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Go on sign up & HAVE FUN WITH US Very Happy
ChatBox Rules And Regulations Coolte12
Hello guests,
If you haven't already, sign up and have fun with us!!
Unfortunately you won't be able to write any comments or take part in our contests until you have singed up.
Go on sign up & HAVE FUN WITH US Very Happy
ChatBox Rules And Regulations Coolte12
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 ChatBox Rules And Regulations

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PostSubject: ChatBox Rules And Regulations   ChatBox Rules And Regulations I_icon_minitimeSun May 03, 2009 12:41 pm

Chatbox Rules
Must be followed by all members at all times.

1. Be polite
2. Do not pretend that you are a staff member and can ban someone
3. Inappropriate language and swear words will not be tolerated!
4. Do Not post personal information
5. Do Not post Links
6. No preforming moderating actions for fun
7. Respect All Staff Members
8. Do Not post any pictures of yourself or of your family memeber
9. No writing in Blue and red as those colors are reserved for staff
9. No spamming the chatbox
11. No trade talk inside the chatbox
12. Do not write ever single word in capital letters
13. NO violence eg. *Punches* etc.
14. Do not talk about any other forum, blog, or any other site even if its your personal site
15. If someone is breaking any of the following rules contact a member of staff.
16.No drama...No crying about personal problems in chatbox
17. Please write in bold so all of our members won't have trouble seeing the font
18.Do not threaten to quit the forum for any reason in the chat box, by posting in a pm to several members, or by posting a thread anywhere on the forum.
This action causes too much drama and will be enforced by having your job status taken away if you are a staff member.
19. No Begging for stuff on chat not even on pms!
20.No stating school grade and or class .
21. Dont ask for jobs
22. Have fun!

Last edited by Admin on Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:28 pm; edited 12 times in total (Reason for editing : Adding rule 17)
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