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I have never had a V.I.B Membership story Contest Coolte12
Hello guests,
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I have never had a V.I.B Membership story Contest Coolte12
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 I have never had a V.I.B Membership story Contest

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overstuffed bear

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I have never had a V.I.B Membership story Contest Empty
PostSubject: I have never had a V.I.B Membership story Contest   I have never had a V.I.B Membership story Contest I_icon_minitimeSun May 22, 2011 8:09 am

Prize= 3 month membership but it will doulbe to a 6 month membership
IF you enter the codes from May 20- June 16,2011!
Follow all Forum Rules and Contest Rules!~
Contest start date: Sunday May22,2011
Contest end date: Friday May 27,2011

Instructions: Write a short story of what having a V.I.B membership would mean to you
and also put your meaning of a funny thing that V.I.B could stand for
(like this) my meaning of V.I.B= Very Industrious Beavers

Please only enter this contest if you have never had a V.I B. membership before!

There will be a different contest for those forum members that have had membership.

You can only enter one of the V.I.B contests!!!
If you enter on both you will be disqualified!!

You can not enter if you have won a past contest and have already won a V.I.B contest last year or ever. This is to make it fair that same people are not winning this prize and give others a chance to win it.

Here are my records of past winners:
3 Month VIB membership story writing contestHosted by Priscillaballerina31
Contest runs April 24 - April 29
Prize= 3 Month VIB Membership
Gifted a 3 -month vib to ajbubbles!!!!!

500 Member Party Raffle For 3~Month VIB Subscription
Hosted by Priscillaballerina31
1. Test
2. Sage
3. Hannahgemfriend30

500 Member Party Contest for 2 of the VIB memberships
Hosted by LillyBearathlete1

3 month vib membership
Hosted by Priscillaballerina31
Starts Oct 18
Ends Oct 23rd
Think of what the letters V. I. B could stand for

Last edited by priscillaballerina31 on Fri May 27, 2011 5:08 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : solved)
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fluffy member
fluffy member

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Join date : 2011-01-12

I have never had a V.I.B Membership story Contest Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have never had a V.I.B Membership story Contest   I have never had a V.I.B Membership story Contest I_icon_minitimeMon May 23, 2011 11:15 am

Great! I can't wait to write my story, I will get here asap Smile I would LOVE a VIB!
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fluffy member
fluffy member

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I have never had a V.I.B Membership story Contest Empty
PostSubject: My Entry!   I have never had a V.I.B Membership story Contest I_icon_minitimeTue May 24, 2011 1:49 am

What a VIB would mean to me:
A VIB to me would mean a whole new adventure online! It would allow me to enjoy the site I love so very much, to its full extent receiving great rewards and special news that I would share with everyone to show my thanks for such a great prize. I have been a member of Bearville since 2007; the day it started I was on there in a flash! I am a dedicated member of Bearville, and try to keep things safe with my Jr Cybearguide duties. I don’t live near a BABW store, so it’s very hard to actually get what can offer so I normally just settle with what is online. I have always wanted to be a VIB; it would be a great opportunity that I know would leave me with great memories from both and the forum that helped me get it….BABV Lovers. Thanks for reading and I hope you chose me to win the VIB Smile

Funny phrase: Vlogging Ice Bunny
Thank you so much reading and hope my “what a VIB means to me” text can help me win. I wish everyone luck in this contest, and if I do win I promise to share some prizes with you!
Bear Hugs,
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pawsome poster
pawsome poster

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I have never had a V.I.B Membership story Contest Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have never had a V.I.B Membership story Contest   I have never had a V.I.B Membership story Contest I_icon_minitimeTue May 24, 2011 11:53 am

Good luck

Last edited by katiebee on Thu May 26, 2011 7:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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overstuffed bear

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Location : somewhere over the rainbow

I have never had a V.I.B Membership story Contest Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have never had a V.I.B Membership story Contest   I have never had a V.I.B Membership story Contest I_icon_minitimeTue May 24, 2011 7:18 pm

See Above katie in red on both contests!!
It says you can only enter one of them or you will be disqualified!! Sad
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Book Editor
Book Editor

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I have never had a V.I.B Membership story Contest Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have never had a V.I.B Membership story Contest   I have never had a V.I.B Membership story Contest I_icon_minitimeTue May 24, 2011 8:37 pm

If I was a VIB, my life would be complete lol. It would be great to get credits EVERY MONTH. I would buy a ride, and a beachfront home or ski home so I could hold one big BABV LOVERS party! Smile I actually live quite a way from a store, so I cant buy one. However, if I had one, I would care for all the animals at the zoo. It is really nice of Ballerina to hold contests like these. I would feel really lucky to win. I would also be able to complete my badges happily, knowing I could buy a treat at some point in that month Smile

VIB = Very Igloo-ish Beachbears
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PostSubject: Re: I have never had a V.I.B Membership story Contest   I have never had a V.I.B Membership story Contest I_icon_minitime

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