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overstuffed bear

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PostSubject: this can be moved now   this can be moved now I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 24, 2010 12:17 pm



Please do not enter if you already have a hamster cage!!!
This person may not enter Katie Bee since she already won a previous contest for this.


1. You may only enter once
2. Write a short story about Hamsters
3. Do not copy other peoples stories


babv-lovers rocks
Sooo Many Great entries Everyone has done a wonderful job so far. It will be a tough decision for the staff!! If you do not win Please do not worry we will have other hamster cage contest again!

Last edited by priscillaballerina31 on Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:32 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : added info)
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Jr. Assistant
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PostSubject: Re: this can be moved now   this can be moved now I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 24, 2010 1:34 pm

This story is about how a zuh zuh pet hamster named Pipsquek got her name.

One sunny day in Zuh Zuh city there was a big party for all hamsters fun(aka Pipsquek befor sher new name), Chunk,Mr.squiggles,Numnums,Jilly,Scoodles,Winkie,and Nugget where all there. There where games, prize,dance contest, sing contest, And more. Fun was scared to enter a contest but, her friend Jilly said that she should try and sing her heart out in sing enter it and Jilly enter it too. Latter in the party it was time for the sing contest and fun went first. All fun did was squek and pip. So fun did not win but that she got the best prize ever A NEW NAME!!!! That is Pipsquek and she love it.

good luck to everyone
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building bunny
building bunny

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PostSubject: Re: this can be moved now   this can be moved now I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 24, 2010 2:49 pm

The Story of Whiskers the Hamster
by PrettyPerfefect

Based On A True Story ( Of My Hamster )

I opened my eyes very timidly just to see some more humans staring and pointing at me. Typical. This happens every minute of everyday. Well, time to act cute, though it never has gotten me adopted. So I got up and started cleaning myself. That always gets their attention. Then I went and started running on my wheel, which I have never liked. It is so squeaky. I would get on it all the time if it weren't. So now I went randomly around the cage doing everything I could to seem cute. Then I could see the humans talking, and someone from the store came over to them. ( I knew this because they were the ones that took care of me and were always in red. ) The worker took out a key and opened the door to my cage. He picked me up and handed me to the young girl human. She was very kind and gentle. She said something that made the worker take me back and put me in a dark box with small holes near the top. The rest of the time in that box was bumpy and loud. Finally it was quiet and the box opened. The young girl took me out and set me down on the floor. We were not at the pet store anymore. I had been adopted.

Chapter 2:

I stood frozen for awhile to take it all in. Wow, I had been adopted! Finally after all this waiting. Suddenly, the human picked me up in her warm gentle hands. She started talking to me very kindly. She had a kind sparkle in her eye that let me know she was friendly. She put me in a hamster ball to run around. This was good too, no more squeaky wheels, but I could still get my exercise. I started running around the room in the ball. It was very big and cozy. I stopped next to my human who was kneeled on the floor. She smiled at me and started to set up a cage for me. I took a large sniff of the air. Ahhhh, the wonderful smell of fresh wood chips. I knew I was going to like it here. After a while she finished with my cage. She gently took me out of the ball and set me down in my new cage to look around.

Chapter 3:

The cage was very large but cozy. I loved the fresh sent of the wood chips though. In the back left corner there was a little purple house for me to sleep in. Next to that was a delicious edible couch. In the center off to the right side was a bowl full of food. Wow it sure smelled good, but first i wanted to look around. In the bottom right corner was a bottle of water. Next to the couch was a blue tube that led upward. i carefully crawled up until I was in a clear bubble with bedding a chew sticks. This was my very favorite room already. It was high abive my cage and I could see the whole room from here. Well I should probably finish looking around. I cautiously crawled back down. There was another blue tube next to my house, so I crawled up that. It led to a giant wheel above my cage. This was pretty cool too. Suddenly I heard an unfamiliar voice call my human. My human hurried out the door to see the source of the voice. She left the door open, not good. It's not good because of what I saw poke it's head into the room. It was a cat.

Chapter 4:

The cat pranced into the room with it's eyes fixed on me. She pounced onto the dresser where I was. In a very terrifying voice she said " So you must be the new pet around here? ". I stood frozen in fear. She rolled her eyes and said " I am not going to eat you, I am not that kind of cat. ". I got one word out " Really? " I said still trembling in fear. " Really " she said " I am Peeper, Kayla's other pet. ". " So is that my, I mean our, human's name? " I asked calming down a bit. " Yes it is. " said Peeper. As I calmed down I giggled a little bit. " What's so funny? " asked Peeper. " I am sorry, but Peeper is a funny name " I giggled. " I may not be that kind of cat, but I can still be really mean. " said Peeper angrily. " Sorry.. " I squeaked. Then a dog stuck his head in the room. He looked nice enough but you could never tell with dogs.


This is all I wrote but I hope you like it Smile
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building bunny
building bunny

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PostSubject: Re: this can be moved now   this can be moved now I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 26, 2010 3:08 pm

Mickey the Hamster and friends

Mickey woke up one day, went to make brekfast, he put vegables in his sandwitch, "yum" he said, he finsih eating and went to take morning walk, he stepted outside, and waited for his friends, Num nums, and micheal hamster, they had fun and it was lunch time, he invited his friends for lunch and they a Squeaklious lunch, they went to the playground and it was dinner and their mama's and papa's said in for dinner, and they had a fun day that day.
the end
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Graphic Artist
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PostSubject: Re: this can be moved now   this can be moved now I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 27, 2010 8:05 am

My Short Story, by Rico the Hamster.

I stared out into Sam's bedroom. It was very messy today! At least I dont have to clean it up! Hmm being a hamster does have its privalliges! You get to sit around all day, waiting for your servant owner to come and clean you out and give you food... etc...

But sometimes I get very lonely, because my brother died a year ago, I and Sam, well, have been devistated. He loved him very much as he loves me, and I will never forget him. He always made me laugh, and it was great living in this cage. But now its different.

Ever since he died, Sam has been, well, different. He doesnt get me out as much, and occaisonly forgets to feed me... Its not a happy life at the moment, but I hope it will get better, like it did before my brother died. Much better.
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PostSubject: Re: this can be moved now   this can be moved now I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 28, 2010 1:10 pm

How I got my first pet!
By: HannahGemFriend30

Amy have been always wanting a pet her whole life.

One day Amy and her friends were walking when they saw a hamster laying on the sidewalk. Amy quikly carried the hamster to check what happened to it. The hamsters left leg were injured and could not move. Then Amy and her friends quickly went to the pet care to help them fix the broken leg. After that the hamster stayed at Amy's house until it legs got better. Amy have been attach to the hamster and want to keep it but her parents told her the she should give it to it's owner so Amy had no choice Amy have to make flyers about the hamster she found. When the hamsters legs got better about three days later the owner came to Amy's house. Amy told the owner about how she saw the hamster having it's left leg broken and told the owner how she took good care of the hamster. After that the owner decided to give Amy the hamster as a reward of taking good care of it!

Amy was so happy finally she got her own pet! Amy named the hamster Chubby because of how fat the hamster looks!

Good Luck to everyone!
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rockin' officer
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PostSubject: Re: this can be moved now   this can be moved now I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 29, 2010 7:39 am

Being a class hamster was difficult. Not only did Willy have to entertain them on his wheel and let them feed him he had to do the classwork too. Willy thought that he instead of spending his time in his sleeping hut he would just steal some paper and a pencil and join the class. Today was Harriet's turn to feed him but she never locks the door properly. Willy undid the lock and came out on the table looking for the best way down. He slid down the table leg like a firepole. He scuried along the floor until he reached the organizing cabinets that had all the supplies in the classroom. Thankfully Rebecca, another student, always kept her legos right next to the cabinets so Willy used them as stairs. Willy got up to the top and hopped in and out of baskets until he reached paper and pencil where he put them in his mouth. Willy climbed down the lego stairs and said aloud "Now how am i suppose to get back up?" Willy knew he had to get there before the janitor comes because Harriet would get in trouble for not locking the cage. Willy improvised. One of the table legs had tons of gum on it left by the gum-chewer of the class, Adam. Willy thought it was un-hygenic but used the gum as footholds and handholds until he reached the top of the table. Willy got back in his cage and shut the door. Letting out a sigh of relief he put the paper and the pencil behind the excersize wheel where nobody would see it and went to go wash his paws.
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building bunny
building bunny

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PostSubject: Re: this can be moved now   this can be moved now I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 29, 2010 6:12 pm

Fred wasn't just any ordinary hamster who lived in a warm, loving child's home. He was a superhero hamster. Now you may wonder why his name is Fred and not some cool name like Under Dog from that movie many kids like to watch. But, you'll find out soon... He was out one day helping the Leprachaun (who wasn't very wise) find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. That didn't turn out so well. Well you see, as they started for their adventure, Fred always thought about how the rainbow would taste (especially since he's seen one of those skittle "Taste the Rainbow" commercials) and he started to become VERY curious... The Leprachaun new what would've happened next if he hadn't stop Fred. Fred made an oath that he wouldn't taste or even think about trying to take a scrumptious bite out of the rainbow until they arrived at the end of the rainbow. The Leprachaun like i mentioned before was not wise at all and agreed. As they neared the end of the rainbow, Fred took a ginormous bite out of it! He closed his eyes and imagined he was flying. The next thing you know, the Leprachaun was going nuts because he couldn't believe what he saw! Fred was flying! Whatever Fred imagined would come true! Though he had this special power, he became very sick. Near the end of the day, Fred said to the Leprachaun that he wouldn't make it. Leprachaun weeped in silence for a moment and decided it was time to go back home. They both said their farewells and Fred lay on the ground like a dog that was worn out after hours of wandering. A child came by and noticed how sick Fred looked. She took him to the vets and cared for him 'till he was all better. Smile She kept him since that day forward and named him Fred. Yup. Fred. After the whole family leaves the house on a busy school day morning, Fred flies over to the Leprachaun's house for a daily greeting and has the best time a hamster could ever had. Fred later on met a close friend of the Leprachaun. The Easter Bunny! They laughed and sang and would visit eachother every day. That was my story of the amazing Fred. The End.
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fluffy member
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PostSubject: Re: this can be moved now   this can be moved now I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 29, 2010 7:28 pm

My story was way tooo long! So I decided to write a poem bc we're aloud to now. Here it goes.

Lost Hamlet?

Hamlet the hamster,
Cute and sweet.
He likes to eat,
Tastey teats.
Hamlet is so lovable and fun,
He gets along with everyone.

One day hamlet escaped from his cage,
I was filled with sadness and rage.
Hamlet was lost and nowhere to be found,
I looked everywhere-espically the ground.
Lost and lonely, he was nowhere be seen,
I was regretting all the times I was cruel to him and mean.
"Where is Hamlet?" I would often say,
Hoping he would show up in his cage someday.

Hamlet was lost for a week, you see,
I looked everywhere possible, there was nowhere he could be.
Then one day, while cleaning my room,
I heard a little noise and it sounded and decided to zoom.
I followed the sound over by my desk,
And in a bag of treats was Hamlet at rest.
It looks like Hamlet got hungry for a treat,
He's a little fat now, so I'll be feeding him some wheats!

Last edited by AshleyLuv2Dance166 on Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:25 am; edited 3 times in total
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building bunny
building bunny

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PostSubject: Re: this can be moved now   this can be moved now I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 30, 2010 3:31 pm

Bye Bye, Boo:

As I awoke from the strangely weird noise of children that I’ve never heard. I heard giggles, feet stomping, and the ear piercing sound of the chalkboard. I looked around, I’d discovered that I was in a different classroom.

So, If you haven’t noticed I’m a class pet. Kindergarteners like to pick me up and squeeze my midnight black fur. No, I didn’t like it but, it runs in the family to be a class pet. I’ve been moved from room to room, state to state. I’m almost 7 now, and I’ve slowed down a bit.

There only one girl in the class that actually treats me with care. Her name is Emily. When she picks me up, she holds me gently. Also, she loves to help out Mrs. Dabbs. Emily feeds me, checks on me, and she is always first to class. When naptime, Emily just can’t seem to fall asleep. I mean, come on. She a kindergartener, I’m her first class pet! Next year, I’ll miss her.

School’s over in 2 weeks and me, Boo, I have not been feeling well. Mrs. Dabb’s asks, “Emily, would you please feed Boo?” “Yes Mrs. Dabbs!”
Skip-itty-skip, as Emily comes over with food. “Huh? Boo? Wake up! It’s time to eat. *Cries* Mrs. Dabbs, Boo died. He’s not breathing.”
“Oh, honey I bet he’s just sleeping. Aww… Emily he has passed. Thank-you very much for telling me that. It’s going to be o.k. Everything and everyone dies. Boo was old, he need his good sleep.” Said Mrs. Dabbs.

So, I’ve told this story from Hamster Heaven. I really did need my sleep. It turned out I was just getting to old to do anything. I do enjoy it here, as though I will see Emily one day. Smile
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building bunny
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PostSubject: Re: this can be moved now   this can be moved now I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 30, 2010 5:13 pm

in a far away land there was a village of hamsters the mother(queen) was named berry and the dad(king) called roots or nicknamed tree and there village was calls berry trees villages. all the townfolk was their children. (so um they married there brothers and sisters EW! :shock:) and when a new child came they give it a bell and everyone would go nuts from the ringing of the bells over and over again :x so they started to kill any child that was born Sad and the parents would cry and leave the village soon the town was all alone and
so the king and queen died and the village turned into a forest where free hamster lived
happliy ever after. the end
Very Happy and this story is not real and idc if i lose i was bored
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building bunny
building bunny

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PostSubject: Re: this can be moved now   this can be moved now I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 31, 2010 6:50 pm

Hey! This is a hamster letter!

Dear, Rocky

Today in Buildabearville there has been a new update for a new reward. A new reward for finding the lost hamster ball. This is an extraordinary discovery,and I need your help finding it. Considering your related to me and much older and wiser I decided to write you. I feel so bad that because I messed up,your in a cage as a pet at Angela's house. I feel that I should be there and you should be here in paradise with all the other hamsters including Jilly,your girlfriend. Rocky, I bid you a fare sorry with all regards and tears of joy. Soon you will escape,but not with my help because when I joined Buildabearville I agreed to the rules and I will keep that promise. lol! So I msut bid you a farewell because now I must turn go on my hunt for the lost hamster cage. If you think of where it could be,send me a VM.

Enjoy the cage,
Num Nums
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building bunny
building bunny

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PostSubject: Re: this can be moved now   this can be moved now I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 31, 2010 7:26 pm

priscillaballerina31 wrote:
Please do not enter if you already have a hamster cage!!!
This person may not enter Katie Bee since she already won a previous contest for this.


1. You may only enter once
2. Write a short story about Hamsters
3. Do not copy other peoples stories


babv-lovers rocks

Can we do poems?
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building bunny
building bunny

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PostSubject: Re: this can be moved now   this can be moved now I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 02, 2010 12:29 am

Once apon a Hamster Cage, Far Far away, Lived a Princess Named Princess Squeekers.
She was sad, because her Father the king wanted her to get Married. She didn't want to at all. She came to Dinner one night and ate her Fresh Strawberry's Fancy as she was taught.
She was scared when she fell asleep that night. Wondering what to do, She said softly in her head, "Should I run away"? That night she did run off into the City of the Hamster Cage, It was busy, Noisey, she didn't know where to go, should I turn back or stay here.
She finally found a small Hamster Tunnel tube to hide in. She saw more Hamster's walking near her, She was scared. So she rested in the Hamster Tube.
She woke up and saw, Hamster's Walking, Driving so fast so many Hamster's she had Passed out. She finally awoken, she was hungry. "Um I need to find some food" She said in a soft voice.
Back at the Castle, Her father had Just Got out of bed. He walked to wake his daugter, But she didn't awnser. He finally Screamed and Slammed the door open. He though about why she would have left. "No wonder"! He Said. She doesnt want to get Married. I have to tell the Gaurds to go find her, He said in a Grumpy Voice.
The Princess walked by, Looked for something to eat. She was weak and needed food. She saw the Gaurds ahead, "Oh No!" She thought in her head, She ran as fast as she could, but sadly the Gaurds found her.
She was taken back to the castle. Her father was worried and sad. "Why"!? He asked many times at her. "Why"!
She awnered and said, Father, I don't want to get married.
"You don't have to anymore its your choice".
She was happy, went right to the Dining room, and ate her food up. She was very hungry!
She took along nap that day after Lunch. and lived happily ever after, The End.
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overstuffed bear

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PostSubject: Re: this can be moved now   this can be moved now I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 02, 2010 7:41 am

Kelz wrote:
priscillaballerina31 wrote:
Please do not enter if you already have a hamster cage!!!
This person may not enter Katie Bee since she already won a previous contest for this.


1. You may only enter once
2. Write a short story about Hamsters
3. Do not copy other peoples stories


babv-lovers rocks

Can we do poems?

Sure go ahead and do a poem!!!
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fluffy member
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PostSubject: Re: this can be moved now   this can be moved now I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 02, 2010 2:00 pm

Hamsters are very cute.They are very small to so you have to becareful with hamsters you could kill them bu squashing them or even stand on them.Hamsters are very riggly so you have to try and keep hold of them before they fall.You may give your hamster a friend but expect it to fight.Unles it has a friend from young.Hamsters are a bit like us apart from they cant talk or do alot of things like us but they can move and eat and get washed and make noises.Thats how there like us.If you are thinking of getting a hamster make sure you get one and if you want to get it a friend get it on the same day or a couple of days later.You can either have a word with your local pet store.
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pawsome poster
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PostSubject: Re: this can be moved now   this can be moved now I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 03, 2010 8:19 am

Chapter one The Bad Beginning

I wake up like a normal person ready for school. My hamster friend Jenn stayed over for the weekend. We got on the bus. When we got to school there was a cloud hovering over it. The bus let all of the hamsters of. I had never seen the school like this before. Before I knew it a tornado went right aroud the school. I look around Jenn wasn't there. I screamed , "JENN!!!!!!!!!"
Chapter Two
The Banner

Jenn!! I screamed she disapeared with the tornado in a flower pot i was puzzled. I opened the top and climbed in a fell a long way and ended up underground. I found Jenn right in the corner. I ran over and untied her. I stood up and walked around. "This is a junky place." I said. We walked and walked until I found a banner i looked at it. It was like a fortune cookie and said, "Prepare to die." "Well that is an interesting statement." Jenn said. I turned the corner and the floor was broken. I never throught the school underground was like this. I heard the pot top close and lock. " uh Jenn how do we get out?" No reply. I picked up the banner and put it in my backback. "Who was the person that tied you up?" Idk i think it was a kidnapper or something. "yeah that is the usual answer!" I thought there was a small door in the corner i walked to it and crawled through. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My hamster friend was dead.
Chapter Three The Earthquake

I was falling, falling and falling until i reached ground. I looked around and had no idea where i was. Jenn was calling from the small door, "Lindsey!!!" I screamed back i was fine and i will put a pad so when Jenn would fall she wouldn't get hurt. "Okay!" She fell down and landed on the pad we got up looked around and saw a girl. She didn't look very pleasant. I walked over and introduced myself she didn't look nice. I think she liked to perfect people. I just walked away. In the corner of my eye i swore i saw something. I had no clue what it was. To my surprise it was a girl all tied up. I ran over helped her and said, "Hi, I am Lindsey nice to meet you." She smiled and answered her name was Linda and has been trapped down here since she was in 3rd grade. "That is a shame." Jenn stepped foward introducing herself when the ground started to shake little by little. "Guys do you feel the ground shaking or is it just me?" No answer. I screamed, "Earthquake!!!!" The walls started falling down Jenn and Linda were infront of me. I was running they made it to the next door. I felt something on my leg. A big peice of wall was on it. "Really now!!" I somehow picked it up and ran to the other side. To my surprise i was fine i looked around. "I think this is a dead end." Linda said.....................................
Linda fell asleep but we couldn't hear her breathing. Linda, wake up, I touched her with my furry hands.
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