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 Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D

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Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D Empty
PostSubject: Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D   Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 01, 2011 7:34 am


This is my blog of Randomness!!! It'll be mostly about Anime,Cosplay,Drawings,Art,Anime Reviews,etc.

First off i would like to Introduce some Anime Characters that are helping me with this blog!!~ ^^

Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D Zero+kiryu
Zero:Do i really have to be here,Chelsea-Chan? =3= Me:Of course you do,you promised you would help me with this blog!!! Zero:Grr...fine....Me:This is Zero Kiryu from Vampire Knight!!~ <3

Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D Edward_elric
Edward:I'm supposed to looking on way's to get Al's body back and my arm and leg back,not doing some blog!! :U Me:Oh calm down shorty!!! I bet that someone here will have a philophosers stone!! Edward:Don't call me small,again!!!! >:[ Me:Anyways this is Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist!!!~ He's one of my Favorite Characters from Fullmetal!! ^^

Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D 1229934421960_f Roy:It's a pleasure to be here Chelsea-Chan :] Edward:You invited the Flame Alchemist here!!You know i don't like him!!! D: Roy:Knock it of Fullmetal,you always getting into trouble so i came to watch over you so that you don't get into more trouble....Edward:Oh yay..>.> Me:Ignore Edward and Roy who are arguing,Anyways this is Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist ^^

So no that you know the Anime Characters that are going to help me out with this blog,let's get started!!! Very Happy

Has anyone Seen Fullmetal Alchemist,or Vampire Knight?

Edward:Uh,i'm in fullmetal alchemist so does that count? XD I'm also the main character for it as well,but the flame alchemist isn't!! >XD

Roy: -glares at Ed- Oh haha -3-

Zero:-glares at both of them- You guys are more annoying then the DayClass Students....

Me:Okay,Okay,No fighting or Arguing!!!!! ^^"

So has anyone seen Fullmetal alchemist or Vampire Knight? :3



Well i wrote up a review for Fullemetal Alchemist:Brotherhood so here it is....

If you are a fan of the Fullmetal Alchemist manga, then you’ll love this 2009 remake.
Unlike the first anime series, Brotherhood follows the storyline as written by Hiromu Arakawa down to the exact kanji. The action sequences are well scripted,the emotions illustrated on each of the characters faces are a true testament to the skill of Ms. Arakawa and the series animators.

If you have not seen the first series or read the manga, have no fear. Brotherhood goes all the way back to the beginning and retells the story of the two brothers, Ed and Al Elric and their journey into alchemy, the tragic loss of their mother, and their subsequent breaking of taboo in trying to bring her back. The story is heart-warming, funny, and speaks volume about human behavior. But more than anything, this is a coming of age story about two brothers who make a lot of dumb mistakes along the way but always manage to carry on. Although the setting for Brotherhood is fantastical, there are a lot of elements relatable to everyday life and one cannot help but love the characters.

That said, there are differences between the original Fullmetal Alchemist and Brotherhood. The first series starts out much darker in tone, showing in detail the sin the brothers committed to warrant the heavy price they ultimately paid. The soundtrack for that series is phenomenal, perfectly accenting the mood and drama of the brothers setting off from their hometown, particularly the song Bratya by Michiru Ōshima. Whereas the soundtrack of Brotherhood adds nothing to the story and is at times, nonexistent.
In addition, the remake only summarizes the early events, showing quick flashes and clips of the events that transpired. The new series does offer up new details, but as for the actual deed itself, not much is shown. Brotherhood is also lighter in mood and in tone. While it showcases the wide range of emotions Hiromu Arakawa is able to capture and illustrate, at times, this tends to make the series a bit choppy. One scene can be totally silly and melodramatic and the next, dark and brooding. This often leaves the viewer uncertain of what to feel.

Overall Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is a very good sequel. While as a series it is enjoyable to watch, it does not really work as a remake. The original series give a better rendition of the brothers’ compelling back story. Whereas the director of the original Fullmetal Alchemist, Seiji Mizushima, had to come up with an explanation different from the manga, as Hiromu Arakawa had not finished her story at the time of the first series’ release, Brotherhood suffers from no such setback. Yasuhiro Irie, the director of Brotherhood, provides a more comprehensive account that flows better with what has already been provided. Fans of the manga will love this new Fullmetal Alchemist.

Mkay that's my review for Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood ^^

But i wanna tell you about how great the Voice Actors are in Brotherhood!!!

Edward:Oh no,Chelsea-Chan is going to go all fangirl again...=3= Me:Oh knock it off!! >3< Anyways on with the Voice Actors!!

Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D Vic_photo Vic Mignogna,the Voice Actor for Edward.He has played Ed in the Original First Season of Fullmetal and now in Brotherhood ^^ He's a very good voice actor and he's one of my favorites!! X3

Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D L_834912efed8b6a96affb0bfd9695ef85 Maxey Whitehead,the new Voice Actor for Alphonse Elric.Eh,i don't really like her Voice Acting as Alphonse in Brotherhood....but i kinda understand why Funimation has her Voice Acting as Alphonse.

Last edited by chelseacool10 on Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:10 am; edited 1 time in total
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Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D   Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 01, 2011 10:02 am

hahah that's funny nice job!!!!!!!! ill be waiting for more
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PostSubject: Re: Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D   Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 01, 2011 10:22 am

hahah that's funny nice job!!!!!!!! ill be waiting for more

Hehe thanks!!~ I'm going to update it,'cause i wrote up a review of Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood ^w^
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PostSubject: Re: Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D   Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 02, 2011 6:52 am


I found this awesome video of Vic Mignogna,singing 'Brothers' which is a song he wrote for Fullmetal Alchemist!!!~

Edward:What did i say,Chelsea-Chan is going fangirl again...don't you agree Zero?

Zero:=3= yup......

Me:-glares at both of them-

Anyways,i can not wait for Part 4 of Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood that's coming out March 29,2011 unless they've changed the release date.....^^"

Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D 91Ifs-Cp3bL._AA1500_ This is what the DvD cover looks like for part 4 of Brotherhood ^^ I'm sorry that the picture is so big...heh ^^"

Zero:Do you mind if i leave for a while?I have to go patrol the Cross Academy's school grounds...=3=

Me:-sighs-Fine....but you better come back!!! If you don't i'll send Ed to come and get you.....>.>

Zero:Uh huh,well bye...-walks away-

Well then,i guess i shall introduce some New Anime Characters that are going to be helping with my blog....XD

Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D Tumblr_ldveukuxla1qel7l6 Ling:Ello,we meet again!! Me:Hi Ling!!! :DD Edward: >:[ What's Ling doing here?!?! o3o -whispers:if ling is here then that mean's his bodyguards are here...- Me:I invited him to help me out with this blog,he's funny!!! ^^

Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D 1224333106_2718_full Death the Kid:It's a pleasure to be here,Chelsea-Chan ^^ Me: Hi kid,liz,and patty!!! Patty:Hi!!! X3 Edward:Uh....Chelsea-Chan?Is that the Symmetry Guy? Me:-glares at Edward-His name is death the kid....>.> Edward:Okay..... Roy:Its a pleasure to meet you,Death the Kid ^^ Death the Kid:Yes indeed ^^

Me:I'm bored.....

Patty:I know!!!Let's talk about giraffes!!! Very Happy

Edward:O3o Uh....what?

Liz:-sighs- Patty,why don't you look at this book of giraffes,okay? -hands patty a book about giraffes-

Patty:Yay!!! -take's book and run's off-

Ling:Alrighty then.....that was weird...o3o

This is a Random Anime Quiz i did like a couple weeks ago....

Rules: Answer each question honestly, and how it to the world, embrace your anime-loving heart!

Let’s start with the basics ---So, you’re top five favorite animes Ever?
1.Vampire Knight
2.Soul Eater
3.Shikabane Hime(Corpse Princess)
4.Fullmetal Alchemist
5.Ouran Highschool Host Club

Your top five favorite Manga?
1.Fullmetal Alchemist
2.Soul Eater
3.Vampire Knight
4.Ouran Highschool Host Club
5.Elfen Lied

Three manga you really like that does not have an anime show equivalent?
I Don't Know.

Top two favorite Mainstrea animes?
2.Fullmetal Alchemist

What's your newest anime interest?
1.GunSlinger Girl (Really Good Anime ^^)

Your top three favorite Video Games?
1.Any mario game
2.Kingdom Hearts
3.Racing Game's

Top five favorite Anime Characters?
1.Zero Kiryuu(Vampire Knight)
2.Aidou Hanabusa (Vampire Knight)
3.Kyo (Fruits Basket)
4.Edward Elric (FMA)
5.Makina Hoshimura(Shikabane hime)

Pick six anime characters you like from Anime or Manga
1.Zero Kiryuu! 8D
2.Aidou Hanabusa
3.Edward Elric
4.Shiki Senri
5.Tamaki Suoh
6.I can't think of anyone else xD

What three anime characters would be your best friends?
1.Aidou Hanabusa(Since i'm always pulling pranks on my brother and older sister xD And i'm always being funny xP)
2.Edward Elric
3.Rima Touya

What are the six saddest / touching moments you’ve seen in an anime / manga?
1.Deathnote:L's Death
2.Fruits Basket:When Kyo shows his real form and Tohru see's him
3.That's it Neutral

Top three favorite villains?
1.Hokuto from Shikabane Hime/Corpse Princess
2.Envy from FMA
3.Kisshu from Tokyo Mew Mew

Name six characters you just don't like!!
1.Kaname Kuran
2.Yuki Sohma
3.Akasha Shishidou
4.Ummm and that's it since i can't think of anything else >__<

And finally, if you would be an anime character, One Male, One Female --- who would you BE?
Dude:Zero Kiryuu!
Dudette:Makina Hoshimura ;3
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PostSubject: Re: Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D   Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D I_icon_minitimeSun Feb 06, 2011 10:27 am


Me:Uh...isn't Zero suppose to be back?It's been like 4 day's....o3o

Ling:I'll go get him,'cause ed's asleep -points to a sleeping ed-

Me:Alright,thanks ling!! :DD Anyways while were waiting for Ling to come back with Zero here's a Epic Song that is from Soul Eater Repeat Show(A new season of Soul eater X3 I can't wait for it to come out!!! -fangirl squeal-)

Now here's a Review that my best friend wrote up,since i was sick ^^"

Story wise, Soul Eater is zany yet familiar to any shonen fan. It takes place in Death City, where young people known as weapon Meisters attend a Shinigami School, where they take on missions to kill renegade souls(Or also known as Kishins) with their weapons/partners. Anyone who thinks this is reminiscent of Bleach, stop right now! Apart from the word "Shinigami", these two series have next to nothing in common, which is of course not a bad thing. I just get miffed when I hear people whine, "This sounds like Bleach, I'm not gonna watch it, etc". The story revolves around three Meisters and their weapons, and it seems that the first three episodes will work on introducing them one by one. There's Maka, a down to earth, long haired, school-uniform wearing girl who is partnered with Soul Eater, a sarcastic young man who relishes in eating souls and turns into a long handled scythe. Black Star is up next; a ninja from the Star Clan who would be an excellent ninja if only he could keep his mouth shut, and his weapon Tsubaki, a soft-spoken girl who's weapon form encompasses different traditional shinobi weapons. Finally, there's Death the Kid; he's the son of Shinigami-Sama (the real Grimm Reaper!) himself, and is best characterized as being extremely OCD; if something is not symmetrical, he has a nervous breakdown and is only able to pull himself together with the help of his weapons, a sister pair named Patty and Liz, who transform into pistols!The Soul Eater anime is based off the manga by Atsushi Okubo, a new artist who's found success with this work, as it is currently eleven volumes long and still running. ^w^

It's a really good Anime,and i suggest anyone that likes action,comedy, and anime should watch it!!! :3

Death the Kid: :O I do not have a nervous breakdown if something is not symmetrical!!! D:

Liz,Patty,and Me:Uh yeah you do,kid...

Ling:-walks in dragging,zero behind him-Ello!!! :3 I found Zero!!! ^^

Zero:=3= you didn't have to drag me you know that?

Me:Why were you gone for 4 days?!?!?

Zero:'Cause,Yuuki was yelling at me for being late to patrol the school grounds and i had to go to class but i fell asleep and i got dentition >.>

Roy:Your worse then the fullmetal kid......<.<

Edward:-wakes up- I heard that!!!Don't call me small again!! -starts arguing with Roy-

Me:-sighs- Again? Why do they always have to fight....? -3-

Edward:Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D 391689-20090718130401

Me:lol XDD

Edward:What's so funny?!?!? >:U

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PostSubject: Re: Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D   Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 07, 2011 5:06 pm


I have a Anime Review that i wrote up for Axis Powers Hetalia!!!

A series in which all of the characters represent different countries. You just have to think of it. Hetalia follows the chronicles of the personifications of countries as Italy, Germany, Japan, America, England and France in a bunch of random sketches. I really liked the idea when I learned of it, so how did this series turn out in the end? Good, though it could have been done better.

I absolutely loved this series when it started messing around with cultural differences. This series really has a number of priceless episodes in which it takes different stereotypes under the loop. The references to each country’s history are also really hilarious at times. You’re obviously supposed to take them with a “little” grain of salt and this series by no means attempts to retell its version of history, and yet there are times when this series is surprisingly accurate and provides a free history lesson.

It's a really cool anime!!!~ :DD

Now i want to show you guys something really Cool!! X3

This is Miku Hatsune a Vocaliod Singer!!! I saw this video on youtube and it was a live Vocaliod Concert!! ^w^ Vocaliod are singer anime robots that are voice synthesizers that can mimic voices and tunes. In simpler terms, that means they are "Singing Robots" so Miku isn't a real person!But how they did this concert was really cool!!!They had a screen on the stage if you didn't notice :3

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PostSubject: Re: Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D   Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 15, 2011 12:15 pm


Today i finally finished Fullmetal Alchemist:BrotherHood,and i have to say it was Epic!!!~ :DD But i want them to make another series,about ed going to the west(or was it east? Suspect) and Alphonse going to Xing!!! DX I cried at the ending,because of how it ended >3< But there making a FMA:BrotherHood Movie,which is coming out July 2 in Japan!!!~ X3 *fangirl scream*

Edward:-facepalms-Chelsea-Chan is acting like a fangirl again >.>

Me:Oh Shut it Edo!!!(Edo is how you say ed in Japanese xD)

Hmmm......i'm tempted to re-watch Vampire Knight and Vampire Knight Guilty....

Zero:>.> If you do watch Vampire Knight again,that will make you even a more fangirl over me..

Me:Indeed it will!!! :DD -tackles Zero-

Well.....i'm working on some drawings.....Edward Elric,May Chang,Alphonse Elric,and i'm also working on Chapter 8 to Frozen X3

A trailer of Part 2 to Soul Eater(It already came out,i just wanted to show you guys the video xD)

I found a really cute picture of Edward,Winry,Alphonse,Ed and Winry's kids,May,and some other characters that i forget there names ^^"

Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D Fullmetal_alchemist_brotherhood_64_06

Isn't it Cute?!?! :DD Yes Edward get's his arm back,but he still has a automail leg,and Alphonse got his body back X3

Edward:O3O Seriously Chelsea-Chan!!!That's a spoiler to Fullmetal Alchemist:BrotherHood!!! -glares at courtney-

Ling:Lighten up,Shorty!!!Chelsea must've forgotten it was a Spoiler to FMA:BrotherHood!!!

Edward:Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D Fma20

Roy:Okay that's enough,you two!!!

Edward:Oh wait is the Flame Alchemist going to call me Short too?!?! -starts arguing with ling and roy-

Death the Kid:=3= Wow.....there worse then Black*Star

Liz and Patty:Yeah >.>

Me:-facepalms-Great there fighting again....>3<
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PostSubject: Re: Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D   Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 04, 2011 11:47 am


Sorry i haven't been updating my blog lately ^^" I've been busy.....and my back hurts,so i can't really walk right now since it hurts to walk...anyways,i've started watching 2 new anime's!!! Yumekui Merry,and Hetalia:World Series(Second season to Hetalia X3) Yumekui Merry is such a Awesome Anime,i'll have to write up a review about it!! xDD

Zero:=_= great another anime,Chelsea-Chan will go fangirl over about it...

Me:Oh Zero,stop being so up tight!Now here's my review for Black Butler!!

~Story and Characters~
The story itself was overall enjoyable, though it's not something "completely" unheard of before. The anime "Chrono Crusade" has a slightly similar plot. I think what makes Black Butler different was the characters. To me the characters were mostly all lovable, even Ciel was, though at times he was annoying. But that was part of his charm ^^" I absolutely loved Sebastian!! I mean, there's literally nothing he can't do xD. And he's always so cool and calm about it Razz

I loved the art. I think I loved the outfits the most due the old Victorian era feel to them. Especially Ciel, Elizabeth and Sebastian were always very well dressed. The character design was nice and simple, but elegant enough to fit the context of late 19th century London.The scenery was beautiful and well done, which I appreciate very much in any anime ^^

All of the chosen theme songs fit the series quite well. I liked the ending songs the most, especially "Lacrimosa" by Kalafina. I thought it was very befitting of Black Butleri: the darkish and mysterious feel. Also the voice acting was great. Every character had the "right" voice, as in the one that suited them the most in my opinion. I was extremely glad that Ciel didn't have the typical "little boy" girly voice, because it would probably made me enjoy his character a lot less ^^". The sound effects and others were all great as well.

Yeah I enjoyed it Very Happy. It's very hard for me to come by an anime I truly enjoy (Yes I'm picky =__=") And I had my doubts about Black Butler at first. But I definitely don't regret watching it. It made me laugh (a lot), it frustrated me (^^Wink, it even made me cry (can't say why....) and that, to me, proves it's a good anime. Plus all of the things I mentioned above. It's most definitely worth watching.

Absolutely a "must-watch". Period. Razz Everything coordinates so well, no matter how odd some things and/or characters are.

So there's my Review of Black Butler!!!


Edward:Oh yay....was it now Colonel,Mustang? =3=

Roy:You and Al,will have to follow my orders.It's your punishment for getting into a fight with me...>w>

Ed:OwO What!!!!Are you joking,Mustang?!?!!

Roy:No i'm not Joking,Fullmetal.

Me:-laughs-Hahaha,nice going Mustang!!! XDD

Edward:-glares at Chelsea-It's not Funny!!!! >_____<

Ling:Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D Ling_y11


Edward:Why are you so happy,Ling!!! -start's fighting with Ling-

Me:-eye twitch-Not again....=w="

Death the Kid:-sighs- :O -notices Roy Mustang's military uniform isn't symmetrical- I order you to change your uniform to a symmetrical one!! -starts rambling about symmetry stuff-

Me:Oh boy,Kid is being weird again....

So before i go here's a funny Fullmetal Alchemist Picture xDD

Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D Chibi_11

If you don't get it,i'll explain it....Ed doesn't like being called short,and so there chibi's and there short lol xDD

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PostSubject: Re: Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D   Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 10, 2011 4:48 pm


I almost had a fangirl attack today,when i saw Videos of the New Vocaloid Concert!!!!~I actually screamed out loud in real XDD And my dad looked at me weirdly xD So yeah xDD No review on Yumekui Merry today,it's all gonna be about Vocaloid!!! 8DD I think that 2010 or 2009's were good but 2011's Concert for Vocaloid,has improved a lot!!!

I screamed when i saw a video of Len Kagamine singing 'Servant of Evil' :DD It's so cool how they did the Concert this year!! I <3 Vocaloid~ Enjoy some of the Vocaloid Concert Vidoes!!~ 8D

Servant of Evil~

Trick and Treat!!~ 8DD One of my favorite song's by Len and Rin Kagamine ^w^ Nya~ Len look's so cute with Cat Ear's and Tail!!~ ^w^

I'm not really sure what this song is called,but i really like it ^^"

Daughter of Evil sang by Rin Kagamine!! This goes along with Servant of Evil! XD

So that's all for Vocaloid Videos of the Concert, i will update tomorrow with a Review of Yumekui Merry and some funny stuff from the Anime Characters that are helping me with this blog,along with more video's of Vocaloid 2011's's Concert!!~ 8DD

Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D Len%2B2

Len Kagamine!!~ <3
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PostSubject: Re: Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D   Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 29, 2011 10:06 am


Sorry i haven't updated my blog lately,i've been busy with school,art class,etc. >w< Anyways,you guys all heard of what had happened in Japan,right? Well,Vocaloid,did a song and its called 'Pray for Japan' ^^ Here's the video...

It has English lyrics,so that you can understand what there singing~Enjoy the song!!

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PostSubject: Re: Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D   Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 29, 2011 5:10 pm

Lol nice blog He he cheers
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PostSubject: Re: Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D   Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D I_icon_minitimeWed May 11, 2011 6:52 am

Italian Princess-Thanks~!! :DD

Well,once again i'm srry i haven't been updating my blog.I've been busy ^^"

Zero:-w- Uh huh,sure,Chelsea-Chan

Me:-glares at Zero-I've been busy with school,now knock it off!!

Ed:And i've been busy,hunting down Scar! X'D -is being sarcastic-

Me:-pouts-you guys are being mean...>w<

Mustang:-wacks Zero and Ed-Oi!If i found out,that your being mean to Chelsea-Chan,again,then i'll punish both of you.

Me:-glances at Mustang-Thanks,Mustang!! :DD

Zero:owo Chelsea-Chan!!!You just let him hit me on the head!And i thought you were a fangirl -snickers-

Me:Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D Riza Excuse me?!I am still a fangirl,about you!You were just being mean to me! >:T

Ed:-w- Here we go,again...

Me:-glares at Ed-Anyways,i found out about stuff about FMA and when the movie is coming out ^^ And i found a really good Vocaloid song,that's sang by Valshe(A Japanese Person) but the orignal person who sang the vocaloid song was 'Len Kagamine'.I have a lot of stuff to show you guys,hehe x3

The second FMA Movie,is coming out July 2 in Japan ^^ I've been getting updates,from my online friend,that lives in Japan(No not,Alison...) She's been updating,her dA(DeviantArt) journals,telling us about the new FMA movie and etc. x3 I seriously can't wait,for the new movie to be dubbed by Funimation!! :DD

This is the trailer to teh movie,but its in Japanese ^^"

So now onto the next thing,i saw a commercial for a Toyota car,and guess what!!! It had one of the Vocaloid person,driving the car!!! :DDD -is in fangirl mode-And then they showed Miku,singing at a concert~! And they had one of the vocaloid songs,in the commercial!!!And this is a American Commercial,not a japan one~!! :DDD This means,Vocaloid will become more popular in America,and then that means,they might have a Vocaloid Concert over in America!!! Eep!!! X3 Here's the Commercial

Zero:Someone,please help us...Chelsea-Chan,is being a fangirl right now -facedesk-

Me:Shut up!!! >w<

Now for the one last thing,a song that was by Vocaloid but was sang by Valshe ^^ Here's the song,'Soundless Voice'

It's such a beautiful and sad song >w< But i love it anyways!

Well that's it for now,bye!!
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PostSubject: Re: Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D   Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D I_icon_minitimeWed May 11, 2011 9:48 am

Aaaw I like it! First time I've heard it! Smile Lol. Thank-you for posting
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PostSubject: Re: Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D   Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D I_icon_minitimeWed May 11, 2011 2:47 pm

I really don't understand your blog Lol! But it is good thanks very much for posting.
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Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D   Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D I_icon_minitimeWed May 11, 2011 3:06 pm


ItalianPrincess-Well it's a blog of randomness,of course xD And your welcome ^^
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pawsome poster
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Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D   Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D I_icon_minitimeWed May 11, 2011 3:14 pm

Oh ok lol I forgot about the title! lol I am so silly! Lol
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PostSubject: Re: Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D   Chelsea's Blog of Randomness!!!~ :D I_icon_minitime

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