled my eyes at her and said,"You have to admit she wants attention".Miss Moorcroft then explained that,"her parents are arguing at the moment and she is finding it tough".Mine and Kat's face drooped when she told us.
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PostSubject: Re: Friendship story chapter one..   Friendship story chapter one.. I_icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 12:15 pm

Chapter 10
"Is that why she's been so narky? I thought she was normally like that!" Kayla said, Mrs Dimmeck our head shouted at her. Kayla rolled her eyes... We stood in Mrs Dimmeck's room for ages and the she let us go, it was Games. I sighed, Baseball great! Not! I hated Games. Kayla seemed to dislike them too. When we got outside Kerry wiped her eyes and was listing to Katy (Mrs Johnson's daughter) we looked at Kerry but she just seemed normal, her bad, mean self. I sighed. I wanted to help her if only she would let me.
"Kerry," I whispered that night when Kayla was snoring.
"I'm sorry about your parents!" I said.
"How do you know!?" Kerry said.
"Shhh! Mrs Moorcroft said!" I whispered.
"Uh, go away, and I'm not bothered!" she raised her voice.
"I want to help," I said.
"Like how Kat?" she asked.
"Be your friend," I whispered.
"Huh, no way!" she said and turned around. I sighed. I wanted to be her friend to help her..
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PostSubject: Re: Friendship story chapter one..   Friendship story chapter one.. I_icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 12:20 pm

Chapter 11:
I woke up and seen Kat talking to Kerry.Ignore Kerry,Kat.She is just annoying and her parents aren't arguing.
"Why do both of you always have to stick your big noses into all of my bussiness" Kerry screamed
"Why do you have to be so mean" I said angrily
Kerry the Cherry maybe you should learn a lesson and not be mean to people when they are only trying to help you but if you don't want help then why don't you just keep crying in art.
"How do you know I was crying" Kerry screamed really loud
"Kerry stop screaming,I seen your wet book,unless you spat on it which you probably did since you are that yuck you would"

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PostSubject: Re: Friendship story chapter one..   Friendship story chapter one.. I_icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 12:26 pm

Chapter 12:
It was Saturday! No school! Kerry kept on looking at me in the main girls room, "What?" I whispered.
"Nothing!" she said. Kayla was watching TV. A cartoon, Anime make I think, I swayed on the chair and then Kerry got up, "Hey! Kat, I've got an idea! Let's spy on her!" i was so shocked.
"No! That's mean!" I said. Kayla begged until I said yes. I got up and followed Kerry (Sorry the chapter was so short
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PostSubject: Re: Friendship story chapter one..   Friendship story chapter one.. I_icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 12:34 pm

Chapter 13:
I went to see if Kat wanted to go shopping but I couldn't find her.I then see Kat and Kerry spying on me.
"I see you took Kerry's side" I said quietly
I ran back to my bed crying wondering why she took her side.The tears quickly come down.
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PostSubject: Re: Friendship story chapter one..   Friendship story chapter one.. I_icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2011 5:18 pm

You mean Kayla and Kerry.

Chapter 14:Lets start nameing titles! Very Happy The Madness

I cried soo much,it took two hours!An hour later I was reading my favourite book still.
Kayla got in the room.I rolled my eyes.''What?'',she asked.I ignored her.Then the our phone was ringing it was from our school Bailey School of Awesomeness.Kerry put it on speaker.It said:Tomorrow is Dress down day,please wear anything you want,execpt jeans,if you wear them you will be sent to the office by the teacher and be changing to regular school pants,thank you kids!Have the "awesomeness" day!''.''Yessss!'',I screamed,so exicted.''I love dress down day.I bet Kerry doesnt like it''.Kayla and I laughed and I stopped cause she was laughing with me so I contuiend on my book.The next day on school,I wore a yellow shirt the shoulder was showing,they could seee my bellybutton(lol),and I was wearing shorts,my hair was tied in a cute hair bow,it was brown,and I had cute clips in my hair where it was tied.Kerry was wearing all black like a ninja,and she had long purple hair.
Kayla was wearing a purple gown dress,and black shoes,her purse was cute,it had jewels aorund it.In the middle was jewels too but it spelled Judas from the bible.We went to school,I didn't walk to school with Kayla as usual cause she walked with "Kerry" now. Sad What a bad day!''So umm,Kayla now you moved to the bad guy side now huh?.................."
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PostSubject: Re: Friendship story chapter one..   Friendship story chapter one.. I_icon_minitimeTue May 17, 2011 9:11 am

Chapter 15 (The make up)

Kerry and Kayla walked off together to class.. Kerry had turned Kayla into a bad girl. I hated the new Kayla. I sighed as I walked back to the dorm, "Hey, look, I've gotten into a fight with Kerry," Kayla said.
"And?!" I said.
"I miss you being my best friend, please, I wanna be friends again," Kayla begged.
"Why should I?" I said angrily opening the door to our room.
"Because, Your a better friend and I got you a present!" Kayla said. She got her school bag and brought out a pair of jeans, "It's for the dress down day!" she said happily.
"I've got my outfit and plus you can't wear jeans!" I said.
"Oh yeah, Ooops!" Kayla giggled. We both laughed and walked inside were we found Kerry crying, "Could it be her parents?" I asked Kayla.
"I don't know, lets go and see!" we walked over to Kerry to see what was wrong.
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PostSubject: Re: Friendship story chapter one..   Friendship story chapter one.. I_icon_minitimeTue May 17, 2011 11:47 am

Chapter 16 (Lies):

Me and stood by Kerry and asked nicely,
"Whats up with you"
"How come your being so nice,want to borrow clothes for the Dress Down Day" said Kerry madly
"No,we are being nice,what is wrong" me and Kat asked
"Fine,I will admit,it's my parents,it's about,you to.You act so nice to each other and to me you treat me so mean so I have to make up excuses" Kerry cried
I whispered to Kat,"this has go to be a lie".
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PostSubject: Re: Friendship story chapter one..   Friendship story chapter one.. I_icon_minitimeTue May 17, 2011 5:00 pm

Chapter 17:Really!

"Really!",I screamed."I know ur not telling the truth,Sassy Lier!''.
"I'm not Sassy Lier,i'm serious'',I said,again."Kk".
"U need to learn some manners",argued Kayla.
Kayla thought"I want to hit her soo bad,I just can't do it again."
So she didn't.It was Art time now.The teacher clapped twice.We clapped twice.
Plzz contuine......
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PostSubject: Re: Friendship story chapter one..   Friendship story chapter one.. I_icon_minitimeThu May 26, 2011 1:33 pm

Chapter 18:The teacher hears us arguing

It was night time and again it was more arguing.They are like my sisters I thought to myself,we argue that much.
"Kayla and Kat you are just so annoying and I wish you to would leave this boarding school and go back home. Kerry said
"We wish we could go back home aswell but no,we can't.We didn't decide to come here and I suppose you did because you seem to love it here so much" Kayla said.
The arguing got really loud,"Please be quiet you guys,your giving me ear-ache".Did they do the opposite of what I told them to?? they screamed louder.I went to my bed and ignored them.I knew I had to stick up for Kayla and I had to stick up for Kerry.The teacher came in and looked in shockness.
"We do not tolerate arguing nor screaming so loud like you two are.Kat is in bed and you two are probably disturbing her" the teacher said.
I had to say this,"stop moaning".
"Come to my office tomorrow morning,all of you." said the teacher and she walked out shaking her head.
When the arguing finished and Kayla and Kerry went to bed.I got up and tapped Kayla.
"What" Kayla said
"Do you want to do a runner tomorrow and go back home" I said
"Yeah,lets do it now" Kayla said
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