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PostSubject: Forum Talk.   Forum Talk. I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 01, 2011 11:20 pm

Welcome everyone I just wanted to say to most people on this forum their are too many of you Lol to write all about you lol so lets start.

Sage(Admin) Your so nice to everyone when ever I am on chat you just brighten up my whole day I love that about you your the best Owner for this forum and I adminer you for that you take lead and charge of this forum I really adminer you for that your a great person and a wonderful friend sage.

Priscilla, when ever I see your name on or when you post I can't wait to see what you post you always give a person the good side to go on to feel better or the extra Good talk which means "You are always nice to people when they feel bad" it is a really good thing about you, your the most nicest person to give a person a high five or a good "good job" that is wonderful to be. (:

Caitlyn, If I didn't meet you I would not have known what your really like and I was a little scared because we had a little fight about something in Pm and well I loved that you just didn't fight it like other people would other people would stay mad at that person forever, and your a really good traded Lol I love to trade with you, and I hope in the future we become the bestset of bestset friend because your so nice and kind hearted (:

Evie, when I met you and you posted alot and well you seemed so nice and I wanted to become your friend and on that rolepay thing you are super nice to be a friends with your so easy to be a friend with, You are My Bff on this forum I have so much more things to say but I have alot of more people to write about but the only few words to decribe you with is, My BFF for life, a good person, trustworthy, That is Evie. (:

, When we talked on alot of post I really enjoyed talking to you, you are a really wonderful graphic artist! (: And I try to bet you on posting on every single post, Lol my trick is to put my name on everything don't tell anyone! Lol, I can trust you with a scret at any time (:

Clare, well clare you and Althea and evie are the most wonderfulest graphicartist I ever seen you and me clare you are my little sister and well we take along time back (: and I will trust you with my life, your the one and only friend in life and clare your the only and one best stamps persom ever Lol (: your wonderful to play anything with clare a wonderful person you are clare.

AjBubbles, I love trading with you thank you very much for all of those credits you have gaven me in the past. your a ownderful traded I enjoy trading with you so much, have fun with the hello kitty items (: I hope to get to know you better so far your woderful (: hee hee

Kasey, I know I don't know you much and well your new but I have seen you on Babv and your a great person I traded with you once and you caneled on me Lol but that fine, I just don't trade much of my items anymore (: so I'm sorry I didn't give you much choice to pick from LOl (: hope to get to know you better your a great traded and you only trade fairly (: I adminer that very much.

Hannah, well when we talked on chat box we had a great time i enjoyed it very much your a outstanding person to talk to, to tell a promble to, And don't worry Clare got her account to work thank you very much for your help she just forgot what her password was, I enjoy talking to you again really soon, I wish you the best and I hope you enjoyed the trip (:

Riya, I know I on't know you much but I think fro mwhat I hear that your a wonderful friend and person. (: I hope to get to know you better each day (:

I will try to do more people soon (:

Lizzy, I know I haven't talk to you much but I am 100% that your really nice and kind hearted. (: hope to get to know you better Lizzy have the best day ever (Everyday)

Katie, I think I have talken to you a little bit you have been on this forum alot and I thank you for supporting this forum is it great that your on here it makes me very happy each day to know your on here. (:

Alexa, Well I really don't know anything about you but something in side of my says "Make room for Alexa on your forum" and that is what I am willing to do (to try to get to know you better) (:

Chelsea, it's a good that you support and join this forum from many other forums there are, I hope your having fun here and how to get to know you some day (:

Mousie, I just seen you for a little while but you have been a wonderful person so far Lol I look forward to spending my whole Blovers time with you to get to know you much more better and become the best of pals Smile I just love your style of Signature Lol I love the too bears on the tables, I love your signature with your name in a cute fancy way and the cute bow I think you have the same fashion idea as me (; Heehee over all your a wonderful person and my only friend who likes my cute theme Lol Smile

Thank you too everyone for joining this forum and thank you for everything I bet the old owner would be really happy with the work sage has done to this forum and I incourge everyone to post more we all love to hear from you (: Have the best day everyone on this forum! but first lets give a HUGE! hand to EVERYONE! even admins and members and of course sage for taking the big step to becoming the new and awsome owner we knew she would be. Claps. . . . .

Last edited by ItalianPrincess on Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:18 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Forum Talk.   Forum Talk. I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 02, 2011 12:00 am

that's so nice of you...
lol im like that too!
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PostSubject: Re: Forum Talk.   Forum Talk. I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 02, 2011 6:30 am

Awhh *tear* Thank you Princess!! <3

I la la lovee hanging out with you, talking on chatbox with you x] lol its Fun! and You are a Wonderful friend, No doubt about that. and Im glad that Clare got her babv back Smile Thank You for your kind words. I really appreciate it ((:

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PostSubject: Re: Forum Talk.   Forum Talk. I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 02, 2011 6:45 am

yeah i agree with you hannah!
you are a really nice friend
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PostSubject: Re: Forum Talk.   Forum Talk. I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 02, 2011 8:52 am

Aww! Sad
That is so very sweet of you. Thank you very much for those kind words. This time, you birghtened up my day Very Happy I always try to be a good friend and leader Smile I love all my friends on here, and your such a wonderful friend! I have a great time chatting with you on the chatbox and some of the games lol. Your fun to be around Very Happy Big hugs to you! :hug:
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PostSubject: Re: Forum Talk.   Forum Talk. I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 02, 2011 9:30 am

i can assure you!
i will never forget this message

maybe we should put this on the yearbook
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PostSubject: Re: Forum Talk.   Forum Talk. I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 02, 2011 11:09 am

That made my day.Thank you so much! ♥
I feel exactly the same way about you and I love trading with you.Lets call that fight a disagreement because well we didn't fight.Thank you for being an amazing friend and I hope one day we can become bestest of friends!!

You made me have a tear.
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PostSubject: Re: Forum Talk.   Forum Talk. I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 02, 2011 2:41 pm

Aww I love you girls as a friend (: your all great you all made my day a little bit sweeter each day (: I am glad I made you happy. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Forum Talk.   Forum Talk. I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 03, 2011 7:58 pm

OMG thank u italian princess i am sooooooo happy this made me start to cry!
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PostSubject: Re: Forum Talk.   Forum Talk. I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 03, 2011 8:59 pm

Aww your most welcome my baby sister. (:
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PostSubject: Re: Forum Talk.   Forum Talk. I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 10, 2011 1:15 am

Ahh, these are really nice for all the other members <3
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PostSubject: Re: Forum Talk.   Forum Talk. I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 16, 2011 10:06 pm

Oh mousie I forgot to do you I will make you one Smile hold on
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PostSubject: Re: Forum Talk.   Forum Talk. I_icon_minitime

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