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 Evie going away poem/story

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PostSubject: Evie going away poem/story   Evie going away poem/story I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 14, 2011 10:45 pm

Here is a poem just for you Evie because your my BFF and because I will miss you very much Smile

Goodbye dear friend, here is a poem frist

Your the heart of a leaving person but I know you won't leave because you want to you have to and I accpect that, and I believe that your heart will last forever as a friend and as a leaving friend but in a good way your leaving the pain of school or pain of the people of your fears your a leaving friend to me and I thank you dearly but you and I will always be Bff no matter what if you don't like me I will like you if you like me than I'll like you if you dislike me a whole lot I will love you a whole lot.

Your a bff to me and nothing will ever change that feeling that is deap down in my heart.

Dear friend, I know your leaving quicky your ready to leave but in my heart I know we will see each other very soonly, I will miss you dearly but here is a quick thing that I heard just for you, heard along time ago but I was saving it for a friend who was going to leave, here is a quick story about friendship leaving it's called I would love to share it with you,

Afternoon night we heard cats and dogs run from side to side playing with each other but they meowed and barcked alot to one another I had no clue what they were saying but I knew something was up I hade to figuare it out so me and Great grandpa ran towards the nosie and sudduly I hear nothing at all not one little sound I think they ran off or something but I heard a wipner and a sound of crying like a mouse, I had to know what is going on grandpa couldn't run because of his leg. I saw that it was my "best friend's" dog and I saw it was my Cat!! I ran to it picked it up and hugged it and I haven't seen this cat in one year I was a wreck when this cat of mine left I was scared out of my bright mind! but I could go on and on about how I was scared of my cat, but when I was talking to my bff who saw her dog and ran to it I was telling her the whole story part of it and I relized that my cat looked at me and said no, and I wondered why and I guess she knew what I ment because she pointed to the dog and My bff Katie looked at me and said "Oh yeah I am leaving for a few days and won't be back until like 8 days so yeah well see yeah than" and I was like what! because couldn't we just play together for a while until she has to leave? I thought to myself, and the cat pointed to the dog with heer cute paw and Kaite turned and said "oh yeah my dog is coming and well so yeah there you go I gotte leave but thanks for finding my dog" and well I was going to miss her alot but I didn't want to say anything so I thought I would write her a poem and I wrote

To a friend from another,

Your the heart of a leaving person but I know you won't leave because you want to you have to and I accpect that, and I believe that your heart will last forever as a friend and as a leaving friend but in a good way your leaving the pain of school or pain of the people of your fears your a leaving friend to me and I thank you dearly but you and I will always be Bff no matter what if you don't like me I will like you if you like me than I'll like you if you dislike me a whole lot I will love you a whole lot.

Your a bff to me and nothing will ever change that feeling that is deap down in my heart.,

she was about to leave when I ran to her house as fast as I could but I did make it and I gave it to her a I hugged her tight and she just smiled and I winked, I letted my cat have a little time with my bffs dog but we had to say goodbye but it was hard I cried and my cat cried and I scared for my cat more than me because I can make friends really easy but not my cat.

The last words I said to her "don't read it until you did it, trust me it will help when I say time is right please e-mail me to tell me what is happing and one day I will say Give the opened it means open it than you will know that it helps".

This shows that this story I made up is to just say GOODBYE Smile

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PostSubject: Re: Evie going away poem/story   Evie going away poem/story I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 15, 2011 9:16 am

Aaaw! Thankyou Bff! I'm back now! Aw! I'll make you another best friend graphic for that! I think that post is kind and great! Very Happy Well done!
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PostSubject: Re: Evie going away poem/story   Evie going away poem/story I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 15, 2011 5:30 pm

Aww Thank you Bff that means alot to me Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Evie going away poem/story   Evie going away poem/story I_icon_minitime

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