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Go on sign up & HAVE FUN WITH US Very Happy
Remember to stay safe online! Coolte12
Hello guests,
If you haven't already, sign up and have fun with us!!
Unfortunately you won't be able to write any comments or take part in our contests until you have singed up.
Go on sign up & HAVE FUN WITH US Very Happy
Remember to stay safe online! Coolte12
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 Remember to stay safe online!

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fluffy member
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PostSubject: Remember to stay safe online!   Remember to stay safe online! I_icon_minitimeThu May 19, 2011 1:43 pm

!Stay Safe Online!

Remember to stay safe online! Cybear10
Hello everyone, it’s Eddy here the Chat Box moderator here at BABV-Lovers and I am here to remind you all about internet safety! As the Chat Box moderator I am beary keen to ensure that all of our members are safe online, and most importantly keep their passwords a secret. Unfortunately, hacking has been taking place here on our forum so I would recommend ALL members to change their passwords to a password you don’t usually use. The hacking isn’t anything terrible, it’s just spamming and it’s very unlikely for it to happen again but please all be aware.

Myself and fellow staff members feel strongly about keeping you all safe online and of course here at BABV-Lovers! If you ever need any help or advice when it comes to keeping safe online feel free to PM me or any other staff members.

Bear Hugs,
Eddy, BL ChatBox Moderator
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building bunny
building bunny

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PostSubject: Re: Remember to stay safe online!   Remember to stay safe online! I_icon_minitimeThu May 19, 2011 1:55 pm

Caitlyn a member here has been hacked.Don't give your password to anyone and make sure you change it straight away.
Thank you for informing us Eddy!
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fluffy member
fluffy member

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PostSubject: Re: Remember to stay safe online!   Remember to stay safe online! I_icon_minitimeThu May 19, 2011 1:58 pm

You are more than welcome Zara. I have just changed mine now Wink
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pawsome poster
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PostSubject: Re: Remember to stay safe online!   Remember to stay safe online! I_icon_minitimeThu May 19, 2011 1:59 pm

Thanks Eddy for telling us about this.
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fluffy member
fluffy member

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PostSubject: Re: Remember to stay safe online!   Remember to stay safe online! I_icon_minitimeThu May 19, 2011 2:01 pm

More than welcome but please be sure to change your password Smile We don't want anymore hacking disasters here.
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PostSubject: Re: Remember to stay safe online!   Remember to stay safe online! I_icon_minitime

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