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 write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!)

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write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) Empty
PostSubject: write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!)   write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 20, 2010 3:01 pm

WIN an open certificate

Start date-20/04/2010
end date- 27/04/2010

what to do:
write a story about your day at buildabearville. It can be about anything you do play games, decorate your condo etc.
Please don't make it a list of stuff what you do. It has to be in a story form.

Also note- its a story so it can be made up.


1. write the story without anybody's help.
2. no copying
3. all forum rules apply.

Very Happy have fun! Very Happy

Last edited by Camilla on Wed Apr 21, 2010 1:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Jr. Assistant
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write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!)   write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 20, 2010 4:11 pm

AJBubbles and priscillaballerina could not wait for there day out in build-a-bearville.Along with there friends Lilisparkle,Zoeyzoom, and MollyAllheart.Priscilla,Zoey,Lili, Molly,and Me where going to meet on the corner of Bear Boulevard and Butterfly Garden. I called Priscilla up and ask her I should call eveyone else."Yes she said i called Lili this morning and she will still be come.""So i don't have to call her" i asked?"Yes you don't" Priscilla said."ok see you later buddy bye". We hung up the phone.

I called Molly up first."Hello is this Molly" i asked?"Yes she said who is this"?"This is AJbubbles calling to remind you about the day out with Priscilla,Lilli,and Zoey." "Will you be coming" i asked? "Yes i would not miss it even if the sky was falling down And Zoey is here to she said" she said." Zoey will you be able to come too" i asked. "Yes"she said "Okay we will be meting at the corner of Bear Boulevard and Butterfly Garden" i said. "Suremeet you there"she said.We hug up the phone.

"I am alway the first one here" i said to myself.I was about to call Priscilla but someone what right behind me and said "hi". It was Priscilla with Zoey and Lilli."We ready to go" i asked."YES" eveyone sereamed.Lilli suggested we go to the Bear Wood Mall. That is where we can make our own outfit and artwork. As we where walking we got a little hunger.Zoey said" I am hunger could we go get food at the food court"she asked."I am hunger too" Lilli said."befor we do anything we will go to the food court and get food in the food court" i said.

After we got 5 pizza pies and ate 3 of the pies we went to go make art in the Art studo." WOW" i said. "This place is so big" Priscilla said."We had a Blast"lilli said. After we made tons of art work we went to make outfits. We Also made tons of outfit."I said waht to come back to my house so we can relaxs and chat?"i asked.

We went back to my house and we had cookies and relaxs.This was the best day ever.A week latter i sent thank you card to all my friends.It said"Thank you for come to the day out in babv.We had so much fun making art and outfit.Don't forget the yummie pizza we had.We should do it againg some time."
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PostSubject: Re: write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!)   write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 20, 2010 4:13 pm

^^^^^ Sorry it is so long I just had a lot to say.
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building bunny
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PostSubject: Re: write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!)   write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 20, 2010 5:28 pm

Today is a nice breezy day in BABV.. I went to Itzel's -LOVE HUGS PEACE- concert, at the Pawforming Arts Center!! Ok, so, here's the story.. "I can't wait for this show to start!" said my brother, LoganBearHero55. "Me either!! I LOVE Itzel!! She has such a PAWSOME voice!!" said I, BlakelyScorpio. "Hey, I'm gonna get me a mustard filled pretzel and a celebearation soda, want anything?" I politfully asked. "Sure! I'll have some extra-cheezy nachos with pawsome lemon-berry juice please!" he said. "Sure, no problem!" I said. So, I got up, and walked fastly to the concession stand to avoid the lines. "OH MY GOODNESS.." I thought to myself.. "There has to AT LEAST be 80 people in this line." * tick tock * "Finally!" I thought."Welcome to the Celebearation Concert Hall Concession Stand! How may I help you? OH MY GOODNESS I CAN NOT BELIEVE THIS.." proclaimed the staff. "What?!?!?" I questionally asked. "You're the 100th visitor today!! Do you know what that means?!?" They excitedfully added. "No.. No I do not know what that means." I said. "Well, it means you get to have you and 4 guests to go on a week long trip with Itzel and hang out together!! You also get V.I.B. passes for you and your guests tonight!!" :affraid: I was in total shock.. "Wh-wh-what? I can not believe this.. I'm gonna go get my brother.. I'll be right back." I said studdering. "Sure, no problem." replied the man, smiling. * walks to seat * "Logan.. come with me." said. "Why?" he replied. "Just do! Okay?" * walks to concession stand * "This is my brother, he came with me tonight." I told the man upfront. "Alright then. Cool! Here are you V.I.B. Go on backstage!" "Wait, don't we need to give you money for our trip and V.I.B.'s?" I said. "Nope, all you have to do is go to Itzel backstage and say you are the winners!" "Will the bear guards let us through?" "Of course they will let you go in!! You guys are V.I.B.'s!!" "Ok, well thank you so much kind sir!" "No, thank YOU." Me and Logan start to walk backstage... "Wow, Score!! How did you manage to win that?!?" Logan asked me. "Well, I got up in line at the concession stand, and the man said I was the 100th visitor! I'm still kinda confused about it all.. LOL." "Wow, that's PAWSOME Score!"
"Excuse me youngens, do you have V.I.B. passes?" said the bear gaurd. "Yes we do sir." *Shows bear gaurd V.I.B. passes* "Alright, you can go through." said the bear gaurd. "Hmm.. where do we go from here?" said Logan. "Let's go down the hall and read all the names on the dressing room doors: Maxine Clark CEB, ChloeRocks, Bearemy, Alyson Stoner, Corbin Bleu, Green Tracks, Miguel Sunshine, ITZEL!! There she is Logan!!" I proclaimed. "Yay!" screeched Logan. * knock knock knock*
"Who is it?" questioned Itzel. Me and Logan were astonished, and so greatful.. "It's your V.I.B. winners?" Logan quietly said while sticking his nose through the crack of the door. "Oh!! PAWSOME!! Come on in!" Itzel nicely said. Logan and I slowly opened the door "H-h-h-hi..." Logan and I said studdering. "Hi there! What's your names?" Itzel politefully asked. "My name is BlakelyScorpio, but you can call me Score." I replied. "Hello Score!" said Itzel "And what's your name?" LoganBearHero55, but you can call me Logan." Hello Logan! Well, we're gonna be together for a week!! That's PAWSOME!! I enjoy making new friends!!" Itzel said to us "Me too." Said Logan and I at the same time. "Who are your guests you're gonna bring tomorrow for our week of fun?" asked Itzel. "Well, since we can bring 4 guests, it'd be fair if me and Logan picked 2 guests each. So I pick my sister, PriscillaBallerina31, and my BFF KaiHoneydew! Who do you pick, Logan?" I said. "Uhm.. KylerUR2Cute, and NickBikerBear32." He responded. "How nice of you to share Score!" Itzel added. Oh!! It's show time! Wish me luck!!" * Itzel sings lots of songs and ending with the LTAL song.* "Wow, you did PAWSOME Itzel!!" Logan and I said. "Thanks!! I was really nervous." Itzel said. "There's no need to be nervous!! Hey there's our friends!! Come meet them Itzel! You'l LOVE them!!" I said. "Hi Itzel! It's an honor to meet you! My name is PriscillaBallerin31, but you can call me Ballerina." my sister, Ballerina, said. "And my name is KaiHoneydew, but you can call me Honey." Honey said. "And our names are NickBikerBear32, that's me, and KylerUR2Cute!! You can call me BB, and him Cute!" BB said said for himself AND Cute. "


Last edited by BlakelyScorpio on Sun Apr 25, 2010 7:09 pm; edited 5 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!)   write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 20, 2010 5:38 pm

i have a question... what is an open cirtificate?
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overstuffed bear

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PostSubject: Re: write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!)   write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 20, 2010 8:33 pm

Ballerina In Bearville
Once upon a time their was a girl named PriscillaBallerina31.
She lived in a magical kingdom named Buildabearville. Most of her friends just called her Ballerina. Ballerina's mind was very occupied because she was very excited being a VIB member and wanted to play lots of games in bearville because for the month of April she could get double bear bills for all the games she played.

Ballerina tried to at least log in quickly every morning and do her sportsplex game for 100 bear bills, backstage pass game for 200, and recylec center search game for 200. That added up to 500 bear bills a day but a long way for her personal goal she set to reach her second million she wanted to earn. Ballerina never had a lot of money growing up but in Bearville is she worked hard she could even become a multi-MILLIONAIRE!! So she figured out that she could play the gym games on hardest level and get 200 bear bills in a few seconds. so she tried to set aside time every day if she could play gym games 100 times she could get 20,000 bear bills a day for the month of April

Well things were not working out very well according to her plans.
Ballerina had trouble finding time to even log on to bearville at all on some days. She was trying to devote time to her new family. Now some people have very large families, but ballerina had a particularly large family!
Today when she checked the numbers of her new family she was shocked it was that large! 273 People to be exact!

Ballerina enjoyed her new family very much. Ballerina stayed up late into the night talking to her beary good friend katieBee. She was very happy to stay up late and talk to her good friend in a special place they found to chat called
BABV-Lovers Forum. Because for many months they could not see each other and missed each other a lot. Ballerina's Bothersome mother had something to do with that! But Ballerina's mom saw Katie mature and do very many helpful things in this new enchanted forum where they talked.

Ballerina was logged on to Bearville pretty recently and had a second window opened to her new enchanted forum also. Ballerina was playing games so beary hard, trying to earn those bear bills, and going back and forth between both places.

Soon Ballerina's friend KatieBee came to the chat box and they talked and laughed over old times they had together and how good it was to be
re-united again after so long apart.
When ballerina went back to the bearville place she discovered she was so busy chatting with Katie bee that she got timed out and ended up getting logged off of Buildabearville.

In a moment of hesitation Ballerina's fingers hesitated at her keyboard just as she was about to log back in to Buildabearville. Suddenly Ballerina clicked on the X button and closed her window to buildabearville.

This sparked a lightbulb to go off in Ballerina's Brain!
Because you see Ballerina realized she did not need to play those games to become rich in Bearville!!
Ballerina was already the richest Girl ever because she had so many friends both in real life and on BABV-Lovers forum!
It was like the old days when Ballerins first started playing in Bearville when she had like 200 bear bills and most of the time was just spent chatting and hanging out with her friends! It was kind of Ironic in a way where ballerina spent most of her day! It was on a lovely forum full of friends just talking about bearville and then going to meet in bearville and hang out when everyone could be together all at the same time!

The End- or the begining of more beautiful friendships to be made!ā™„ļøā™„ļø

Last edited by priscillaballerina31 on Tue Apr 20, 2010 9:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!)   write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 20, 2010 9:01 pm

Ok one day i was walking on hugsville street and i met this girl named priscilla and within in five minutes she was my best friend we would always go fishing together and play games together and play until bed time for the both of us we would meet up almost everyday and then this one day the sadest day i had in babv her mom said we could not talk to each other anymore and i was so sad every time i got on babv she was not there anywhere so we both had bi and a friend of ares both talk to us and so i would tell him hey (not saying name) can you tell priscilla that i miss talking to her ok so he did so he was a messenger but then one day i got a vm on bi saying hi this is priscilla my mom said i can be your friend and talk to you and i was SOOOOO happy and we have still been best friends since we still talk to each other every time we see each other are on and here is a secert ( Shh... we call each other sissy)

I hope you injoyed i know it is not good but it was from my heart and it is a true story ask priscilla
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PostSubject: Re: write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!)   write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2010 5:24 am

The camping trip.

I was going camping around BABV with my friends Hannah, Ballerina and of course Bubbles.
It took us three day to prepare for this camping trip. We wanted to discover the forests around BABV. We all went into the car. Ballerina started singing because she was so board. Bubbles was dancing on her seat and Hannah was watching a movie. We had 5 more hours of driving. After an hour, the girls really made me mad I screamed:SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. The girls stopped for 5 minutes. After five minutes, they continued. I'd just have to wait....

After lots of time, were finally there. I think ballerina did every song that exists ! I get out. It's sunny ! It's nice ! We set up a camp spot and Hannah had the map to go meet the real enchanted ponny ! Ooohhhh Aaaahh. We followed the map. This is traking so long. Hannah says were here ! I was so happy i was looking for the pony. Hannah sais wait Zoey isn't that your house. BumBUMBUMMMM. I said:It can't be. Bubbles said :Oh yes it is.

We asked hannah:What where you doing ?!?! Ballerina takes the map. Its upsidedown !
To still be happy Ballerina drssed up as the pony and bubbles as the dragon and we were in my backyard eating mmarshmellows like a camping trip !
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fluffy member
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PostSubject: Re: write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!)   write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2010 10:23 am

I was fiddling with my laptop on a lonley night when
I found something that said " Buildabearville ".
I clicked it and all the friendly bright colours made be click sign up Smile
When I joined, I started earning bearbills, earning friends until I had my very first buildabear!
I bearmailed all my new 5 friends for a bearhtday party.
My four friends nocked at my condo door and I opened it with a bright big smile!
Where Is Ella? I asked curiously.
Ella is right behind me! Chucked Sarah.
Ella ran out of her hiding place and we all giggled.
" Whose the bearhtday girl!? " Shouted Amanda.
" My brand buildabear Sparkle " I cheered
We all sang happy bearthday as Sparkle Skipped with the skipping rope I gave her.
" She is soo cute! " Commented Ella.
" Thank you! " I smiled.

We all hurried to the kitchen for I had made them all Sparkles favourite cake!
Chocolate cake of course!
We all tucked in to the bearilliant cake while The loud music came on and My friend Amanda ( Kinda Hyper ) Danced.
Me and Katie ( Kate is quite shy) were Bff's so we planned on a special day out!
Party ended and each guest got a little bearhtday bag especially made for them!
Me And Katie got changed.
I wore a bright satin golden dress with my golden bow and black heels.
Katie wore her red satin holiday dress with a red hat and red shoes.

We went to the secret coffee shop and drank rich chocolate milk.
Silly Katie got a big chocolate Moustache!
I giggled and pointed at her while she blushed.
But Then she giggled with me, we NEVER argue!
We were uterlly stuffed when we came home.
" That was a bearilliant night out! " Katie smiled.
" I know! " I replied.
" Lets do it on Sparkles next bearthday " Katie giggled.
Sparkle smiled happily.
Katie left since it was late night and Me and Sparkle were getting ready to go to bed.
" Good night " I whispered
" Night night, dont let the bed bugs bite " Giggled Sparkle

I sercetley woke up in the dark night and got
out my diary! I wrote the exact same thing as Im telling you now!
Unfortunetley Amanda thought I only liked Katie so we broke friendship,
other than that it was a bearilliant day!
Ever since, my diary glowed bearilliantly like fire.

It is a memory within me!
Good luck everyone Wink
Hope I win!

Last edited by princesspawfect186 on Thu Apr 22, 2010 9:57 am; edited 1 time in total
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fluffy member
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PostSubject: Re: write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!)   write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2010 3:51 pm

Ok, here's mine. I tried at least. Hope it's ok.
It's called....

"Doing dailies and having a camp out!
My friend Abby and I had been anticipating our camping trip. We were gonna go to the state park and have a HUGE campout! Mmmm, we could already taste the roasted marshmallows!
We packed our backpacks and headed outside. It was thunder storming! The rain was SUPER heavy! We almost started to cry. Abby sulked, and ran back inside with me.
Well, that was it right? Our camping trip was over.
Wrong! I had an idea. Abby and I both had BABV accounts, so why not have a virtual camp out? Very Happy We both logged in and went into den:cub camp. As soon as we got logged in, we decided we would dress up like chickens! That was something we couldn't do at our normal campouts. We both put on our old chicken outfits from last year's BABV Halloween.
We both started dancing around, going crazy! We even got free prizes from an awesome fountain, and we both earned 300 bearbills from pawesome panda and the backstage search. This trip was making us virtual millionairs! XD We even went fishing!! And out of the blue, after we caught a few catfish, we both caught prizes from fishing! It was so cool! I now L-O-V-E fishing!
Then, we went to my fabulous cub condo. I scavaged through my inventory, and found a working tent, campfire, pools, and even some display canoes! Wow! We didn't even have half that stuff in real life!! I went to my backyard and set up th camp. Then, Abby joined me. We were so super happy! This would be so fun!
Abby and I got out our marshmallow sticks. Mmmmm....we had the sweetest marshmallows. We got sooo hyper from them too! We started dancing around the campfire. Abby even did bunnyhops around it! We were so crazy and hyped up! My blue slide was by the tree. We went down it so many times-we stopped counting after 30!
Abby didn't wanna stop dancing! But, it was getting late. I had to convince her to come in the tent. She listened, and we went in it. It was so cool in it! It was like a tiny house! Abby and I even danced inside it. We did our honey shake moves, shrink moves, foot hop moves---basically everything! We gulped down tons of hot coco. Mmmmmmmmm...chocolate in a cup-yummy!
After a few hours, our coco started to wear off. Zzz We were getting very sleepy. We got out our virtual sleeping bags and told each other stories of all the fun we have everyday in BABV. Right as I was tellling my story about the time I went to a Babv-lovers party, we dozed off. Zzz Zzz.
The next orning, Abbyartsy78 and I(kristinDazzle21) wrote our names in the mud. We promised each other that we would do this again and again.
Like a monthly activity!
Did I do mine right? Or is it wrong? ):
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pawsome poster
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PostSubject: What a Day! (my entry)   write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2010 4:35 pm

(The Comic Sans Ms font is when Gaby is talking to the person reading the story, the Courier New font is when there is a conversation, the Arial Black font is when they're moving/doing something, the indigo font is the author's note, the violet/pink font is when Gaby is talking/moving, the orange font is the Enchanted Pony talking/moving, the black font is the stranger, the brown font is for the guards, the green font is for the Dragon, the dark red font is for the cashier, and the dark blue font is for Vanilla.)

"Ah..!" I said when I woke up on this bright new day in Build-a-Bearville.

Whoops! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Gaby; GabyPawfectPal to be exact. My hometown is Hugsville. My parents still live there, but I just moved here yesterday. I thought I that I was old enough to move. Mom and Dad agreed.
I love to skate, by the way. He he, that was random.
Well, I'm going to get a job at the Coffee Shop. Wish me luck!

*Gaby gets dressed, brushes her teeth and hair, grabs her roller-skates, and skates to the Coffee Shop.
She pushes through the wooden doors and walks up to the counter with great confidence.*

"Hello there! My name is Gaby."

"WHOA! *falls over* *gets up* Sorry... you startled me." The cashier replied.

"Aw, I'm sorry. Well, I saw your "Now Hiring" sign out front, and I was wondering if I could get job here?" Gaby asked.

"Sure, here is the application. *hands papers*."

"Thanks. I will fill them out at home and bring them back tomorrow! Smile"

"Alrighty. Thanks for stopping by! Smile"

*Gaby walks out the door, papers in hand, and skates back to her Cub Condo.*

"Hmm...let's see here.." Gaby says as she's looking at the application.

"Hey Gaby! What da'ya have here?" says Vanilla, Gaby's polar bear.

"I'm..uh..filling out a job application, for a job."

"Hence the 'JOB application'."

"Oh stop it, you silly! *starts tickling Vanilla*"

"Hey! Stop it! St-hehehehe-stop i-hahaha-it!"

"*stops tickling* Okay, well it's time to go to bed. "

"Aw, rats!" Vanilla complained.

"We need our beauty sleep, ammI right?"

"Like I need it! He he he! Okay, g'night! *runs up the stairs and goes to bed*"

*Gaby turns out the lights and falls asleep.*

The next morning...
*Gaby gets ready, blah blah blah...
Gaby is skating at top speed to the Coffee Shop. Right as she gets to the door, someone grabs her arm and takes her to the Lighthouse.*

"Hey! Let go of me!" Gaby yells.

"Heh heh heh, oh no I won't! You're coming with me!" replies the stranger.

*The stranger takes Gaby to the top of the lighthouse and ties her up to a chair.*

"What's the deal here??" Gaby asks.

"I deserve that Coffee Shop job! Not you!"

"Is that seriously what this is about? A Coffee Shop job??"

"That's right."

"Who are you, anyway??"

"I..can't tell you that."

"Yes you can!"

"Gotta go! Bye! Heh heh heh! *walks down stairs and leaves Gaby tied up at the lighthouse*"


"*struggles with the rope* Help! Help me! Please!"

"Who's there?"

"I am in the lighthouse! Please help!"

*Gaby hears footsteps..but they aren't a person's feet.*

"Oh my!" Gaby exclaims.

"Oh my goodness! Who did this to you?" questioned the Enchanted Pony.

"I have no idea! They wouldn't move their jacket and wouldn't tell me their name!"

"I can help! *blows air and sparks fly towards Gaby and unties her*"

"Thank you, Pony!"

"No problem, honey....uhm...I need a favor."

"Of course! Anything!"

"Well, me and my friend, Dragon--*sees look on Gaby's face*--don't worry! He's a nice dragon! Anyway, he and I were flying through the skies and exploring and then we came across a castle. We went inside, but the guards took him away and put him in the Dungeon! I need your help to free him!"


"Yes, you brave knight."

"..But I am not a knight." Gaby said.

"If you agree to help me, I will make you a Red Knight."

"*thinks about it* Alright, since you saved me, I'll help you. Smile" Gaby replied.

"Oh my goodness! Thank you! Here is your armor. *blows again at Gaby and a red knight suit appears on her body* Okay, you need to go to the Town Square, then the Cave, then Maxine's Cub Condo, the Plaza, Town Square again and talk to Bearemy, Throne Room, Main Hall, Bear University, Coffee Shop, and then the Bearywood Mall to find the gems to unlock the cell where Dragon is."

"*dumbfounded look on her face* Are you serious? I can't remember all of that!"

"Don't worry, I will remind you through your PDA. Wink Once you're done finding all of them gems, go to the castle through the catapult Dragon and I made at the Waterfall Mountain. The dungeon is on the bottom floor. Tell him that I, Pony, sent you to save him and ask him to fly you back to the Mountain."

"Okay, I will. Goodbye Pony! *leaves*"

"So...I have to go to the Town Square. Wow, it's far away. Gaby said. *jet packs appear on her knight shoes* Awesome! *flies to the Town Square and grabs the gem*"
" the uh...*checks PDA* Cave!"

*flies there, sees the gem and tries to grab the gem but a raccoon goes after it too*

"Hey! Gimme that!! *raccoon and Gaby fight for the gem*
Look over there, raccoon! *raccoon follows where the fingers point and drops gem*
Ha! Bye! *flies away*"

(Okay, I am skipping to where she goes to the castle because writing this would take FOREVER and it would be boring to read.)

"WOW! This is awesome!" Gaby exclaimed. *walks in, sees guards and hides behind pillar*

"*American Idol comes on the TV* OMG it is AMERICAN IDOL! My favorite show!" the guards exclaimed and they started watching the TV.

"LOL! Funny!...There's the Dungeon!" whispers Gaby.

"Dragon? Are you here? I am Gaby. Pony sent me to save you!"

"Over here! ('here here here' it echoed)"

*Gaby could here the guards yelling, "NO! He should be saved! Come on judges! Save him! Save him!..." and giggles.*

"There you are, Dragon!" Gaby said in haste.*places the gems in the right spots and Dragon is freed*

"Thank you so much Gaby! Let's fly back to Build-a-Bearville!"

*they both back to the Waterfall Mountain*

"Oh wow! You found him! Thank you Gaby! Here is a free poster for you for all of your hard work! Couldn't have done it without you!" said Pony.

"Yes, thanks! The food portions in the Dungeon were VERY small!"

*Gaby and Pony laugh and giggle*

"What? A dragon's gotta eat! xD"

Here is a summary of the rest of the story:

*Gaby, Pony, and Dragon became best friends, Gaby got the Coffee Shop job, Vanilla went to Kindergarten, etc.

"Who was the stranger?" you ask? Oh, he was the American Idol loving knight! LOL!*

Okay, I am done. Sorry it is so long!


Last edited by iRachel on Thu Apr 22, 2010 7:30 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!)   write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2010 4:56 pm

here is my entry

If I could invent a super power what would it be?
A)The ability to change time
B)Super speed
A is the absolutely right answer.
I remember a day in May, 2007 I had the ability to invent my own super power. Hmmm… I wondered what power would I invent then I decided the ability to change time. So I made myself an outfit built in with the ability to change time the outfit was a jean mini skirt knee length and a plaid strawberry-red and pitch-black shirt with just bought clean crĆØme white Nikes. The next day I woke up late luckily I had on my outfit so I made it to my school 8 minutes early my gorgeous skinny mom took me. At school my wonderful teachers Mrs. Bincle, Mrs. To, and Ms. Radish loved my outfit. I didn’t get to go to the restroom but never underestimate the power of changing time.
Soon, the school bell rang and I was out of my wonderful yet time wasting school. My mom took me to Bearywood mall since I had good grades. Bearywood mall is a huge mall filled with stores from end to end. Forgot to bring my brown, tan, and white coach purse but I got with my time changing ability. My beautiful model and skinny mom bought me exactly what I wanted a new headband it was lime-green with a hint of turquoise.
Later, that day we arrived at my two story gigantic house that has dark red brick and the doors have a fancy pattern or design. I walked into my room which is hot pink and it was past my bed-time so I changed it two hours less which was 7:36 P.M. I took a wonderful shower that made me feel clean. I soon feel asleep I thought about the wonderful things I did that day. My wonderful day of having the ability to change time was over.
I had the most awesome day ever. Being able to change time was really fun. Obviously, inventing the ability to change time was the best thing that I ever did or the best thing that happened to me.
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PostSubject: Re: write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!)   write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2010 5:48 pm

Good Luck everyone!!
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building bunny
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PostSubject: Re: write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!)   write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2010 7:49 pm

I got up and went to the kitchen. Today was my birthday, and I was going to do some stuff today so I wouldn't be bored. Grabbing two pieces of bread and popping them into the toaster, I thought of what I was going to do that day. First I needed to go on my daily nature walk. Then I needed to go to school. After school, I'm going to go to the mall, do the shifts, and maybe shop around a little. Once I'm done at the mall, I'll meet my friend, Phoebe, at the cafe. The rest of the day I'll spend swimming or decoratiing my Cub Condo, Ski Lodge, and Beach House. It all sounded fun, so I went to my room put on my favorite clothes, grabbed the toast out of the toaster, slapped some jelly on it, hopped on my ride and went on my way.
When I made it to the Pawsitively Green Center, I noticed the new baskets to hold the stuff in. "Nice! Now I have something to carry the stuff with!" I picked one up and my furry friend and I started searching for twigs and stuff. Near the Path in the Forest, I noticed my friend Phoebe. "Hey Pheebs! You searching too?" I asked. "Yeah, I"m planning on going to school after this. You going too?" She replied. "Yeah! I'll go with you," I said. So we finished up, recycled our things and headed to school. The class for that day was English and, since I was good at English, finished up all my work just in time for the bell to ring. I jogged out of the school and headed to the mall. As I was filling out an order for a customer, Phoebe walked in. "WOW! We have the same scedule, huh?" I said, surprised. "Ha! Yeah I guess." She said with a giggle. I finished up my work and we strolled to the cafe. When we got there, I noticed there wasn't anyone but us there. Usually a lot of my friends were there chatting, especially after school, but there ws no one. We called our waitress, ordered some hot chocolate, and chatted for a half hour. "Strange there's no one here..." I said. "I guess their busy or something," She replied. She seemed to be hiding something, but I decided it wasn't important. When we finished up the rest of my hot chocolate, she suggested that we go to my Cub Condo and she would help me decorate and give me a present that she bought. "Alright, lets go." We made it to my Cub Condo in about two minutes. I put my ride next to my house, and walked through the door. "SURPRISE!!!!!!" All of my friends were crowded into my living room and party stuff was all around. "Oh wow!" I exclaimed. I wasn't expecting this at all. All of my friends wished me Happy Birthday and showered me with gifts and hugs. I was so happy to be with all of my furbulous friends! "Thank you so much!" I said to all of them. I asked them who thought of the surprise party. They all replied Phoebe. I walked over to her, a big thankful smile on my face. "Thank you so much! This is the best day ever!" She smiled and said it was what best friends did for each other.
Phoebe has been my best friend in the whole world since that day. Everyday, we do stuff together and have fun in Buildabearville.
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PostSubject: My Story   write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2010 8:46 pm

Here is my story. Hope you like it! Smile
[b]Beariffic Fun On Build-A-Bearville
One day AbbygailBearDiva59 was sitting on a park bench chatting with one of her friends, Ashely. Ashely had to go. Abbygail said bye. Abbygail went to her Cub Condo house. She decorated the walls and made them pretty. Abbygail went to the Coffee Shop and drank Hot Chocolate. Abbygail then went to work there. She served hot chocolate.
Reserved for more
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PostSubject: Re: write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!)   write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 22, 2010 9:39 am

One day, Zoey and Ballerina were going to the Dungeon of Doom. 'You go in first, said Ballerina looking terrified. 'Ballerina, don't fret, we're not here yet. But by Ballerina's look I looked anxious. We walked though the throne room, when suddenly, I jumped. Right in front of me was ghost Green Tracks. 'I am coming to get you PriscillaBallerina31 and ZoeyAdventureBear1052. 'They aren't our names!' I screeched. 'They are Bear and Ballerina'. Zoey! said Ballerina. ' He's getting mad now. Run!' Me and Ballerina Ran as fast as the wind until we bumped into Maxine VampireBear. 'Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh' screamed Ballerina hugging me like mad. 'We've saved the dragon, he's freed so lets go into the dungeon.
We run into the dungeon but then MooBear Miguel Sunshine Giant comes and stomps over and picks Ballerina and me into his hand. I shivered. Just then he shoved into his mouth and swallowed us down in one gulp. 'Ballerina!' I said frightend that she had dissapeared altogether. 'Zoey?' Ballerina said. I think she was thinking the same thing of what I just said. We came and stood next to each other.
More coming soon lol!
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PostSubject: New to Buildabearville...   write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 22, 2010 5:15 pm

"Are we there yet?" Abbi, my new furry friend, asked me.
"We just arrived, Abbi", I responded. I can tell Abbi couldn't wait to move and so was I. We are moving to Buildabearville and this is our journey.
We rode up to the border and crossed it.
"Here we are!" I exclaimed.
"Wow!" She said slowly as she looked out the window to find wonderful sights and buildings.

Shortly after, we arrived at our new cub condo. I showed Abbi to her room so she could decorate while I painted. Her wall was covered in pink hearts (as to her request) and wood flooring. Next, we painted my room.
"What color and design do you want, momma?" Abbi asked me.
"How about light blue and bear heads and wood flooring", I requested.
I started decorating my room with stuff from our past house up in Kinzville. I packed my whole cloud set.
"Ok Abbi. Let's go down to Town Square to go get you some clothes. Now promise me you won't go wandering off and talking to strangers. Ok?" I asked.
"Yes momma", she replied.
We started down the neighborhood and to town square when I lost Abbi! She did not follow my simple instuctions!
"Abbi! Abbi!" I called but there was no reply so I walked up to this nice looking brown bear standing right next to one of the stores.
"Sir, I am looking for my teddy bear! May you help me find her?" I asked, worryful.
"Yes, sure. Don't panic, we will find her and call me Bearemy", he responded.
"Ok, Bearemy. Call me Kiley", I said.
We walked back to neighborhood and she wasn't there. We looked at the Sportsplex and Bear University but she wasn't there either! We were then going down Pawforming Arts Center and the Fashion District until we saw her by a long-eared bunny, who was surpisingly wearing the latest fashions.
"Abbi!" I ran to her.
"Hi momma! You can't believe who I just met! Her name is Pawlette Confur", Abbi informed me.
"Oh, Abbi. Don't you ever disobey me again", I hugged her tightly. I felt like I never want to let her go since I found her. She was the only friend I had since I been here.
We then exchanged smiles and became good friends and ever since that day, Abbi and I went to say "Hi!" to our new friends Pawlette and Bearemy, the furry friends with a big heart. (:

((Good luck to everyone and I hope you like my story))

Last edited by CutiePieRox on Thu Apr 22, 2010 5:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!)   write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 22, 2010 6:36 pm

Hannah has been invited to the 1st Anniversary of the Babv Lovers Forum! She was so excited, all her friends are gonna be there. She can't wait!!! Days past and The next day was the BABV Lovers Anniversary! She was so excited!! Smile

Everyone was there Priscilla,AJ,Zoey,Sage,Alice,Katie,Camilla and many more! The party started when everyone was giving gifts to everyone who came to the party... After they gave all the gifts some more people came HannahCyberGuide and a suprisingly guest Maxine. Everyone was so shocked Maxine came to the party! They all got Maxines April Month Prize. The party was so much fun. Then they just did all kind of dances and emoticons and had so much fun! The party was a success! Happy 1st Anniversary to BABV Lovers!

If it's ok to do a story about the party here is my entry.

Good Luck Everyone!!
You're doing a pawsome job!
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PostSubject: Re: write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!)   write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 23, 2010 9:45 am

One day, a girl called Rachel, had no friends, all she did was spent all the in Buildabearville. She saw all the other members of buildabearville having fun with their friends, but she didn't she was alone.
Every day she visit her town and played games, she wasn't very rich, only 2000bb which she then spent on new furniture.
The one day a girl with long brown hair came up to her.
"Hello what's wrong?" she asked.
Rachel shrugged. "No friends"
"aww you know there is a pawsome place where we meet friends, its called babv-lovers."
Rachel smiled and exited logged off buildabearville and went looking for the pawsome place.
She searched and searched, not a sign of babv-lovers. Then suddenly something cought her eye. A moment later she was joining babv-lovers. Beautiful layout with pawsome people.
There was a place for all of us to talk.
Rachel seemed nervous as she didn't know if anyone would like her. her hands were shacking as she typed.
"Hello, glad you joined." Said a nice person to her.
Then she looked up, in big words it said "Welcome our newest pawsome member- Rachel."
Rachel was so glad that people started to like her.
They all are always nice to her, kind and helpful.
she always visits her new town, Babv-lovers : D

its stupid but...hope you like it
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PostSubject: Re: write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!)   write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 23, 2010 2:22 pm

The story you have to read to figure out the title!!

I stared across the empty room of my Treehouse. It really, really needed some updating and dusting...
Why do rooms have to be updated? Why cant a magic Enchanted Pony come along and make your rooms for you? But, there was really nothing for me to do today - it was a crisp, chilly winter morning, and I was sitting on a chair drinking hot cocoa in my treehouse.
"Hmmph.. What can I do Bearemy?" Bearemy was my furry friend, and my best friend. He followed me everywhere, and gave a helping paw along the way. If I ever needed him, he would be there, in my purple backpack.
I was really packed up for the weather today - I had 4 layers of tops on, and 2 pants! Not to mention the 7 pairs of socks... I wasn't cold, haha, if anything I was warm!

Suddenly I heard a big knock on my front door - It was so loud I heard it from my treehouse! I immidiately rushed down my tree, and raced to the front door. I quickly turned the shiny knob of the door handle, and pulled the door towards me slowly, looking behind me.
"Hello, is this AbbieCandy556's house?" said a voice from in front of me.
"Oh! Oh sorry, I just heard a noise.. thats all," I replied. Oh. My. Gosh. I studied the character in front of me's body. It was furry! It had ears! And it was blue! I immidiately knew who it was.
Green Tracks!
"Wow, um, um, um!! Green Tracks! Its a pleasure!! What would you like?" I blurted out.
"Ahhh Abbie, I came to visit your Condo! I heard you got a new friend, Bearemy, can I come in?" he asked slowly, and did a cute little smile.
"Sure!" I backed away from the door to let him in.

write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) Pictur10

"Gosh! Lovely house Abbie! Did you decorate it yourself?" Green Tracks took a seat on my purple couch. My whole living room was purple - since it was my favourite color!
"Yep! Thanks so much, I still cannot believe you are here!" I said, rather quickly, since I still couldn't get over myself!
"Would you like some tea?" I asked him. He nodded and I did the "Ok" expression.
Quickly, I raced to the kitchen and fetched him some tea.
He was studying my art collection on the wall from BearyWood Mall when I returned.
"Wow, did you do these youself?" he was studying my artwork, which was so embarrasing, since I was never any good at it.
"Yeah..." I blushed "Not the best, but yeah..."
"Are you kidding? These are amazing!" I couldnt believe he just said that!
I blushed again.
Ahh I forgot to give him the tea, so I also handed the tea to him too.
"Would you like a tour?" I asked.
"In a second, I need to say something to you," I felt nervous, my body was feeling numb once he said that.
We sat down on my other Purple couch.
"I have also come to ask you something, not just to show me your Condo," he said quietly, "Well, I was wondering, if, well, you would..."
"Would what?" I was feeling really tense at this moment I forgot to be polite...

"Would you like to become my assistant?"

Last edited by candy on Sat Apr 24, 2010 8:21 am; edited 2 times in total
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building bunny
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PostSubject: Re: write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!)   write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 23, 2010 2:56 pm

i was walking alone in buildabearville when a little playful puppy walked up to me and asked,"will you adopt me?" i looked at her funny. "why would i adopt you?" i asked. "because i am lost and have no home!" she replied. "oh, that does give me a good reason." i picked her up and took her home to my cub condo. "stay here while i go buy a backpack!" i said. "ok." my playful puppy said. "let me name you fist though."

gtg... i'll post the rest later!!!
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PostSubject: Re: write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!)   write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 23, 2010 4:07 pm

Every single day in build a bear ville, i wonder down the street, i go in search for new friends, magic and special treats.
I thought what a boring day this will be, just wondering around the streets and everything was still, Then i get this call,
Suddenly I transform into a superhero, i was like wow, how can this be, then a girl comes up and says come on, lets go, i said where and she said wait and see, so i then found myslef going under cover as a secret ninja for maxine, we went around searching high and low trying to find the mysterious cake stealer. " I think i found him " clover said. BANG CRASH what was that, "It was the mysterious cake nicker" we must get him quick we both shouted, we ran and searched high and low, we were on a high speed persuate going through build a bear ville, and finally we grabbed onto him and .............................

you will have to wait and see what happens at the end, its for me to know and you to find out Smile
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PostSubject: Old friends <3   write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 24, 2010 9:05 am

It had been a long time coming. I looked for my little Birdy for 2 years, and I was about to meet her for the first time.
I had wanted a Build-A-Bear Workshop Flamingo since the first time I had seen one 4 years ago. I had finally gotten one, and I was walking into the Build-A-Bear to bring it to life. I met with Champ, who smiled when he saw me. It was not me and Champ's first meeting. I had 18 other bears, but when Champ saw the look on my face, he knew this one was special. I gave Champ the code, and he smiled as he typed each character into his data base. He told me that Birdy was in the back room, with a glimmer in her eye, full of anticipation to meet me. She chatted with anyone who would listen, and talked about how excited she was.
Champ typed in the last character, handed me my gift from under his desk, and walked me over to the BABV waiting room enterance, where little Birdy would soon come running out. My smile was a mile wide when I heard delicate footsteps. With unbelievable grace, Birdy the Flamingo ran out of the Waiting Room. She lifted her wing and waved. I opened my arms, and we hugged like old friends. I gently petted the soft feathers on her head.
Champ walked over to call Chloe Rocks and tell her about my new little Birdy. Chloe sent me a BearMail, congratulating me. Birdy jumped into my backpack and we said goodbye to Champ. "Bye, ladies! Have fun!" He replied.
Birdy and I went on a long overdue shopping trip. We bought her so many outfits, furniture pieces and accesories. We went back to our Cub Condo and decorated her room. While the paint was drying, I gave her a tour of the Cub Condo. We sat on my sofa in my room and watched a movie while we ate chocolate cake from Pawlette. By the time the movie was over, Birdy had fallen asleep after a long day, her wings tucked in. I swooped her up, and carried her to her room. I gently set her on the bed, and sat in a chair next to her. I dreamed about all the advetures we were going to have, and how happy I was to finally have her. Then, I fell asleep too, next to my beary best friend.

fun fun

NOTE: My birthday is coming up, and I am actually about to get my flamingo!!! I looked for her for 4 YEARS!!!! Very Happy I can't wait. This story is something everyone on Bear owner can relate to. It is a bit more specific then what happens, but it is what you feel.
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PostSubject: Re: write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!)   write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 25, 2010 8:58 am

Enjoy! Sorry its the longest story you'll ever read in your life. It's good though.

From Nobody, To "Omg! It's Her!"

Hi! I'm AshleyLuv2Dance166. A typical day for me would be waking up, changing my clothes, eating, brushing my teeth, then exploring babv. But a few days ago, something a little different happened. Well, it all started back in July. It was summer and I was borde. I really didn't have any friends and I was very lonely. I only had two furry friends and didn't know where to go with my life. I used to walk around town looking at everyone's cool bears and their cool clothes. I always wished that I could be like that. Well, one day, after writing a long school essay, I decided I liked writing. I like writing stories and about my life. Since I had no one to talk to, I wrote my feelings down on paper. I sometimes shared them with my two buildabears. Well one day in that hot summer, I heard a cool song on my radio and I really liked it. It was 'Let's Talk About Love'. I was humming it and then I starting singing it a little bit. It was stuck in my head for about a week so by the end of the week, I knew all of the words.

Sometimes I wondered
what I'd be when I grew up
And then I remembered
It was anything I dreamed of

I could be a poet or singer
I can be a scientist
But before I make that decision,
Let's talk about my list.....

I sand until I got to the last line in the first verse. Then I stopped. I slowly said the words outloud to myself. "I could be a poet or a singer, I could be a scientist, But before I make my decision, Let's talk about my list..." "I could be a poet or a singer" "Yea!" Right there and then, I knew I wanted to be a singer. I loved singing and I loved writing. This was going to be perfect! I was so happy I started singing it louder. Just then, my buildabear cat knocked on the door. "Ashley, can you turn the radio down? Ava and I are trying to do our homework!" "Sorry!" I said in reply. I then realized she thought my singing was an actual song on the radio. "Wait, Princess, that wasn't the radio. That was me!" She then opened my door. "Really?" She asked. "Yea, was I really that good?" "Yea! Your amazing!" "Thanks!" I smiled and then we continued on with the conversation. She asked me to sing some more so I did. The next day came around and I woke up happy and excited. I was happy that I finally found my talent. But what was I going to do about it? I really had no clue how to become a singer. I decided I would just keep working on song writing and my vocals until I could save up my money to hire a vocal trainer. So I worked at the coffee shop for months until I could have enough money. Finally, the day came where I had enough money. I called up the guy and he said he'll train me every day from
4-6. So I went on with my singing lessons and song writing, hoping that one day my big chance would come where I could become a singer. And that day, is today. Today, I woke up and did the usual stuff. But when I was walking through the Furbulous Fashion District, I saw a sign saying, 'Let's Talk About Love Singing Competition'. I was freaking out inside. I read further. 'Winner will get to record their version of 'Let's Talk About Love' and will get a record deal and contract. Entering time runs from April 25-May 5. Further information for entriants will be given out later. Actual contest performance on May 31. Enter today!'. I was freaking out!! I went inside of BNN to sign up. I actually entered a singing competition to sing my favorite song! I was so extatic!! So the days went on, and I sang more and more every day. Practicing with my singing coach. On April 30, I got a entriant letter that gave me all of the information about the contest. It said I should be practicing my singing (as I was) every day and that practice for the contest show will be Monday, Wednsday, and Friday until May 31. The practices went well. There were many talented singers out there.
The day of the show came and I was sooo nervous! I did an amazing job singing and blew the judges away. I was in the top 10. I was so excited! I had to come back next week for round 2. I had to pick a song to sing so I picked Be Beariffic. I got into the top 5 that week. Then, for round 3, I had to write and singmy own song. Luckily, I have written many songs. So I decided to go with my first song I wrote. Back when I had no confidence and no friends. I called it 'Every Little Part of Me'. I sang it and the crowd was teared up. The judges loved it and thought it had a beautiful message. It came time to vote and so the judges revealed their scores. The final three were ItzelSinger44, PriscillaBallerina91, and....AshleyLuv2Dance166! I was soo happy! So then the crowd had to vote who won. Bearemy came on stage and announced. Our third place winner tonight ladies and gentlemen is.......PriscillaBallerina91, everyone give her a round of applause! I was so nervous! I couldn't believe how far I was into my dream. And your newest singer that you have chosen to win the Let's Talk About Love Competiton, who will win a contract, recording deal, and will soon become famous is......(there was a silence in the room and my stomach was in a knot) AshleyLuv2Dance166!! "OMG!!!! Thanks sooo much!" My stomach dropped and I was screaming and crying. "Thank you thank you!" I didn't know what to say. I hugged Itzel and said she did amazing. She ended up winning $50,000 for all of her hard work and Priscilla won $25,000. Itzel was taken in by another record company and become famous. I was now one of the biggest names in all of Bearywood! The crowd loved me! I recored my version of Let's Talk About Love, and it was the newest song to be played on the radio. I won many awards and many things. I finally had more than enough money to buy things for my home and bears. I bought them all new clothes and re-did my whole house. It just goes to show that if you beleive in yourself, and follow your dreams, they can come true!
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PostSubject: Re: write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!)   write a story contest (WIN AN OPEN CERTIFICATE!) I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 25, 2010 10:50 am

babv is so much fun....everytime i go on there i always pick out a bearific outfit
and join some friends and hang out. we sometimes go to the coffe shop for lunch,talk about how cute some bears are,swim,dance ,and sing,sometimes slumber parites. then i play with my 2 bears i got from web passes since i don't realyl live near a local babw. i eat dinner and of course feed my wonderful 2 bears(spot and samantha) then they take baths and have some popcorn and watch tv with me and then its time for a story then bed Smile
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» Winner of VIB Story contest

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