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Girls at Camp Coolte12
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PostSubject: Girls at Camp   Girls at Camp I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 28, 2010 2:21 pm

It wasn't easy leaving home to go to camp for 2 weeks,It seemed such a short time I would say but it wasn't easy leaving to go to camp for 2 weeks.Sophie was really scared about this although she would make lots of friends there but no people she know's are going so it will be hard mixing.Sophie,Her Mom,Her Dad and her sister were in the car taking Sophie to Camp.Sophie's mom seemed quite happy that she was going to camp and meeting new friends.Why did I sign up for this Camp Sophie said to herself.
Where here shouted Mom.Sophie walked to the camp on her own from the Car Park and seen 3 girls standing there they were called
Alice,Millie and Sarah.She began to walk up to them and they made friends.

Camp had ended they couldn't see each other because they didn't live close to each other but the Camp started to get famous so did Alice,Millie,Sarah and Sophie.

Leaving home wasn't Sophie's thing but Sophie had a big trip to Hollywood for another 2 weeks and she really wasn't happy,She always left for a different state and her mom began to start thinking she was never seeing Sophiebecause of this camp.
Sophie's mom talked to her and her mom said "Don't you think it's a bit much why don't you stop these holidays" said her mom.
"You got me to go this camp so it's all your fault if I never went I wouldn't be going on these holidays to Hollywood and do you think I like going on the hoildays,Well I do so you can't acutally make me not go because I'm famous now mom.

The girls got told they were going on no more hoildays bu they would still stay famous.

The end Very Happy

I hope you liked it :]
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Girls at Camp Empty
PostSubject: Re: Girls at Camp   Girls at Camp I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 29, 2010 1:16 pm

cute story the are famous now? i didn't get that part.

Girls at Camp 941268
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Girls at Camp Empty
PostSubject: Re: Girls at Camp   Girls at Camp I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 29, 2010 1:16 pm

Yes there famous Very Happy
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Girls at Camp Empty
PostSubject: Re: Girls at Camp   Girls at Camp I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 16, 2011 4:17 pm

Awesome Story! thumbsup Girls at Camp 941268 Exclamation Happy face(BIG)
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Girls at Camp Empty
PostSubject: Re: Girls at Camp   Girls at Camp I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 16, 2011 4:28 pm

i don't really get it? maybe im off today lol
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